Sunday, June 10, 2012

Books I got this week (1)

See my new creative title for these posts? Yep, I really taxed my brain coming up with that little bit of genius. No, seriously, I did. And that's really the best I could come up with. I think there's a reason Behaviorism appeals to me so much. When they wanted to come up with a name for something that reinforces behavior, know what they called it? A reinforcer. Yes, that's pretty much on par with my level of creativity.

But, moving on.

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past month or so. You'd think since I moved that I would have shown a little more discipline, but no, I did not. Self-control is for suckers!

For Review

Throne of Glass
by Sarah J. Maas

Release Date: August 7, 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

I've been a long time reader of Sarah J. Maas's blog and I can't wait to read this book! Pirates, assassins, competition, romance, fantasy, fairy tale retelling-ish! This is one of my most highly anticipated books this year!

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Tiger Lily
by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Release Date: July 3, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 292
Goodreads Page

A Peter Pan retelling focusing on Tiger Lily and narrated by Tinker Bell. Interesting. I'm reading this now and I'm enjoying it a lot. But it feels dark and I'm not so sure there will be a happy ending...

Received from Goodreads First Reads.

Pushing the Limits
by Katie McGarry

Release Date: July 31, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 384
Goodreads Page

Contemporary. Sorta-maybe an issues book. So what in the world am I doing requesting it?! Well, there's also the whole "forbidden love" angle, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for the mysterious guy in a leather jacket.

There's also secrets and a mystery I'm looking forward to uncovering. But honestly, I'm mostly hoping for some smoking tension-filled Jennifer Echols Going Too Far-style romance.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Queen's Vow
by C. W. Gortner

Release Date: June 12, 2012
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Pages: 400
Goodreads Page

This is adult historical fiction, but I'm reading it now and so far it seems a lot like YA historical fiction (which is not a bad thing). The protagonist is only 13 though, so that may change when she gets older.

It was a little slow in the beginning (and that wasn't helped by the fact that I'm not really a fan of the MC), but now WAR and intrigue and all kinds of cool stuff has started and I'm hooked. I swear, history can rival even the most outlandish soap operas.
Requested and received via NetGalley.

by Heather Anastasiu

Release Date: August 7, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

Sci-fi dystopia with what sounds like a dash of X-Men-style superpowers and a love triangle. Could be fantastic. Could be meh. But I'm more than willing to find out!

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Haunting of Apartment 101
by Megan Atwood

Release Date: October 28, 2012
Publisher: Lerner Publishing

Goodreads Page

There isn't much info about this one out there so I'm not sure what to think. But there's a haunting, so how bad could it be?

Requested and received via NetGalley.

by S. R. Johannes

Release Date: May 21, 2012
Publisher: Coleman and Stott
Pages: 30
Goodreads Page

Another sci-fi dystopia with some mystery. I'm cautiously embracing this new genre meld. It has so much potential, but it could so easily crash and burn. I like the idea of a mini-novella series, but I'm still not 100% sold on the idea so I'm looking forward to seeing how Suffocate handles the format.

Pitched and received from the author.

by Mike and Rachel Grinti

Release Date: September 1, 2012
Publisher: Scholastic, Inc.
Pages: 256
Goodreads Page

In my experience, if a cat starts talking to you and making deals, well, you're either losing your marbles or you're in for one heck of an adventure! (See Hocus Pocus, Plain Kate, or A Well-Timed Enchantment and many others for proof).

Requested and received from NetGalley.

The Darkest Minds
by Alexandra Bracken

Release Date: December 18, 2012
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 496
Goodreads Page

ALEXANDRA BRACKEN!!! She totally wow-ed me with her debut Brightly Woven (Special Shelf!) and I'm hoping her sophomore offering is just as good. Granted, it isn't high fantasy (*sob*) but it does sound like an exciting paranormal with X-Men type powers, running from the government, and a romantic lead I'm hoping will be able to stack up against the swoony Wayland North (from Brightly Woven).

Requested and received from publisher.

The Assassin's Curse
by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Release Date: October 2, 2012
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

An assassin, pirates, magic, a curse, questing--oh be still my heart! I'm in love already, but what really had me jumping for joy when I opened the envelope is the fact that this book has hate-turned-love romance! Yay! I am also in love with this cover. All this combined makes The Assassin's Curse another one of my most highly anticipated books this year.

