Monday, August 20, 2012

Small News: Small Hiatus

Lately things on the small home front have been...stressful. I was sick (and still am sorta sick), and I've spread my disease to my fiance (who is a much bigger baby about being sick than I am, I swear), AND work has been totally crazy busy. 

If I listed all the things I want to whine about, my post would start to look like an issues book, and you all know how I feel about those kinds of books so I'll just leave it at that (though, thankfully, no dead mothers or neglectful foster parents!) 

So I'm taking a small hiatus to catch up on things (HOW does laundry pile up so quickly??) and find time to write some reviews. I will also be forcing myself to ignore my email, so I will not be checking my email until after my break.

I will be back again in September!

Why did the pony go to the doctor?

Because she was a little hoarse!

(I thought that was doubly appropriate because I'm both small AND hoarse! Yes, yes, my cheesiness knows no bounds)


  1. Oof, I feel you - things have been quite stressful on my end as well. I've been taking a lot of deep breaths and time outs to calm myself, and thankfully seem to be working through it! Have a good break and I hope you feel better soon! And oh, how I appreciate your cheesy jokes :)

  2. I hope your break is wildly successful and you both feel all better soon.

    See you in September!

  3. Get better soon! I mean, more.

  4. I hope your break is everything you need it to be! :) We will look forward to seeing you again in September.

  5. Hope you feel better soon! I like the cheesy joke, by the way. (:

  6. *hugs*
    I hope you feel better and enjoy your hiatus (as much as you can with the fiancé being sick ;) )

    See you soon. :)

  7. Aww! I hope you two feel better soon!

    And the joke is just! XD

  8. I hope you feel better soon, Small, and enjoy your blogging break :)

  9. Bummer, I will miss you! Hope everything settles down soon.

  10. I hope you're feeling better and things have calmed down.


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