Sunday, March 11, 2012

In My Mailbox (34)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past three weeks. 

For Review

The Classroom
by Robin Mellom

Release Date: June 19, 2012
Publisher: Disney Hyperion

Goodreads Page

I loved Robin Mellom's YA debut Ditched enough to auto-read whatever she writes next, and that appears to be a MG comedy! I'm really looking forward to reading more of Robin's humor. Even better, The Classroom stars a boy narrator!

There's also a "proud neurotic, in a color-coding sort of way," which, as a proud color-coding neurotic myself, pretty much seals the deal for me. 

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Mapmaker and the Ghost
by Sarvenaz Tash

Release Date: April 24, 2012
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Pages: 256
Goodreads Page

I totally shouldn't have requested it (I have a...*cough*...somewhat lengthy review list), but I've been pining over this MG book for SO long!

Ever since my elementary school project on Lewis and Clark (which I ROCKED), I've had a soft spot for the exploring duo. Add in ghosts, maps, and a quest and is it any wonder I crossed my No More Requests line?

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Ordinary Magic
by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway

Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 256
Goodreads Page

I loved the "magic doesn't affect her" spell in The Wide-Awake Princess, so my ears perked up as soon as I saw that main character Abby is similarly unaffected by enchantments.

Also, some people whose opinions I value have had convincingly positive reactions so far, so I'm game. This is another MG book.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Code Name Verity
by Elizabeth Wein

Release Date: May 15, 2012
Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children
Pages: 327
Goodreads Page

I was pretty resistant to this book for a while. Why? I don't know. It just felt...ok, I'll admit my complete and utter shallowness and say out loud that my brain went "Meh" as soon as I realized this was a book about the bonds of friendship between two women.

Where's the swoon in that?!

Also, I'm kinda WWII-ed out. I'm totally into historical fiction...right up until around the 1920s, and then my yawns start kicking in (which makes little sense since I'm all over historical NON-fiction about 1920s+).

BUT, have you seen the early reviews coming in about this book?! Holy moly they make it sound like Something Special, and I don't want to miss out on that.   

Requested and received via NetGalley.

(River of Time 3.1)
by Lisa T. Bergren

Release Date: February 27, 2012
Publisher: Bergren Creative Group
Goodreads Page

Do I need to explain further? Let's just say there's a spot on the Special Shelf already reserved and I'd bet big bucks that it'll be filled by this hot little number.

Received from the author for obsessive fangirlling (er, that is, "for review")

The Academie
by Susanne Dunlap

Release Date: February 28, 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

I'm not really one for bosom-oogling, but isn't that cover pretty? Susanne Dunlap's covers never fail to make me want to read her books. So why haven't I read one yet? I don't know. I'll remedy that soon, I promise.

What better place to start than with a boarding school book starring the daughters of two major historical players: Monroe--yay! and Napoleon--boo hiss! (Hey, I have a 19th century British Royal Navy history buff for a fiance. I can't be caught supporting Boney!)

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Monument 14
by Emmy Laybourne

Release Date: June 5, 2012
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pages: 294
Goodreads Page

This sounds like The Breakfast Club meets the end of the world!

I love books like this! The idea of being trapped in a superstore and having to defend my fort and fight for survival is sort of a fantasy of mine (in that I don't actually want this to happen but it's really cool to imagine sort of way)., these books almost always wimp out and become unrealistically tame. So I have to remind myself to stay cautious and don't get too excited. (Like that ever works.)

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Book of Blood and Shadow
by Robin Wasserman

Release Date: April 10, 2012
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Pages: 432
Goodreads Page

Ok, I started this and then I DNF-ed about halfway through (and I'll explain why in a few weeks). But Leanna from Daisy Chain Book Reviews liked it a lot, so you might want to check out her review before taking my DNF too seriously.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Monstrous Beauty
by Elizabeth Fama

Release Date: September 4, 2012
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Pages: 295
Goodreads Page

I like my mermaid stories to be uplifting and fun with sparkles and singing crabs, but Monstrous Beauty doesn't look very light-hearted, does it? It looks more like the luring sailors to their deaths via crashing waves and jagged rocks kind of mermaid tale. So why did I request it from NetGalley?

BECAUSE IT'S GOTHIC FICTION! Or at least it sure sounds like it fits the genre. A generational curse, strange deaths, family secrets, unraveling historical mysteries, romance, oh my!

