Sunday, April 15, 2012

In My Mailbox (35)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past month or so. Since I'm moving soon, I've actually had to start showing some restraint. I think I've done a pretty, erm, ok job. Most are e-books though, so there's that. 

Sorry for the lack of actual book photos. Most of the physical books are packed already!

For Review

The Immortal Rules
by Julie Kagawa

Release Date: April 24, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 485
Goodreads Page

Julie Kagawa surprised me with her Iron Fey series (I usually do not like fairies) and early reviews seem to indicate that she now manages to breathe new life into vampires. Since I actually like vampires, I'm curious to see what she does with them.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

by Meagan Spooner

Release Date: October 1, 2012
Publisher: Carolrhoda Lab
Pages: 344
Goodreads Page

I mostly want to read this because Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard are always saying fabulous things about Meagan Spooner.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Wicked and the Just
by J. Anderson Coats

Release Date: April 17, 2012
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Pages: 352
Goodreads Page

It's historical fiction! It's gossipy! There's a body count! Yay! Reading this now.

by Daniel Marks

Release Date: October 9, 2012
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Pages: 464
Goodreads Page

Those people look like they're dead. Which, I guess they kind of are. Velveteen was murdered and now, stuck in purgatory, she's vowed to haunt her killer as a form of torture. In the words of the blurb, "It'll be brutal . . . and awesome." How can I say no to that? I'm always on board for a good revenge story!
Requested and received via NetGalley.

by Juliet Marillier

Release Date: September 11, 2012
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

I was a Juliet Marillier holdout for a really long time, but I finally caved when Ruby publicly challenged me to read Wildwood Dancing (and then she sent me a copy to make sure I'd feel really guilty if I didn't read it).

Soon after, I did read the book and proceeded to kick myself repeatedly for having waited so long. I'm now a full on Juliet Marillier convert and I squeaked out loud when I saw her latest book available on NetGalley.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Hunt
by Andrew Fukuda

Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Pages: 304
Goodreads Page

Oh wow. I read thi no, scratch that, I devoured this book and now I can't wait for more!

If I am Legend had a sequel and that sequel had a baby with The Hunger Games the result of that glorious union would be The Hunt.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Dark Frost
(Mythos Academy #3)
by Jennifer Estep

Release Date: May 29, 2012
Publisher: Kensington
Pages: 336
Goodreads Page

Yay! I can't wait to read the next installment in this series! This is the third book, but there's going to be one more. I love how the cover artist included Gwen's necklace. I appreciate it when covers really reflect the story, and seeing that necklace makes me sigh with swoony contentment.

Requested and received from the author and publisher.

Shadow and Bone
by Leigh Bardugo

Release Date: June 5, 2012
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Pages: 368
Goodreads Page

Get. This. Book. NOW! Seriously, if your taste in books is anything like mine, get your bribes ready because you are going to love this book!

It's a fantasy set in a Tsarist-Russia-like fictional land and it's chock full of court intrigue, swoony guys, kickbutt ladies, action, questing, and a scene that is SO awesomely scary. I've read it, I've hugged it, I've reread my favorite parts, and I've placed it firmly on my Special Shelf!

Requested and received from the publisher/author.

The Book of Madness and Cures
by Regina O'Melveny

Release Date: April 10, 2011
Publisher: Little, Brown
Pages: 336
Goodreads Page

I hate this cover, but I'm really digging the blurb! The year is 1590 and Gabriella practices medicine under the guidance of her father. But, when her father goes missing, her position as a doctor becomes shaky (and, um, I imagine she's worried about where he went... right?) so she sets out to find him.

Lucky for her, he left clues! Lucky for me, most of these clues are within old letters (I love books with clue-filled old letters!) This leads her on a quest all over Europe as she pieces together these hints and hopefully discovers something utterly shocking. I can't wait to find out!

I'm pretty sure I entered for a copy through Shelf Awareness.

Glamorous Illusions
by Lisa T. Bergren

Release Date: June 1, 2012
Publisher: David C. Cook
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

EEEEEEEeeeeepppp! It's not a River of Time book, but it's the start of a new historical fiction series set in 1913 about a girl who travels, well, almost everywhere it seems! But it doesn't really matter what it's about because it's LISA T. BERGREN'S NEW BOOK! And, really, that's all I need to hear.

