Saturday, August 11, 2012

Books I got this week (5)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past week or so.

For Review

Girl of Nightmares
by Kendare Blake

Release Date: August 7, 2012
Publisher: Tor Teen
Pages: 336
Goodreads Page

I loved the first book, and I loved the sequel just as much! It was like reading a mash up of Buffy and Supernatural, but somehow it still felt original.

Requested and received from the publisher.

House of Shadows
by Rachel Nuemeier

Release Date: July 2012
Publisher: Orbit
Pages: 342
Goodreads Page

This is one of those "under the radar" books that has been floating at the edges of my awareness but somehow never made it to the forefront. But, how can that be when it sounds so perfect?!

Two sisters, orphaned, find themselves on two very different paths. One sister becomes tangled in a Named House (!) where she can have glitz and glamor, but she needs to "play by their rules." The other sister becomes an apprentice to a mysterious mage! But both sisters' paths are threatened by dangerous secrets and a hidden plot that also threatens their kingdom.

I mean, I just, that sounds PERFECT! 

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Kindling
by Braden Bell

Release Date: July 10, 2012
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Pages: 304
Goodreads Page

Billed as a fast-paced action adventure great for middle grade boys, I'm hoping I enjoy this one. I have to admit, the opening line is catchy ("Connor Dell didn't mean to set anyone's gym shorts on fire.")

Pitched for review by publisher.


The Last Romanov
by Dora Levy Mossanen

Release Date: April 3, 2012
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Pages: 333
Goodreads Page

This is adult historical fiction, and I'm pretty sure it's from the perspective of someone close to, but not a part of, the Romanov family. What can I say, this is another slice of history I can't read enough of!
Was available for free download through Amazon.

A Fistful of Collars
by Spencer Quinn

Release Date: September 11, 2011
Publisher: Atria
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

This is the fifth book in the series, but I don't think you have to read them all to get the story. They seem like cozy mysteries with a man-his-dog detective team....told from the perspective of the dog. Sounds cute and light, which is usually how I like my murder mysteries. Plus, it's already starting out of my good side with that play on words title.

Received as part of Atria's Galley Alley giveaway.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any 
of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. I got Girl of Nightmares too and actually shrieked when I opened the envelope!

    1. Me too! I had requested it so long ago I had given up hope on it so it was a total surprise!

  2. Some great covers there! They all sound good, but the first line of The Kindling has hooked me: I'll be looking for it.

    I bought Why I Let My Hair Grow Out, by Maryrose Wood, on Kindle, because I was going to take my iPod on a hiking trip, (and I love Wood's Incorrigible Children books), but I left the iPod at home :(. I ended up starting the book my sister bought hiking, Glow, by Amy Kathleen Ryan. It's really good so far, so I'm going to have to get my own copy now!

    1. Aaah that sucks! At least you had a backup book. I liked Glow a lot. It was such an interesting, gripping book. Hope you enjoy the end and get to read your Kindle book!

  3. YES! I am so excited to read the Girl of Nightmares. How can it continue?...not that I don't want it to, but am looking forward to see what new directions it goes in. Great haul!

  4. I'm listening to GON right now. It's awesome! I agree on ADIB being a Buffy/Supernatural. Of course I was thinking more Ghost Busters/Buffy.

    1. Oooh I wonder how it would be to listen to. I got an extra strong Buffy vibe from the sequel. It was like when Buffy went up against the council when they tried to give her the slayer test.

  5. PS I can't wait for your A Fistful of Collars review.

    1. Oh, really? I wasn't planning on reviewing it because it's an adult title, but if there's interest maybe I'll rethink that :)

  6. Oh, I have the same problem! I went crazy on Netgalley and Edelweis a while ago and now I were accepted for a lot of books.. and they keep piling up. I'm now trying to ban myself from requesting until I work some books away.

    Happy reading! :D

    1. Good luck with your self-control! I always vow THIS month will be the month with no review books. And then I cave...

  7. Oooooh The Last Romanov! I love Russian history books....and I've had my eye on this one for a long time! When it was my turn to pick for book club, it was between "The Last Romanov" and "Russian Winter". I went with "Russian Winter" just because I own it, but I really want to read the other and to hear what you think of it! :D

    1. Oooh I'm totally coming to you for Romanov books then! I don't think I'll get to this one for a while, but hopefully sooner than later.

  8. I hope you enjoy House of Shadows! I loved it.

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty sure it was your review that made me say, "ok, I'm giving in and requesting this already" :)

  9. Sounds like you got a great batch of books this week. I'm interested in House of Shadows. I guess I missed that one on NG. It sounds fantastic. I need to read Anna Dressed in Blood so I can enjoy the sequel. Can't believe its already released. As for The Kindling, yes, I'd definitely agree with the pitch, boys more than girls would like this one. It is really action packed with lots of fight scenes and some pretty intense science. My imagination wasn't strong enough to picture in my head all that was going on. I sort of was lost at times. Its got a good plot and storyline though. Very creative.

    1. This was a good week. I think I needed to search for House of Shadows by publisher (Hachette). It's still up there and I'm pretty sure the archive date was 8/31, so if you have the time.... I'm not very far into it so I'm not sure how accurately I'm pegging this, but I'm getting Plain Kate vibes and I think you might like it.

      I've been following your Goodreads updates for The Kindling and I'm a little unsure but I'm curious to see what I think of it. Sometimes I really don't like science overload and sometimes it's nice. I guess I'll see if I can follow it or not :P

    2. Well, I guess I should clarify, the "science" is made up stuff, but it all follows science principles and you can read more about it on his website. It was just too over the top with all the postulates and such for me....

  10. Ooh, great books this week! House of Shadows sounds like an amazing read! Looking forward to your thoughts on The Last Romanov- love reading about the Russian revolution.

    1. I'm only about 26 pages into House of Shadows, but wow so far it's great!

  11. Love that description for House of Shadows! And Anna #2...go you! Enjoy everything!

    Thanks for stopping by My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf


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