(I'm reading it right now and, oh my, I'm getting the Special Shelf tingling...)

Requested and received from publisher.

by Sean Cummings

Release Date: October 2012
Publisher: Strange Chemistry

Goodreads Page

I'm pretty stoked about this one too. It has witches! And a curse! Those two almost always make for a fun combo. Add in a "race against time" and I'm totally game.

Received from publisher.

by Gwenda Bond

Release Date: September 4, 2012
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

Roanoke! This sounds so exciting: Dodging federal agents and long-dead alchemists, hearing dead people, unraveling the mystery of Roanoke, and romance! I'm really curious to find out if and how the snake on the cover ties into the story.
Pitched and received from publisher.

by Kim Curran

Release Date: September 4, 2012
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

Have you ever played solitaire and you get a situation where you have two cards and they could both go on the same spot but you can only move one. And you're not sure which one would be the better card to move?

Well, I'm the kind of person who moves one, sees what card it uncovers, then clicks "undo" and tries moving the other card to see if that move is a better one. What can I say, I like seeing all my options (that or I'm a big o'l cheater).

So the premise of Shift is right up my alley. If I could undo every decision I made and basically do a mini "go back in time" like Scott can, you'd better believe I'd obsessively "redo" everything. And I don't think finding out that there are "terrible unforeseen consequences" to doing that would really curb my compulsion.

Pitched and received from publisher.


by Lisa T. Bergren

Release Date: September 1, 2011
Publisher: David C. Cook
Pages: 388
Goodreads Page

Sadly, I left my copy with my sister when I moved (I know, what was I thinking?! I actually had to leave a bunch of books with her FOR NOW). I was planning on buying another copy, but lucky for me I was the winner of Lisa's monthly newsletter contest!

The Time-Traveling Fashionista:
On Board the Titanic
by Bianca Turetsky

Release Date: April 11, 2011
Publisher: Poppy
Pages: 262
Goodreads Page

This book looks adorable! Historical fiction, time travel, the Titanic, fashion, and full color illustrations! I know I'm an adult and I shouldn't need any pictures in my books, but who am I kidding? I love pictures in my books! Plus, the cover has all these pretty pink sparkles on it, so really, how bad can it be?

Won from Jana at Milk and Cookies: Comfort Reading. Thank you!

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. You got The Darkest Minds!!! **dies of jealousy** I can't wait to see what you think of it! I really enjoyed Brightly Woven as well!

    1. I'm SO nervous to read it! I loved Brightly Woven so so so much. On top of that, TDM is different and my brain is having a hard time processing that as anything other than betrayal (I NEED to find out what happens to Wayland North!!) :P

  2. So many great books!! And I still need to read Torrent! What is wrong with me??!!

    My Added to the Bookshelf Post.

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    1. What IS wrong with you?? :P At least now you know you have a good book waiting in the wings if you ever get desperate and NEED something great to read :) It's nice to have that security.

  3. I love your title, its very fitting. I'm not doing IMM anymore either, I've switched to "Stacking the Shelves" how come you are participating in that meme? Its pretty cool. I really want to read The Assassin's curse. You've go me lusting for that one. I'm not sure if I will get brave and request some of the others from NG even though they sound really good. Luckily I do have Claws and Glitch. Maybe we can compare notes on those two?

    1. Hehe I'm glad you like it. Fitting it is :) I like Stacking the Shelves, but I decided not to participate in it for a few reasons:

      -It includes YA and adult books of all genres

      -Once bitten, twice shy. I'm kinda reluctant to tag on and then what if I have to change over everything again and redo all my labels and edit my feature post, and and and, yeah I'm really over thinking this, but the mismatch in organization now is giving me an eye twitch and I don't want to have to do it all over again down the line.

      -I'm too busy now to properly honor the "hopping" part of tagging along with a meme like that. I feel bad when people visit my blog on a hop and then I have no time to visit theirs in return. I hadn't added my link to the IMM posts in a while because of this.

      You MUST read The Assassin's Curse! I would absolutely love to swap notes on those two books. Maybe we can try to read them around the same time?