The House of Velvet and Glass
by Katherine Howe

Release Date: April 10, 2012
Publisher: Hyperion
Pages: 432
Goodreads Page

This one is from Shelf Awareness. I snagged an ARC of this author's first book, but I still haven't read it and I think it's actually at my mother's house. This second book looks equally interesting with it's Gothic-mysteries-meets-the-Titanic plot.

I'm pretty sure this is an adult book.

Scary School
by Derek the Ghost

Release Date: June 21, 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 237
Goodreads Page

I was pitched a review request by the author and after reading the blurb, I couldn't say no. It sounds like a sweet MG paranormal with a good dose of humor. The illustrations are an added bonus.


by Kristin Cashore

Release Date: October 1, 2008
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Pages: 471
Goodreads Page

This book has the distinction of being the first book I bought in Austin! (or, more accurately, Round Rock). I finished the book I brought with me, and while I had loaded up my computer with a bunch of galleys, I wanted an actual physical book to read when I wasn't sitting in my hotel room.

I went to The Book Spot, which is awesome (she has dogs in there!) and restrained myself (mostly) in the face of a TON of tempting books. I ended up picking Graceling because 1) It was on sale!, 2) I've been meaning to read it for forever, and 3) It was long and a standalone so I figured it would hold me for a while and wouldn't leave me ripping out my hair to find out what would happen next. Mission accomplished on all counts and review to come.

Search for Senna
Inside the Illusion
by K. A. Applegate

Series: Everworld
Release Date: 1999-2001
Publisher: Scholastic
Goodreads Page

I am so desperately in love with this series! I own most of the books, but I was missing three and they are out of print so I was sort of despairing about ever getting a complete set. The Book Spot gets my eternal gratitude for carrying two of the three books I was missing! Yay! Bonus: They're in pristine condition.

The Last Battle of the Icemark
by Stuart Hill

Series: The Icemark Chronicles
Release Date: July 7, 2008
Publisher: Chicken House
Pages: 519
Goodreads Page

I read the first book (hmm...still haven't gotten around to posting that review. Sorry! Will do, erm, sometime), and I liked it well enough to pick up this book (third in the series) when I saw it on sale for fifty cents. Mine is missing the dust jacket, but given that cover, I'm not too broken up about it.


Betraying Season
by Marissa Doyle

Release Date: September 29, 2009
Publisher: Henry Holt
Pages: 330
Goodreads Page

RUBY!!! Thank you for this surprise! (Unless, was this not a surprise and I am just totally forgetful??)

The first book in the series (Bewitching Season) is one of my favorites, and though I've heard the sequel isn't as good, I kinda don't care so long as I can stare at that pretty cover. Plus, I have to prep for the third book, which I'm super excited about!

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?


  1. Dude, SMALL, I read Bourne and it was awesome. The Lia/Luca action we've been waiting for... well, I won't say anymore, but oh *SIGH*. I totally begged Lisa for a review copy and I'm so thankful that she forked one over to me. I also read Graceling recently, and while I wish I didn't feel this block emotionwise (which I attribute to the third person narrative) the fantasy and OH, PRINCE PO are both so amazing that it overrides anything else. I can't wait to read Fire, as a friend told me that there are a lot more gray areas to the main character whereas Katsa is more well-defined.

    Academie! Monstrous Beauty! Monument 14! All books I have and want to jump into immediately, but have to hold off on, sadly. Still, I'm excited! I'm interested in The Mapmaker and the Ghost and Ordinary Magic, as well. They both look wonderful. I used to hate MG books, but I recently read The Star Shard by Frederic S. Durbin and that changed my whole outlook on MGs, so maybe I'll give those aforementioned titles a whirl at some point.

    Have an amazing reading week!


    1. Yay! But really, how could Bourne NOT be awesome?! I hear you on the emotional block with Graceling. Katsa was a hard MC to warm up to. But I did love Po :)

  2. Awesome haul Small! I also got Scary School, the Academie, Ordinary Magic and Monstrous Beauty! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on those and the rest. And Bourne! I've actually only read Waterfall (Don't kill me!) but I loved it and really want to continue with the series! Hopefully I'll get around to it sooner rather than later. I look forward to you awesome reviews!

