Sunday, September 16, 2012

Books I got this week (7)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past week.

For Review

Princess of the Silver Woods
by Jessica Day George

I LOVE Jessica Day George! I've been waiting for this book for SO long and I can't even begin to describe how happy I am to be reading this now! It was a turbulent journey to get to this point, too.

First I requested long, long ago for a print copy and didn't hear anything back. Then I saw it was up on NetGalley and so I requested it there. Twice. I swear my finger slipped on the mouse and that's why I clicked request twice directly in a row (overeager? My unconscious somehow thinking double requesting will work extra well?). Then the waiting began. THEN, oh man, then I got an email telling me the title has been archived and I should try requesting a print copy. So I did that.

But then I saw I also got an email saying I was approved for the e-galley! Yay! I would have downloaded it right then and there but I had to go out. And then when I came hold later and tried to download it? ARCHIVED! Or, even weirder, the title was greyed out on my screen so I couldn't click it. AAaahhh, I tell you, I was plunged into the depths of despair when that happened. So of course I re-requested it through NetGalley. And got approved! I downloaded it super quick then and started reading right away. And, finally, the next day I got an email reply from my very first request months and months ago with a link to the e-galley.

So, yes, that was my emotionally turbulent experience. I'm all wrung out, so it's especially good that I now have a fluffy JDG comfort read to make everything better again. I'm about 50 pages in and so far it's classic JDG and should please her fans.

Something Red
by Douglas Nicholas

I have been dying to read this book ever since I read the blurb and saw that creepy cover. It sounds like it's got a little bit historical fantasy, a little bit folktale, and a whole lot of scary! Sort of like an adult My Swordhand is Singing, but with...could that be werewolves??

This is an adult book. Received as part of Atria's Galley Alley.

The Secret Keeper
by Kate Morton

Someday, I swear it, I WILL read a Kate Morton book (I own, um, a few). She's one of those authors who writes books where the plot goes back in time and ties present and past, usually with a mystery of some sort that unfolds across the story. I LOVE books like that!

So why haven't I read any of her books yet? Erm, because they're big. This one has something like 480 pages. So, yeah, that's why I give all her books to my library patrons and make them read them and tell me how good they were. It's like a combination of torture, guilt, self-book-pushering, and vicarious reading. I need to just read one of her books already.

This is an adult book. Received as part of Atria's Galley Alley.

The Ruins of Lace
by Jessica Day George

Who knew lace was ever considered contraband? I didn't. This is an adult historical fiction that follows a few characters as they smuggle, trade, and deal with illegal lace, all while scheming behind the scenes, of course.

Silver: Return to Treasure Island
by Andrew Motion

I received a copy for review/library consideration this week and I'm also hosting a giveaway (which you can still enter!). I love the original Treasure Island with all of the deals, schemes, and doubles crosses. I hope the sequel has the same!

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. LOL
    I loved reading your experience with the JDG book!
    I think I've sometimes requested books up to three times - and been denied! LOL
    Anyway, nice books!! :D

    1. *hugs* It was a very trying experience :P Usually I don't repeat request and just accept a denial and move on, but I was NOT going to do that this time!

  2. Wow I just read the description for Princess of the Silver Woods and it sounds so awesome!! A retelling of Robin Hood and Red Riding Hood? I am totally down for that! Thanks for sharing this :D

    1. I didn't even realize it had Robin Hood too! Though I totally see that now given certain events :)

  3. I read Something Red...and was not impressed. My full review will be up on Tuesday but mostly I was pretty bored although the fantasy parts were pretty cool and action-packed.

    1. I saw your three stars on Goodreads! I was wondering what went wrong, but I figured I find out when you posted your review :) Glad to hear it'll be going up soon.

  4. Replies
    1. Me too! To be honest, half my draw to the book is the cover :P

  5. Something Red sounds indeed very scary! Perfect for October. ;)

    1. I agree! I'm going to try to find time around Halloween for it.

  6. ooh, definitely want to read the first one!! enjoy!

    My post is here:
    Sunday Shout Out

  7. Oohhh I got Princess of the Silver Wood tooooo!! I saw you're already reading it, you lucky duck. I'm definitely getting onto that soon...right after my two more pressing almost released ARCs and a few books toward my challenge that I'm seriously NOT doing well at. haha ;) Can't wait to hear your thoughts on all these! :D

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

    1. Yay!!! I can't wait to swap impressions about it! :D I hear you on the challenges. I think I've totally failed all mine, but I'm not sure because I'm too scared to check :P

  8. Eeep! I got all crazy jealous when I saw that you had Princess of the Silver Wood. I have high expectations for this one. It's going to be good. It has to be!

    1. You know, if you'd just break down and ignore your silly ban on e-galleys you wouldn't have to be jealous. Just saying *nudge* :)

  9. Ruins of Lace looks amazing- with a nice cover!

    Happy reading!

  10. I'm super jealous of your Princess of the Silver Woods luck - I was denied :( I am rather tempted to try it again, but decided I would wait for it to come out.

  11. What a story you had to tell about the first book you list on this post. I'm so glad you got that book - finally. Hope you like it as much as you had to struggle to get it.


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