    2. Not sure what you mean by "those two books". I somehow got lost in the process lol. I'd love to read something at the same time as you. Its always so fun, even though you read much faster than me. Tell me which book and when and I'll see if I can make it work.

  4. Sadly It's rare for me to have books coming in but I got a great library to cover my So many great sounding books! I'm especially interested in checking out Tiger Lilly and Throne of Glass. Hope you enjoy them!

    1. A great library is worth its weight in gold! You are very lucky to have one :)

  5. ooh, I'm really excited for throne of glass. I started reading the prequels and they are pretty good so far. The Pirate's Curse looks utterly fantastic and I can't wait to get my hands on that one as well. So many awesome books!

    1. I read the first prequel novella for Throne of Glass and liked it (though not as much as I was hoping I would, sadly). I have higher hopes for the book though, because the MC seems a little more humbled by her experiences.

      I think you will love The Assassin's Curse!

  6. Nice books!

    chuckle viz post title angst! But I think you're making the right choice to go with the powerful, simple, Anglo-Saxon. More people should embrace plain statements of fact :)

    1. :) I'm glad you like it! I'm a big fan of plain statements of fact :P

  7. i really want to read time travelling fashionista! enjoy!

    my post is here:
    Sunday Shout Out

    1. It looks so cute! The sequel looks even better with her going back to Marie Antoinette's time.

  8. Great books this week! The Time-Traveling Fashionista was very cute. Pushing the Limits was amazing! One of my favorite books of 2012. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

    1. Thank you for the feedback! I am SO happy to hear you speak so positively about Pushing the Limits. Favorite of the year? Definitely a great endorsement :)

  9. Oooo great stuff! :) Enjoy. I will be looking forward to several of these reviews.

  10. good for you. you got some pretty awesome books...

    thanks for following

  11. Great books this week! I've been hearing a lot of great things about Glass of Throne. Can't wait to read your reviews on them. =)

    1. Have you? I am So happy to hear that! I have really high hopes about Throne of Glass and hearing there are great things being said about it is wonderful :)

  12. Loved this post! There were a couple you got from NetGalley that I had looked at but didn't request. Now I will have to take a second look!

    1. Oh no, did I just help you break your no-requests ban? :)

  13. TIGER LILY! GLITCH! *Faints with desire* I can't wait for Tiger Lily. Forget Wendy, I was always a Tiger Lily fan. I just kind of hope she finds someone better than Peter Pan. Just saying.

    Shift sounds great because I wish I could do this all the time. It's why I used to read Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid. If I didn't like where the story was going, I'd go back and make a new decision. Did you know they have Choose Your Own Adventure-style books for the Kindle? I bought one. It's not exciting as it seems, since the story basically forces you in one of two directions. But, it was amusing for a bit. Huh. I should review it.

    I started Time Traveling Fashionista and then abandoned it, but I think you'll have better luck, since my reasoning was that it was a middle grade title rather than YA. I love Titanic-era books. Which is why the fact that I have yet to watch Downton Abbey is so bizarre.

    1. Wait, what?? Did I just read that you haven't watched Downton Abbey yet?! RUBY! What are you waiting for?! It is exactly the type of show that was created solely so you and I can gush and gossip about the characters! Get on it!

      My lips are sealed on Tiger Lily :)

      Princess Link! We need that shift power so we can totally indulge our past-altering whims. Consequences be damned! I loved Choose Your Own Adventure books.

    2. Ha! My SIL is convinced that I have some kind of ulterior motive for not yet watching Downton Abbey. No, seriously, I thought she was going to start an investigation.

    3. I will assist her because you seriously need to get in on this. I need someone to hiss and throw popcorn at Lady Edith with me. My friend actually likes her! And she's anti-Lady Mary, which I simply cannot abide (I am a staunch Lady Mary fan).

    4. I have to join the "Get Ruby to Watch Downton Abbey Movement"! I started watching it one day when I was home sick and there just so happened to be a free first episode of Downton Abbey. That's all it took. I'm addicted and CAN'T wait for Season 3.

      Lady Edith....I go back and forth with her. Of course she's a manipulative lying ho, but at the same time, I feel for her. She's always been in Mary's shadow and she is clearly the most plain of the three sisters. There is going to be much to look forward to with Season 3!