    All the best,
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

    1. I can't wait to compare thoughts! Hehe I won't kill you about only having read Waterfall. That just means you have two great books to look forward to! :)

  3. I want to read Ordinary Magic! I saw it on someone's Waiting on Wednesday post months ago and ever since then it's been on my list - it just seems so good! I love the cover, too.

    Happy reading!
    Check out what's in my mailbox

    1. It looks so cute! I really like the cover too.

  4. Holy Cow - so many great books on your horizon! I hope you love Graceling - it's one of my favorites :) I never thought of it as a standalone, since it's followed by Fire and Bitterblue, they certainly don't make up a "regular" trilogy. Can't wait to see all of your reviews!

    1. I enjoyed Graceling and I'm definitely going to check out the other two books in the series. :)

  5. I snagged ORDINARY MAGIC as well. So excited!! Same with BOURNE! I'm also looking forward to THE ACADEMIE and have been trying really, REALLY hard not to read my copy of MONSTORUS BEAUTY just yet! Ahhhh, you bought GRACELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so so freaking excited and can't wait for your thoughts!! Oh gosh, EVERWORLD! I want to re-read these!

    Enjoy, dearie!

    1. I know! I want to dive into so many of these books, but I have to hold myself back. Monstrous Beauty doesn't even come out until all the way in September! I'm sending you hugs because you love Everworld!!!!!!!! You totally made my night :D

  6. I received an ARC of the Katherine Howe book a few weeks ago. I haven't read her other one yet, but this one sounds really interesting!

    So far I've seen mixed reviews for The Academie. I've been pretty excited about it; hopefully it'll be good.

    ♥ Exploring duos make my heart all aflutter.

    1. Oooh I hope you like the Katerine Howe book! I have a feeling I'm not going to get to it for a while. I've seen some mixed feelings for The Academie too, but I haven't read any reviews yet to see why. I hope we fall on the side that likes it. :)

  7. Yay! Mapmaker and Ordinary Magic look soo good. I look forward to your reviews.

  8. Amazing books this week, and I can't wait to read your review of Graceling! And the mermaid story looks interesting too.

    Happy reading!

    1. I'm trying to piece my review of Graceling together now. It's a lot of rambling thoughts right now :P

  9. Ordinary Magic looks so good!!! And I snagged a copy of The House of Velvet and Glass by Katherine Howe. I too have her 1st (I bought it with a million other books when Borders was going out of business!) Hope to get to them soon!

    My IMM!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    1. I hope you get to them soon too! Then I can read your reviews and know how I should prioritize them :)

  10. I really, really want to read Code Name Verity! But I will not request it from NetGalley, no I will NOT!

    Betraying Season was definitely a gift. I was weeding through my books for the move and decided that it didn't make the pack-up-an-come-with list, but I could NOT give it away to anyone but my fellow Princess. Enjoy!

    1. I know you do! I automatically think of you every time I see the book. I will let you know if you need to request it :)

      Thank you! I have some books for you too. :)

  11. Oooh, you got some really great books! I really want to read Monument 14, The Book of Blood and Shadow, and Graceling!

    I'm glad to see you're back! My husband works for Dell, and we'll most likely be moving to Austin sometime in the future (or Round Rock, actually). And if you haven't gone already, you MUST go to BookPeople in Austin. It's the most awesome independent book store I've ever been in (although I'm sure there are some super fantastic ones in NY!).

    Happy reading!

    1. I hope you enjoy them!

      Very cool! If you moved to Round Rock, we'd be RIGHT next door! We will definitely have to meet up. :) I hadn't gone to BookPeople yet, but I'll add it on my list of places I must go :) Thanks!

  12. Code name Verity and the Book of Blood and Shadow, I'm GREEN with envy Small:)

    1. :D I did not love Book of Blood and Shadow though :( Hopefully you will love it!

  13. So jealous you got Code Name Verity; I requested it but was denied as I'm "only" a blogger. It looks so good and I hope my library will either buy it or I'll loosen my purse strings so I can get a copy.

    Thanks for highlighting The Mapmaker and the Ghost-I just went and requested it since you're so excited about it. I didn't really love the cover but the inside could be really good!

