Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Small News: I'm back!

I missed you all so much!

Now that I'm back, I can spill the beans on where I've been.

I was driving from New York to Austin, Texas and signing a lease on a new apartment! So, if you're anywhere near the Austin area (I'll be north west of the city) and want to grab a cup of coffee (or ice cream, chocolate, cookies--I'm flexible!) and talk books, please shoot me an email!

I'll be spending the next month and a half packing up the rest of my stuff (erm, mostly more books) and then I'll be road tripping it back to Texas in late April. I have posts scheduled and I'll be around commenting here and on your blogs, though probably not as often as I'd like.

Thank you so, so much for all of your comments and emails while I was away! I really thought I would have better internet access while I was away, but sadly I did not. I have over 5,000 emails waiting in my inbox! I'm slowly but surely making my way through all of them (so if I haven't responded yet, I'm totally not ignoring you! I promise!)

My Google Reader is also extremely scary right now, so I'm taking my tried and true approach to stress and doing the Google Reader equivalent to sticking my fingers in my ears and saying lalalalala I can't hear you! (Which is to say, I'm marking everything as "read.")

So if you have written an unbelievably fantastic post, bit of news, cover reveal, etc. that I absolutely cannot miss out on reading, please feel free to link to it in the comments! (Like, um, I hear J.K. Rowling is writing another book?! See what I miss out on when I go away!?)

Also, the review comparison for The Near Witch will post later this month (I intended to post it while I was road tripping, but I was foiled again by that pesky lack of internet) and I've bumped the review comparison for The Goddess Test to April. I hope that doesn't inconvenience anyone who submitted their review!

I'll try to get together some pictures and gush a little about my very first real live road trip (um, SO different from the books!), but I first need to unpack my bags and tackle those 5,000+ emails...



  1. Yay! I've missed you!!!! I wish I lived near Austin. You should come to BEA. Wow - 5000 emails...

    Guess what?! While you were gone, I read my first Jessica Day George book: Tuesdays at the Castle. It was very cute.

    1. I missed you too!! I so wanted to go to BEA, but I don't think I'll make it this year. :(

      I'm so happy you liked Tuesdays at the Castle! She does heartwarming cute so well. As much as I enjoyed that one, I have to say I liked Dragon Slippers and Princess of the Midnight Ball even better--so you have a lot of great JDG ahead of you! :)

  2. Umm, you might want to stick your fingers in your ears for those five thousand emails, too! YIKES! And I didn't send you nary a one! I feel bad. Or maybe not. But I did miss you muchly! And I'm glad you're back and you found a place.
    I'll send you an email so we can catch up! LOL How about you send me one when you're caught up. June/July??


    1. haha oh I am sooo tempted to just delete all those emails, but so far none of them are spam. (Who ever thought I'd be wishing for spam mail??) We totally need to catch up! I have so much to tell you and I'll definitely need your hot weather tips :)

  3. I am stoked, live east of Austin so when you get settled later on this year will set up plans to grab a cup together and chat books!

    1. That's awesome! We definitely need to do that :)

  4. Welcome back! Hooray for new life adventures :) I hope you bought a really great pair of cowboy boots in your new hometown!

    1. Thank you! I've always wanted a pair of cowboy boots :)

  5. Yipee! Your back! I missed reading your blog so much. I'm really happy for you and your new place in Austin. My husband's from Texas. He says Austin is beautiful.

    1. I missed you too! It really is beautiful. We went on a drive around the lake and in the hills and it was gorgeous. The only thing I didn't love was the GIANT spider I saw. 0.0

  6. Oh, I miss you too, Small! Good luck moving around and GEEZUS SPICE 5000 emails seems like A TON! I hope everything works out :)


    1. Hehehe I'm getting through them! I have them separated now into folders...now I just need to tackle the folders :P

  7. A lot of big covers revealed last week. Yday, I posted the ones for REACHED by Ally Condie, THE ESSENCE by Kimberly Derting, THE DARKEST OF MINDS by Alexandra Bracken, and a book I hadn't previously heard of, BLACK CITY by Elizabeth Richards. :)

    Welcome back!!! I've missed you!! I'm sad you're moving so far away. I kept hoping we could meet up in NYC!!! (Maybe if you pop in for the Teen Author Festival at the end of March before you leave...?)

