Friday, August 3, 2012

Discussion: Are you addicted to books?

There are certain events that are so important or well known that they can be referenced and pretty much everyone knows what you're talking about.

The main character was about as honest as Bill Clinton here.
That plotline floats about as well as the Titanic!
If the author gives me *THAT* kiss it will be as awesome as having Christmas every day!

You understood what I was saying, right? 

But for book obsessed people, we have our own set of shared memories.

The romantic lead doesn't give the MC bread or anything, but he'll still appeal to Sensitive Guy fans.

The scene was almost as devastating as when Dumbledore, well, you know what.

I'm not even going to try to pick ONE reference...

Now, WE all get these references, but how many non-book people would? (Ok, ok, maybe I could throw out a "One does not simply walk into Mordor" and people would get that...probably...some people). But, yeah, not everyone would get what you're saying.

And every once in a while I slip and make a book reference to a non-book person and the resulting blank stare usually leads to an at least somewhat awkward situation.

And just such an event happened to me the other day!

I came home from buying clothes and was showing my fiance what I bought. I got to this jacket:

and he looked at me and said (and I paraphrase):

"Meh, it looks nice, but the sleeves are kind of puffy and that's weird."

To which my jaw dropped to the ground and I struggled to inhale a proper breath in the face of this SERIOUS affront! Because, PUFFED SLEEVES ARE SACRED!

That's right, feel the awesome.

You do NOT diss puffed sleeves. You just don't. Even if you don't particularly like puffed sleeves (blasphemer), it is imperative that they are still treated with the reverence they deserve. 

But, of course he had no clue why I was reacting as if he had stomped on a puppy AND insulted my mother. My eventual explanation of the severity of his offense, which I could coherently (ok, semi-coherently) explain only after multiple deep breaths, did nothing to help my "try not to look crazy" cause.

But, whatever, *I* respect the importance of puffed sleeves, and I know my fellow Anne of Green Gables fans will have my back on this one. 

So, there you have it—how my book obsession manifests itself. How about you? 

How do you know you're addicted to books? But wait! Don't tell ME. Tell Alison at Alison Can Read for a chance to win a bookish prize!
Do you reference or incorporate important book events into your daily speech? (You can tell me that one)


  1. LOL, I can just imagine this!! I bet Anne would definitely want this one!

    1. :) I don't know, they're no where near her puff standards!

  2. Oh, Smallsie!
    I'm there everyday! No one in my house is a big reader, so here i am trying to deliver awesome references to be books I read just to be met with blank stares.

    And oh, the puffed sleeves! *gives cookie*

    1. *takes cookie* :D The blank stares are the worst, especially when what I said could be considered clever. It's totally wasted on them :P

  3. Awesome Small!!! I love the puffed sleeves references. That movie is one of the only instances where the movie is as good or even better than the books.

    1. YES!! I adore that movie so, so much. I only read the book a few years ago and, I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I love the movie a little more.

  4. That's awesome. I soooooooooooo feel ya. And I'm with you those sleeves are bad a$$!

    1. Thank you :) I knew I could count on my book people.

  5. I knew I liked you for a reason! Anyone who gives proper reverence to the puffed sleeves is a friend of mine. :)

  6. LOL, my mind immediately went to Anne of Green Gables when he said puffy sleeves. I, personally, think the jacket is super cute and I adore this post. I get many stares with book and movie references. I'm use to it but just once I want someone to go "I know, right?!" Is that too much to ask?

    Have a great weekend, Smalls!

    1. Thank you! If someone ever gets one of my book references in person, I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from giving them a gigantic hug. Once I pick my jaw off the ground. :P

  7. OMG! Too funny!! I've learned to curtail my bookish references!

    1. Every time I think I have it under control, something like this happens :P

  8. Okay, I totally feel you with your puffed sleeve reference, but...I suspect this may be a girl/boy thing rather than a bookish/non-bookish difference. Or maybe on top of one? I doubt even many book-obsessed boys know about puffed sleeves.

    1. Well, yes, that's very true. I don't think I've ever met a male Anne fan. (Oh my gosh, I just typo-ed her name without an E! For shame!)

  9. PUFFED SLEEVES! I got in trouble with the husband for waking up and watching this video from your post while he was still sleeping. Ewps.

    Also, I am stealing that jacket from your closet.

    1. hahaha and the video starts out all quiet, too :P SEE, I knew I could count on Anne fans to appreciate that jacket. It's really not THAT puffy, either.

  10. SUCH a cute jacket, Small! I can't say I've ever had to defend the honour of puffed sleeves, but I've certainly made those book references before (mainly HP-related, obvs) and have been met with deer-in-headlight stares. Pfft. And whatever witty reference I have made is always ruined when I have to go to the effort of explaining what I have just said!

  11. That is just awesome! The sad thing is that I got every one of the references! But then again, I will readily admit that I have a book addiction. Hey, it could be worse, right?


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