Saturday, July 21, 2012

Books I got this week (4)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past two weeks.

For Review

The Archived
by Victoria Schwab

Release Date: January 22, 2013
Publisher: Hyperion
Pages: 336
Goodreads Page

I loved Victoria's debut The Near Witch, so I already knew I wanted to read whatever she wrote next. BUT, this book is about a library, and not just any library, but a library where the "books" are actual dead bodies. It's up to Mac to maintain the library and figure out who is messing with the bodies to try to alter history.

I think my mind is a little blown by the description alone! I don't know that I've ever read a book with a premise quite like that. I'm expecting massive amounts of insanely cool imagery and hopefully some fun sleuthing. 

Requested and received from the publisher.

by Bridget Zinn

Release Date: March 12, 2013
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Goodreads Page

There's so much awesome in the blurb I don't even know what to do with myself! A main character who works with poisons, a princess, assassination attempts, running from the king's army, ex-boyfriends, a cute pig, and a charming adventurer! I knew I wanted to read this from the moment I heard about it, and then the pretty cover came along and I've had a hard time controlling myself from engaging in embarrassing activities, like drooling. Luckily I was able to get a copy without having to resort to the bribes I was totally prepared to offer.

Requested and received from the publisher.

Cinders and Sapphires
by Leila Rasheed

Release Date: January 22, 2013
Publisher: Disney Hyperion

Goodreads Page

Historical fiction set in England, 1910 on an ancestral estate. That right there is enough to pique my interest, but the blurb doesn't stop there. There's also mention of scandal and a marriage between two powerful families. I'm also getting the upstairs/downstairs vibe. Pretty much, I'm all over this.

It may not be called Downton Abbey, but I'm thinking I can get my long-awaited Grantham fix through Cinders and Sapphires. Also supposed to be great for Luxe fans, so I know I'll have to order a copy for my library girls (BIG fans).

Requested and received from the publisher.

by Kate Brian

Release Date: January 2013
Publisher: Hyperion

Goodreads Page

Girl survives an attack from a serial killer and goes into witness protection (!!) to escape the killer who is still on the loose. She moves on with her life and just when she feels like things are getting back to normal her friend goes missing and signs are starting to point to the return of the serial killer!

Is it wrong to say that this book sounds downright fun? I'm getting a The Body Finder slash I Know What You Did Last Summer vibe and I'm hoping for a similar level of fun peril. Also, I'm IN LOVE with the cover.
Unsolicited copy from publisher.

Girl Games
Goddess Girls Super Special
by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams

Release Date: July 10, 2012
Publisher: Aladdin
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

A super special!!! When I used to read The Babysitters' Club, the super specials were always the coolest books. I'm looking forward to diving into this latest Goddess Girls installment!

Requested and received from Joan.


Six Moon Summer
All Hallows Moon
Long Night Moon
by S. M. Reine

These were all available for free download on Amazon, so I quickly snatched them all up! They're werewolf books and I've read nothing but positive reviews for them. They're each under 200 pages, so hopefully I'll be able to fit them in sooner rather than later because I'm really looking forward to them.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. So excited to read THE ARCHIVED! And that cover! *swoon* POISON is another one I'm looking forward to! Enjoy everything! :)

    1. Total swoon! I would love to hear your thoughts on Poison. It sounds like the perfect book for you. :)

  2. Cool books
    The Cinders and Shappiers one sounds good. Also The Archived sounds made of awesome.

    You know I love me some Goddess Girls, though I keep waiting for my copy :/ hopefully it will come soon

    1. Aw, I hope your GG book hurries up! I think you're going to love it. Persephone gets a log of page time :)

  3. You got quite a few I'm interested in: namely Poison and Cinders and Sapphires (I can't pass up anything that reminds me of Cinderella). But you're really getting me with that reference to the BSC-I was obsessed with those books and still own all of the Super Specials because they hold such fond memories for me. I will definitely have to read The Girl Games!

    1. Oh my gosh! You still HAVE your BSC SSs? That's awesome! I routinely kick myself for giving away all my BSC books.

  4. Shadowlands is new to me — thanks for alerting me to it! Have added it to my TBR list on Goodreads now :) I agree, the cover is pretty awesome!

    1. You're welcome! It was new to me too, but it looks good. :)

  5. You know, I've never read a bad book with the word Poison in the title. That one especially sounds great!

    1. ha, very true! Some of my favorite books relate to poison (Poison Study, Grave Mercy).

  6. OOOo Awesome books you got!!!!! I'm so excited for Poison and Archived! Hope you'll love them!

  7. O
    I'm jealous.
    You got some great stuff and some sexy covers.

    1. They do have nice covers. It took me a little while to warm up to the cover for The Archived, but I think I'm on board now.

  8. Archived and Poison are ones I will add to my TBR. I sure wish Disney/Hyperion wouldn't be so stingy with review copies. I can't even request them on Netgalley.

    1. I think I heard they're currently short staffed and were getting overwhelmed with their Netgalley requests, so they had to draw a line in the sand somewhere for now. I don't know if that's true or not, but I think I remember hearing it somewhere. So hopefully that means they'll start accepting blogger requests at some point. :)

  9. Great Haul! Cinder and Sapphires seems like the book for me haha. I hope you enjoy your books!

    Stacking the Shelves
    Lisa @ Shatterbooks

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoy Cinders and Sapphires when it comes out!

  10. The Archived looks pretty good =) I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  11. WITNESS PROTECTION! That's another thing books made me want.

  12. wow, just wow. Bravo in getting those books! I'm thinking that I need to become a librarian to 1) be around more books 2) recommend awesome books to people and 3)be more appealing to get review books. You're a lucky schmuck but I'm really excited to see what you think of these! ^__^ great haul!

    1. Thanks! I'm not *technically* a librarian (I always feel like I have to point that out otherwise I feel like I'm lying!), but I highly recommend that career path :) It's awesome.

      I'm not sure how much working in a library has made me appeal to publishers for review books. It definitely helps, but it's not the golden ticket. I get rejected all the time. Strands of Bronze and Gold? REJECTED. The Spy Princess? Probably rejected at this point. Spark? Probably rejected. I could go on and on... Sometimes I think publishers play eenie meenie miney mo when it comes to giving out review copies :P

    2. I should clarify. I don't have a degree in library sciences. :)

  13. Oh wow... I have NEVER heard of a book like The Archived! It sounds fantastic!

    Um, okay. So after reading the rest of the descriptions, I'm stoked. They ALL sound awesome.

    1. Doesn't The Archived sound so original?! I love it! :)

  14. UMMMMM Small...can I be a little bit jealous? Ok, I'll give myself five minutes of being super duper jealous and then I'll stoppppp...LOL ;) I am SO EXCITED for The Archived and Poison!! Like, the top two on my list! So I'm thinking I need to send in my requests like, ASAP. Actually, I did request The Archived (fingers crossed!!) and so now I'll go request Poison.

    I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! :D I hope you love love love them and I canNOT wait to read your reviews!! :D

  15. Such a great haul! I really want to read The Archived and Poison, and I hadn't heard of Cinders and Sapphires, but I added it to my TBR list! I hope you love all of these books!

  16. Oooh, great books this week! I need my Grantham fix. *_* And I am so intrigued by Shadow Lands!

  17. Oh, The Archived! JEALOUS! Lol. I hope you enjoy it! :)

  18. The Archived looks AMAZING. I hope you enjoy all of your books!

    Around the World Giveaway

  19. WOW, that's all I really got to say. You got so many awesome books! OMG. Poison!! OMG!!


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