    1. Oooh thank you!

      I know :( I was hoping to be able to meet up with so many people at BEA. Maybe next year. I think I'll be too busy for March, too. My family are all still here in NY though, so I'll be back to visit. :)

  8. Welcome back! Missed you much! :)

    OMG - 5,000 emails?!! Eeek!

    1. Thank you! I missed you too! I know, it's a CRAZY amount of emails!

  9. Congrats on the apartment, Smalls! While you were gone I finally, *finally* read the first two Agency books by Y.S. Lee and really enjoyed them! I'm about to the read the third one courtesy of Netgalley. More of Mary and James awesomeness!

    1. Thank you! I have been dying to read that series! I've heard so many great things about Mary and James. But, I also heard there's a big cliffhanger somewhere and that the series wont end for a few years...so I'm torn on starting it. What do you think?

    2. Huh, I had hoped this series wouldn't end because I just adore Mary. The two that I've read so far stand alone-the mystery is solved but they also leave more questions to be answered. When I read the third one (which will be very soon), I'll have a better idea and let you know.

  10. How exciting! I'm near San Antonio, which isn't too far from Austin. All the bloggers in the area should have a meet-up or something! :)

    1. Awesome! Looks like you'll be about an hour and a half to two hours away from me. We should totally have a blogger meet up!

  11. Heeey! I was skimming through Google Reader and wondering where you were!

    Welcome back!

  12. Smallsie!! I missed you like crazy!!!
    So, you moving to Austin? WOW
    And I always mark everything "Read" in google reader, I always forget to check it for months at a time.


    I can't wait to hear about your road trip. I'm supposed to go on a road trip myself late in the summer, though I'm not sure how firm the plans are - my cousins, sister and I want to drive from El Paso and see Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, not sure if it's gonna happen but we like to make plans.

    Anyway, I'm just glad to have you back! :D

    1. *HUGS* I missed you too! If you end up road tripping to Austin we totally need to meet up! Your trip sounds like so much fun :D

  13. Welcome home!
    I do often wish I lived in Texas.
    Texas or Utah.
    Happy moving!

    I feel ya on marking it read.
    When that happens to me, I scroll and only visit those that catch me.

    1. Thank you! It's good to be home, but I can't wait to go back to Texas :)

  14. As for me, I never have had a desire to live in Texas. But that's just me, so please don't take offense! I'm glad you are happy! Now...New York would be one thing! But I'm too much of a hot weather gal. I'm planning to move to Los Angeles next year. It's so expensive, but I want to work in the entertainment industry.

    Why are you moving to Austin, by the way? I've always wanted to go to the Austin Film Festival. If I ever do go, we could definitely meet up!

    Happy you are back!

    1. I think there's a place for everyone--no offense taken at all! :) You would be hating NY right now. It is FRIGID and it feels even colder now after spending two weeks in Texas.

      We have family in the Austin area and the job market there is soooo much better than where I am now. Cost of living is also much more affordable than where I am now. I'm also SO done with NY winters :P

      I'd love to meet up if you're ever in the area!

  15. Wow, what exciting news! It's great to have you back and look forward to all your lovely reviews :-)

  16. Austin is SO much closer to California. This is awesome news for our princess connection. Also, my brother interviewed for a professorship there, so maybe he'll get it and I'll come visit and we can meet! Woo!

    Can't wait to catch up!

    1. Very good news! :D I am so crossing my fingers for your brother getting that professorship! That would be AWESOME!

    2. Now he's interviewed at Northwestern and they loved him! I'm starting to not have such a big problem with him not interviewing anywhere in California.

