Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cover Review: First Impressions (4)

First Impressions:

Toys! Fantasy toys! I want to play!

Now that I've completely lost any veneer of cool I might have had I can freely admit my obsessive desire to own one of those tables old men have in their basements where they spend countless hours recreating set designs of epic Civil War battles with teeny tiny doll-house like figurines, trees, wagons, and cannons.

But instead of the Civil War, I want a fantasy table! One with orcs and elves, heroes with swords, dragons and wizards and all set in a world like Middle Earth! (And, ok, yes, I'll also take a Civil War table too, please).

*cough* Um, so, yeah, that's what this cover makes me think about. I really have no idea what to expect story-wise, but I imagine it contains a good deal of nerdiness mixed with humor and fantasy fun. AKA, my kinda book.

Reality (from Goodreads):

The Other Normals centers on 15-year-old Peregrine “Perry” Eckert, who’s seriously obsessed with an uber-dorky role-playing game called Creatures & Caverns. Concerned about his stunted social skills and need for fresh air, Perry’s parents decide to ship him off to summer camp to become a man.

He anticipates the worst summer of his life until he arrives at camp and stumbles into the World of the Other Normals, a place where his nerdy childhood may serve him well — but not without connecting with the real world first.

Do they match?

Pretty much! Dorkiness + fantasy + a little something that makes me think of Vivian Vande Velde's User Unfriendly and Heir Apparent = SO FULL OF WIN!

This sounds like one of those movies where a kid gets sent to fat camp but then when he gets there he realizes that they pretty much get to spend every day eating cream filled donuts and thumbing their noses at the jerks who sent them there, but for fantasy nerds! Score!

What do you think? Does this cover make you want to read the book? What would you think this book is about if all you saw was the cover? 

Can anyone come up with funny blurbs or taglines for the book based on its cover alone?
Am I alone in wanting a fantasy table of tiny figurines? 


  1. Oh my gosh! I love! I haven't heard about this book, but I must read it now.

    1. It doesn't seem to have a lot of buzz yet, but I'm really looking forward to it!

  2. O I love it. I bet this cover will do great with boys too.

    1. Yes! I could totally hand sell this cover without getting that weird look from boys :P

  3. Never heard of the book either! Thanks for sharing! It looks amazing :D

    1. It definitely sounds like something you'd enjoy. :)

  4. Gosh, I want to go to this fat camp that you envision where you get to eat donuts all the time. :D

    I have purchased numerous tiny figurines to craft with, including an elephant and a hippo for a circus animal pendant (a knock-off of an Anthropologie necklace), and I also want to try to make one of those handmade snowglobes someday. A book based around these could be really awesome if it's done right--I LOVE that cover! Fingers crossed the contents match.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Haha, yes I would LOVE to go to a fat camp like that :P I think there was a movie sort of based on that premise...maybe in the 1990s? Or maybe it's just my own wishful thinking. :)

      A handmade snowglobe?! That sounds so awesome. I love your crafts.

  5. Ahahahaha I'm definitely going to read this one!! Pretty epic sounding, lemme tell you! Thanks for sharing, Small! :D

  6. Actually when I first saw the cover, first glance I thought the guy was on a hover board of some kind and I thought cool, yeah Small, I'd love to play with toys like that. But, uh, no, I don't want a table like that. Don't have a basement and I really don't like those small things that are always falling over. Do you know how much book money you'd have to spend on that thing???

    But, I do like the book blurb. I think I want to read it.
    No, I am not funny. No funny tag lines. I'll leave that to you!

    Oh, btw, saw a t-shirt on Pinterest that said "You're Killin Me Smalls" I'd love to know where to get it so I could send you one!


    1. This is the guy that wrote It's Kind of A Funny Story!

    2. Haha yes I am dorky :P And yes, all my hobbies seem to cost a fortune!

      I love that t-shirt! Sounds awesome :D

      I didn't realize this author had other books out already, I'll have to check it out.

  7. I like the concept with the action figures. A very clever idea.

  8. I do like the cover and the summary of this book so I'm going to put it in the wishlist!

  9. Oh My Goooooosh! I love Ned Vizzini! I'm loving the uber dorkiness of this cover. I want this book so bad!

    - Jackie

    1. Oh wow, awesome! I hadn't heard of this author before so it's great to see such an enthusiastic response. I have even higher hopes for this book now. Thanks!

  10. I myself would love a dollhouse replica of Hogwarts. Ooh, and not just Hogwarts, but also the grounds, Hagrid's Hut, the Quidditch Pitch, the Forbidden Forest. Ooh, and Hogsmeade! Okay, I could go on and on, further expanding that, but I'll stop now.

    Love this cover and hopefully will love this book too!

    1. Oh score! That would be so full of win! We need one of the Ministry of Magic, too. They have all sorts of cool things hidden away in there.


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