Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WoW (42): Patrice Kindl, Moira Moore

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

From Goodreads:

Seventeen-year-old Althea is the sole support of her widowed mother, young half-brother, and two stepsisters—and she must maintain Crawley Hall. Althea, in short, must marry well. But there are few wealthy suitors—or suitors of any kind—in their small Yorkshire town of Lesser Hoo. Then Lord Boring comes to stay with his aunt and uncle. Althea sets her cap to become Lady Boring. There’s only one problem; his friend and business manager Mr. Fredericks keeps getting in the way. And, as it turns out, Fredericks has set his own cap.

Why I want to read it: 

A comedy of manners set in a big Named Mansion (you always know you're in for a good time if the house is named). I've heard talk that the main character is a sassy piece of work who offers up a lot of funny asides, which sounds great to me. I read Patrice Kindl's fractured fairy tale Goose Chase and I loved the snarky humor there. I am also very curious to meet this Mr. Fredericks. 

(February 28, 2006)

From Goodreads:

In a realm beset by natural disasters, only the bonded Pairs—Source and Shield—make the land habitable and keep the citizenry safe. But can Dunleavy Mallorough and Lord Shintaro Karish put aside their differences to defeat something even more unnatural than their reluctant affections for each other?

Why I want to read it: 

Court fantasy with a hate-turned-love romance, so this one pretty much has my name written all over it! I've even heard it recommended to fans of Sherwood Smith's Crown Duel, so I KNOW I have to get my hands on a copy. Only problem? I can't find it in any library. Not in NY, and now not in Texas. *sigh* Someday.

Have any of you read either of these books? Would you recommend them? 


  1. O fun.

    I do so love that first cover.

    I wish me and the fam were vacationing there right now.

    1. I'd love to vacation there, too! Great view :)

  2. Ooo, Keeping the Castle sounds awesome! I am also curious to meet Mr Fredricks and I love the name Lord I will definitely have to check it out, great picks!

    1. Haha yeah, I got a kick out of the name Lord Boring, too. I don't know if I'm being kind of slow here, but is that actually his name, or just the nickname the narrator gives him? Guess I'll have to read the book to find out!

  3. Keeping the Castle looks great. You do such a good job of featuring books that I haven't heard of. It keeps things fresh and exciting.

  4. I am so confused. Shintaro is a Japanese name. In fact, it's my friend's name. Why is it being used here? It's totally clashing with everything for me.

    1. Huh, I wonder if it's a case of horrible white-washing on the cover, or if the naming conventions of the world are just seriously mixed up. :P I haven't gotten any impression that there's anything Japanese in the story, but I could be totally wrong. Now I'm doubly motivated to find a copy.

  5. Great picks! I actually almost picked Keeping the Castle for my WoW this week. I haven't really heard anything about it but sassy and snarky is right up my alley!! It comes out this week so I'll definitely check it out :D And love the cover for Resenting the Hero XD

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

    1. Since you'll probably manage to read Keeping the Castle way before me, I'll be keeping an eye out for your review! :D

  6. These look adorable!! :D I really am so excited for Keeping the Castle, and have never heard of Resenting the Hero, but I'm definitely going to check it out!

    Great post, Small!

    Oh, and you should read this big thank you:

    1. I hope you like both of them! :D

      Going over to check out your link now...

  7. Keeping the Castle is definitely on my wishlist! Resenting the Hero sounds intriguing as well. Good luck finding it!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  8. I had never heard of either book but I want to read them both, already!!!
    :D thanks for the heads up on these!!! :D

  9. Lesser Hoo and Lord Boring? I must read this one! It sounds incredibly delightful!! I don't know the second one sounds a lot like Heroes Guide to Saving Your Kingdom. I'll wait to see what you think!


  10. I think Keeping the Castle looks just amazing-exactly the kind of book I enjoy. I'm surprised there haven't been more reviews of it around the blogosphere.

    I did enjoy Resenting the Hero, which I read back in the early days of my blog. I actually really enjoyed the hate turned to love as well as the rules for Source and Shields.

  11. Great finds - never heard of either of them, but I'm adding them to my tbr now. I hope you manage to find a copy of the second one somewhere!

  12. Twinsies! I want Keeping the Castle, too. I read a great review of it on Shelf Awareness. I hope it's as good as I think it's going to be.

  13. Two books which sound VERY inviting, two which I'd never heard of - SCORE! Thanks Small you are awesome!


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