Requested and received through NetGalley (look under the publisher!)

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?

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  1. I'm having difficulty reading anything of Marillier's outside of the Sevenwaters saga. I tried the Light Isles and I gave up on book 3 of Bridei Chronicles because I realized I just didn't care anymore even though it seemed like Marillier was no longer coddling her characters.

    1. Oh no! I haven't read any of those, but I'll keep that in mind. :( Have you read Wildwood Dancing or the others recommended (um, the Six Swans one and the Beauty and the Beast one)?

  2. Ooh, you're the second person who has recommended Shadow and Bone to me, but you're the one to convince me! It sounds awesome.

    1. I loved it! So, so much! I'm not sure how I'm going to even write a review that isn't just SQUEEELOVELOVE*HUGBOOK*YAY!!1!! :P I hope you enjoy it :)

  3. Ummm, my eyes turned a slight shade of green when I saw a lot of the books I have yet to be approved for on net galleys in your pile....but at least I'll get to know what you think about them, even if I have to wait for mine! *still crosses fingers though*

    So, glamorous illusions...kind of didn't make the connection that it is the same author as the river of time trilogy...which I still need to read...but I remembered seeing it on Netgalley, went back for it, and find it's an immediate approval. yay!

    Great mailbox! Good luck with your move!

    1. It is SO frustrating waiting to get approved. I'm still waiting on Throne of Glass, which I REALLY hope I get, but it's taking so long that I've already gone through multiple cycles of despair/pep talk/despair/pep talk. :P I hope you get approved for yours!

      Oh my, you still need to read the River of Time series?! I'd be shocked if you didn't love them :)

      Thank you for the luck!

  4. Awesome books :) Velveteen sounds awesome :) I really wanna read the Hunt and The Immortal Rules! Happy reading

    My IMM

    1. Velveteen really does sound good. I hope it lives up to the blurb! I loved The Hunt so much and I've heard great things about The Immortal Rules, so I hope you like them both!

  5. WoW Hon, you got some amazing books!!!!! The Immortal Rules is amazing, I looved it! And The Hunt was so creepy but soooo good! Hope you are going to love your books!

    1. I know!! I saw your comments on The Immortal Rules and you got me so excited! I felt the same way about The Hunt—totally creepy, but in SUCH a good way!

  6. I'm very curious about Velveteen and The Immortal Rules. Enjoy them all!

  7. AWESOME books this week! Your description of The Hunt made me laugh. What a bizarre child that is! XD

  8. I started The Immortal Rules this morning and I'm liking it so far. I hope you enjoy everything and here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

    1. Oh good! Everyone seems to be loving it. I hope I do too :)

  9. There's so much awesome stuff on NetGalley right now, that I'm thisclose to breaking my NetGalley ban. But I really, really can't. I have so many review books waiting on my shelf that it would be completely dishonest of me to request anything from NetGalley. BUT COME ON! SHADOWFELL?! Who is torturing me this way? WHO IS DOING THIS?! *weeps*

    1. You know you shouldn't say things like that to me. I'm a shameless book pusher and I will encourage you to break every book-related ban you try to hold yourself to :) How can YOU, of all people, say no to Juliet Marillier?

  10. Restraint through e-books is good! I just requested SKYLARK! I've been wanting to read this for a while! I have VELVETEEN and SHADOWFELL to read, too. I'm sooooooooo excited for new Juliet Marillier!! Have you read HEART'S BLOOD yet? That's *my* favorite by her! It's B&B! *swoon* Ack, I need to finish reading KISS so I can read DARK...but where did I put it? ^^;; I'll read SHADOW & BONE in May after all this FTF madness ends... Ee, and I snagged GLAMOROUS ILLUSIONS from NG as well! I love how we're always so in-sync! It's why I <3 you so!

    1. hehehe yes, it makes me feel like I was good because there aren't physical piles :P

      I LOVE that you have all the same books! Now I can stalk your blog even more and compare notes :P I <3 you so too!!