  14. I got Pushing The Limits this week too! It looks so good I can't wait to read it. Also I read Glitch last week or the week before and that was pretty awesome too I hope you enjoy it! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  15. Great haul! There are a few books I didn't know about and that have now made it on to my wishlist! I'm really excited for Tiger Lily! :) Enjoy your books!

  16. You've gotten quite a haul in the past month! I actually bought some Ernest Hemingway books for my boyfriend since he read one and liked it. It's kind of funny that he's read Hemingway before me and I'm the reader. But at least I can say I've read Scott Fitzgerald before him, so we're even! Hehe!

  17. You have some amazing books-I am currently most anticipating The Assassin's Curse. I love the font and the colors on the cover and the plot sounds so cool!

    I hope you love The Time-Traveling Fashionista-with the pictures and easy writing, it is a very fast read!

  18. Silly me! I thought the one meant you only got one book! You need a picture to go with your Books I Got This Week. I like the title. I can't even begin to comment on all those books! I got some of them, didn't get some of the others. Wish I had gotten some of them. Can't wait to see what you think! I know what you'll be doing for the next few weeks, days depending on the unpacking situation!


  19. The title might not be creative, but it's straight to the point. You gotta appreciate that! Sounds like you got some awesome books. That last one looks super cute. I might be an adult too, but who does NOT love pictures in their books? It's fun!


  20. Great books Smallsie!!
    I totally get you about Torrent! I love that book - though I admit that my favorite of the series so far is Waterfall.

    And I just heard about Pushing the limits and it sounded pretty good (actually, when I saw it was Harlequin Teen I went to request it since I got auto-aproved for those! See, you're a bad, bad influence!!!)

    Time traveler fashionista looks so sweet - love the pink!
    And Throne of Glass sounds so good!

  21. Oh so fun!! :D Throne of Glass, Glitch, Darkest Minds - so excited for those! And TORRENT!! :D GASP!! lovelovelovelovelove!

  22. I'll have to check out Brightly Woven if it's on your Special Shelf! The Queen's Vow, Assassin's Curse, and Glitch look interesting as well. I'm so happy it's summer and I'll have lots of time to read!

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

  23. I love that cover for The Assassin's Curse. I got Blackwood from NetGalley and I'm still waiting to hear about Throne of Glass. Fingers crossed!

  24. What a great haul!!

    Throne of Glass was amazing! While I had some small issues with the plot, the characters more than make up for it. Especially Celeana! The interactions between them are just fantastic and oooooo so much love for this book XD

    I also have Glitch, the Darkest Minds and Blackwood. I've heard good things about Glitch and I loved Brightly Woven so I have high hopes for Darkest Minds! Though I totally agree that I wish it was high fantasy! Here's to hoping for a hate turned love relationship! XD But I'm kind of iffy on Blackwood. The only review I've read on it was a DNF so we'll see.

    And I'm so completely and utterly jealous of The Assassin's Curse!!! And Special-Shelf tinglings?!?! AHHHH! ;) Great haul!!!

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  25. Holy cow! You got some GREAT books this past week! I would devour every single one of those! Enjoy :)

  26. Oooh, some of these sound so good! Totally jealous. I'm excited about Throne of Glass, The Darkest Minds, and The Assassin's Curse.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, by the way! I haven't read Meg Cabot's Mediator books; I'll check them out. The only other Meg Cabot I've read was Underworld and I thought it was so-so. Anyway, happy reading!

  27. Nice stack! I'm looking forward to Tiger Lily and Throne of Glass. Enjoy your books :)

  28. I got Throne of Glass, Pushing the Limits, and Darkest Minds at BEA. I'm so excited to read them. Especially Throne of Glass. The line for Sarah's signing was so huge that I couldn't get to it.

  29. ZOMG The cover for the Time Travelling Fashionista looks divine!

  30. Oh, I don't know, why don't you just call it a Weekly Recap like you used to? Or no - you've changed that to a Monthly Recap, haven't you? Well, I'm pretty sure no one really cares what you call it so long as they get to gaze upon all the pretty books! I've been a bit insane about requesting books lately as well - I'm booked solid for the next few months pretty much! You've definitely piqued my interest with The Assassin's Curse! What is it about assassins plus magic that equals an automatic win?


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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