    1. Code Name Verity sounds like your kind of book. It's a shame Disney isn't giving to "only" bloggers anymore.

      I hope you get The Mapmaker and the Ghost! I can't wait to see what you think of it. I've been stalking it for a while now, but I'm a little afraid it will be on the young end of things. I have my fingers crossed :)

  14. SMALL?!? Are you trying to torture me??? You lucky ducky!! Grrrr :P (well quack)

    I wish (wish!) I could get a copy of Bourne - this is my favourite series EVER! *pouts* AND you got Monument 14? *envies Small silently*

    I guess this is the part where I wish you happy reading - happy reading (seriously), you have amazing books Small :) :) Can't wait to hear what you think of them all <3

    1. You can get Bourne!!!! I'm behind on everything because of my move, but Bourne is actually out now! No more waiting! *happy dance* You can get it from Amazon for $0.99! Talk about a steal :)

  15. The Academie and Graceling look great!

    1. Don't they? They have such pretty covers! I liked Graceling and I'm hoping I like The Academie.

  16. I love love love love looooove this mailbox Small!! :D The Academie was...good. 3 stars for me. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts.

    I'm seriously such a fangirl for that book. I want to buy three copies on release day (one for me and my two sisters) and then do a giveaway...not that I can afford that, but that's my dream. It's just ridiculously cute.

    Monument 14 looks awesome!! I can't wait to read your review for that, Graceling, and Betraying Season. ALSO.... BOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNEBOURNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm feeling a LITTLE BIT jealous right now. Only a tiny bit. ;P Please post that review like, tomorrow, ok? Ok. haha!

    Again, great mailbox! Sorry for the ridiculously long comment... Oops...

    1. Annnndddd....THANK YOU for linking me!! :D

    2. Aw, only 3 stars? :( I wanted ABOVE average, but I'll still give it a go at 3 stars.

      I was sort of like "Meh, Ordinary Magic looks good...I guess I'll give it a try sometime" but then I saw what you wrote on Goodreads and I knew I HAD to read it! (and of course I HAD to link you!--you're very welcome)

      You totally don't have to feel jealous about Bourne because you can download it now for only $0.99! No more waiting! :D Bourne is on my TBR next just as soon as I finish another review book I'm reading.

    3. I bought Bourne! I did it I did it I did it!! I'm so excited to get reading it! :D

  17. Can we have Tuesday Torrent so I'll read the second book? And then a day for the third one and I'm pretty sure I can do a novella on my own. And do we know anything about Tributary? Unless I firm up a date, I don't seem to be able to get it read!

    Anyway, that is one awesome mailbox! I hope you have time to read all that and get your packing done. Wish I could help you, but I'm sure you've got a system. Have fun both reading and packing!


    1. You mean my constant nagging and obsessive, repetitive fangirling isn't enough motivation?! :P I know no firm dates on Tributary :(

      Hahahahahahaha time to read and pack?! OOooh no, I am so, so far behind. How in the world did I ever acquire so many books? I already got rid of over 400 and I think I need to get rid of about 400 more! Crazy. I keep finding stashes of more books all over my house :P

  18. You got some awesome books this week!
    But I gotta say BOURNE!!!!
    I can't wait to read for you fangirl post- I mean, review of it!!!

    I and I can't wait for more info on Tributary :D I kind of miss Lord G. already.

    1. :D I can't wait to read Bourne! I'm trying really hard not to drop everything I am already scheduled to read and just dive right in NOW. But I need to be a Good Small, which, I tell you, that does not come easy :P

  19. Oh, it looks like you got some fun middle grade titles! I'm really curious to see what you'll think of Monument 14, I finished that recently but haven't reviewed it yet. I hadn't heard of the gothic-meets-Titanic book either, so I appreciate the heads up, hah.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Ooooh I can't wait to see your thoughts on Monument 14 (heading over to Goodreads to stalk your status updates...) I have such high hopes for it, but I'm so prepared to be disappointed.

  20. Small what a grand IMM. I love your layout and how descriptive you are with each book. I enjoy reading why you're interested in the book. Plus its really cool how you have them broke down into review books, books purchased etc. I think it makes it much more enjoyable to read through a long list.

    I was able to get Ordinary Magic too! I'm very amped up about it. I didn't request the map book, but maybe I can still? I was pitched a review of the Scary School too but I never got a reply. I think I took too long to get back to them.

    1. Thank you! You are the best feedback giver in the world! My blog would be so lacking without your input.

      I hope you like Ordinary Magic! It sounds like your kind of book. I think the Mapmaker book is still available for request. If you don't hear back about Scary School, let me know :)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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