  17. Nice, you went from one city full of bookish events to another! The Texas blogging community sounds really close so I'm sure you'll have friends there right away, Small. Packing doesn't sound fun but we're glad to have you back!

    1. I am! I think Austin's bookish events will be a lot more approachable for me since I avoid Manhattan like the plague. :P

  18. OH MY GOSH YOU'RE BACK YOU'RE BACK YOU'RE BACK!!! :D You don't even KNOW the extent of my elation. No joke. And YES! You ARE closer to California! YAY! Next time I'm in TX visiting I'll shoot you an email. ;) (Could be a while though...haha!)

    Here's a review I think you'll like: http://yearningtoread.blogspot.com/2012/03/review-humming-room-by-ellen-potter.html

    And I mentioned you here: http://yearningtoread.blogspot.com/2012/02/friday-buys-210-1712.html


    1. YAY! :D I LOVE your comment! You MUST shoot me an email if you're ever in the area. Thank you for the links!

  19. Well, look who it is! A move to Austin? My, you've sure been busy. I don't know why I seemed to be under the impression you were at one point moving to Florida... I may be confusing you with someone else though.

    I'm not sure how it is even possible that you've received 5,000+ emails. That is insane! I would hope most of them were spam or something.

    You haven't missed too much that I can think of, really! I mean, yeah, the J.K. Rowling book, which is rumoured to be a crime thriller because of the new editor she's chosen, by the way. Not really my kind of thing, but it's not like it really matters because we both know I will read anything she writes for the rest of time.

    NetGalley put up for grabs an egalley of Grave Mercy for 2 days only and everyone and their grandmother's dog picked it up. I remember you saying it was really good and how could it not be? I mean, assassinating nuns? I'm reading it now and definitely enjoying myself.

    There was quite a bit of author drama too... a few authors whose books are coming out soon name-called and acted incredibly immature when they found some negative early reviews for their books... not cool.

    As for me - I can't remember if this happened before or after you left - but I discovered a series that I would deem second only to HP - The Chaos Walking Trilogy. And you know how just big of a deal that is for me to say that. It kind've gutted me, this series. I can't remember the last time I've had such a visceral emotional reaction to a book. But the characters!! And the writing!! AND THE TALKING DOG, MANCHEE!!!! So brilliant.

    Congrats on the move! I hope you will be able to transfer all of your books over!

    1. Nope, no Florida for me :) I figured out the email issue. Outlook decided to DUPLICATE a bunch of my emails and restore a bunch of deleted emails. *tear out my hair* It's been fun times sorting through all of them.

      Hm, crime thriller? Not sure that's for me. There won't even be a little magic in it?? :( Oh well, I guess that's a good thing though. There would be SO much pressure and anticipation if she wrote anything in the same genre. I'll keep an eye out for your review on it so you can let me know if I should read it or not.

      I am so happy everyone is reading Grave Mercy! I seriously want to give everyone I know a copy of that book I love it so much. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

      Argh, MORE author drama?? Sad. :(

      Oooooh I have the first book in teh Chaos Walking Trilogy! Ok, I'm totally bumping it up my TBR now. :D

  20. :) Yay! Welcome back!!

    Oh gosh, 5000+ e-mails?! I freak out whenever I'm gone for a day or two and come back to find 100 e-mails. I can't imagine finding a few thousand.

    Congratulations on your move!

    1. It has been nuts going through them! Turns out Outlook decided to randomly duplicate certain emails, so it's an extra special bit of frustration mixed with deja vu :P

  21. SMALL! I missed you sooooo much. Is it weird that I kind of want to drive to Austin just to see you? (And also I've always wanted to visit there. I'm not a total creepo.)

    And now I'm going away for weeks. We have the worst timing.

    1. I missed you too! Weird? Pfft, you don't even need to make excuses about wanting to visit Austin. I know, the draw is all me, and that's perfectly fine :)

      YOU CAN'T GO!!!!!!

  22. Yay!!! I'm so glad to hear that you're back. :)

  23. Smalls! So glad to have you back :D


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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