      No, I still have not read Heart's Blood :( I am so bad. I'm going to read Daughter of the Forest first because I own a copy, but Heart's Blood is up next after that.

      I hope you LOVE Shadow and Bone! It is so, so, so good! I want to hug it and sleep with it under my pillow (but I can't because it's a delicate paperback).

  11. I got the Immortal rules from Net Galley too! I hope I LIke it, it sounds pretty cool.. for a vampire book. And hey,.I've dared you read Daughter of the Forest, and ok, the cover sucks but the book inside is made of awesome!!

    I saw Shadowfell but JM's books tend to be on the long side and right now I'm trying to get my NetGalley pile down so I'm trying to be strong and like Ruby, I'm on a requesting ban.

    And yeah, have you read Heart's Blood? (as asked by A Backward Story)
    It's awesome too!! I think it's a tire between Daughter of the Forest and Hearts Blood for me.

    anyway, you got awesome stuff, as usual! So go forth and read!

  12. Great stack! I'm looking forward to reading The Hunt! I have not read Lisa T. Bergen's books. Usually, don't read Christian fiction, but so many people are in love with her River of Time books! But I just love the Edwardian era and time travel. I requested from NG! Enjoy your books :)

  13. Great list! I thought "the Hunt" sounded really interesting and went to put it on my TBR list and it was already Can't wait to read it now!

  14. SMALL! I always love your IMM's (ok, ALLLLL of your posts), and because I want to comment on everything I have to go one book at a time, commenting about each thing, going back and forth between commenting and reading and re-reading your thoughts/comments, because your blog is just way too fun and totally addicting ;)

    Ok, after that little gushy moment... Let's start with the first book I need to say something about - "Skylark". I'm sooooo excited to hear your thoughts on this one. I didn't get approved on NetGalley (I was super bummed) but I think it's one I can wait for and read more reviews about. Yours will be the first review I go to! (DUH!)

    The Wicked and the Just looks fantabulous and I, of course, am pining for your review ;) I'll be reading that one next, after "Interrupted" by Rachel Coker.

    Shadowfell seems AMAZING and I seriously am SO excited that something is finally FORCING me to read Juliet Marillier's stuff. Wildwood Dancing is on my to-read-soon list (which means I should probably put it on that shelf in my room....)

    I'm so glad you liked The Hunt and am looking forward to reading it and hearing your thoughts!

    I'm sooooo excited to read the Mythos Academy series (book #1 is on it's way at the library!) and can't wait to go back and read your reviews with full attention once I've completed each book!

    Shadow & Bone looks incredibly gripping and I need to read it as soooooooooon as it comes out!!! :D


    Ok, I'm done with this ridiculous comment now, and I'm sure you are too, and all these people are skimming over its great length going "Oh my gosh when will I get to the bottom of this quote because I want to comment too! Leave room for the rest of us Sierra!!" Haha ;)


  15. Ooooh, Skylark. That looks so intriguing - I have so many other things I'm reading right now though!

  16. I'm excited for your review of Wicked and the Just. And I can't wait till you read Immortal Rules. It was incredible! Best vampire book I've read since Greyfriar by Clay and Susan Griffith.

  17. I saw that you're really enjoying WICKED AND THE JUST! Can't wait for your review. I'm trying to find the time to read SHADOW AND BONE and SKYLARK, too...and about a zillion other titles, hah. I can't believe you're still blogging while preparing for a move, but we're glad to see you nonetheless. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  18. Ok, can I openly say that I HATE YOU! Gosh darn it all, I've been trying so darn hard not to request books on NG since I'm just now reviewing books which came out in March! But now, after viewing your IMM, (and I'm never going to swoon enough about your format, its everything I've ever wanted in a IMM post) I'm not sure if I can continue my NG ban. You have SO MANY I want!!! Luckily I already have Shadow and Bone, I'm waiting to hear about Velveteen, its probably a longshot for me. However, you've introduced me to some I wasn't aware of just yet and now I want them:

    Lisa's new book... Julie's new book - now that you have Hunt, I want Hunt. You are killing me..... :-) Wish I could read as fast as you.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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