Friday, December 28, 2012

Books I Got (8)

So it's been a little while since I've put up one of these, huh? Sorry about that! I lent my camera to my in-laws so they could take pictures of all the hurricane damage in their house for the insurance companies and so I couldn't take pictures. I know, that's really know excuse because the internet does have pictures on it that I could have used (and it's not like I used real live photos every time either).

But, I got a little overwhelmed. And then the more I'd wait, the more books I'd get and then it just sort of snowballed from there. So here's a selection of what I've been finding room for on my shelves for the past, oh, month or so.

For Review

The Fire Horse Girl
by Kay Honeyman

I'm still not sure if this is the right book for me. The description begins with, "A fiery and romantic adventure, perfect for fans of Grace Lin, Kristen Cashore, or Lisa See!" And I am TOTALLY down with "a fiery and romantic adventure" but I have no clue who Grace Lin is, Kristen Cashore and I are on mixed terms, and Lisa See makes me think of boredom. 

Still, it IS historical fiction, the MC sounds like she has sleepover potential, and I am pretty curious to find out about that "betrayal that destroys all her dreams." Plus, a sizzling romance that develops on the journey to America? And they DON'T hit an iceberg and die along the way? Yes, sign me up, please. (Although, Sterling Promise? Really? I'm not sure I can swoon for a guy named Sterling Promise). 

Also, is it just me, or does that cover make it look like this will be a girl-dresses-as-boy kind of book? I don't think that's in the book.

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

Lincoln's Grave Robbers
by Steve Sheinkin

I'm still not clear on whether this is historical fiction or non-fiction, but either way I'm excited. All the librarians and list makers are buzzing over how thrilling and interesting and you have to read this book, and I'm totally sucked into the hype.

I mean, it's about an attempt to steal Lincoln's body! And it's based on real actual truth! 

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality
by Elizabeth Eulberg

Contemporary that I'm hoping leans more "romantic comedy" and less "issues book." Given the books the author has already written, I think I'm pretty safe.

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

Prisoner B-3087
by Alan Gratz

At first I was all, "Not another holocaust book!" because grade school pretty much saturated me with holocaust books. But this one really does sound different. Based on a true story, we follow a young boy as he survives ten different concentration camps. I admit, I'm curious.

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

Finding Zasha
by Randi Barrow

Yes, another holocaust book. But what's hooked me about this one is that it seems more like a boy-and-his-dogs survival adventure.

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

by Patrick Matthews

I'm a little confused about the title (is it Powerless or Dragon Run?) but that cover has convinced me that this is a book I need to read. It sounds a little like Ordinary Magic with a kid from a magical land getting ranked with basically no magical powers and forced to run from people who want to kill them. But more adventurous.

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

The Dead and Buried
by Kim Harrington

Kim Harrington of Clarity fame, ghosts, and mystery. How could I NOT want to read this?!

Unsolicited review copy from Scholastic.

More to come soon

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. I see quite a few interesting books here; I'm probably most excited about the new Eulberg-love her fun stories!

    I've been most excited about receiving Mind Games by Kiersten White but I have some other goodies to blog about this weekend (including Christmas surprises!)

    1. Oh good! I'm relieved to hear you like Eulberg's books and that they're fun. :)

      OOoooh you got Mind Games!? That is awesome!! I can't wait to hear what you think about it. I'm very curious to see how her books are post-Evie

  2. Ooh what a great book stash! Lovely covers all of them and just up my ally and Powerless really stood out for me.

    1. I agree, the cover for Powerless is very eye-catching.

  3. Wow, Scholastic really wants you to review some books... lols. All unsolicted. I like the sound of The Fire Horse Girl. Hadn't seen that before, and it sounds like it's got a nice twist to the story. Have fun reading :).

    1. I'm curious to see where that book goes. I can think of a number of different directions. Wherever it goes though, I hope it's good!

  4. Have you seen "Corpse Bride" the Tim Burton claymation movie? It's good, but the reason I bring it up is because the Corpse Bride/Emily sings this song in it that instantly came to mind when I read the title "Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality." But it sounds like a great premise for a romantic comedy. :)

    And I feel like I've seen Finding Zasha as a graphic novel by Scholastic... Interesting.

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

    1. I haven't seen that movie! Claymation always sort of creeps me out, even though that makes me feel like a big baby to admit! :P I'm curious about the song now though!

  5. I have not read any of these, but I'm kind of curious about Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality. Sounds like a girl I could get behind. ;0)


    1. Me too! I feel like beauty pageants have a lot of funny potential, too.

  6. You got the new Eulberg book! That's on my most wanted list! LOL She writes pretty fun books and not all that angsty, at least the two I've read by hers were more fun.

    I hope you like your books :D

    1. Oh? I'm so happy to hear that! I can totally do funny right now :) Thank you for the info!

  7. Cool. Fun! I love that your stuff is different.

    1. Thanks! I try to add a little variety. I love it when bloggers introduce me to new-to-me books.

  8. Actually all of these books are brand new to me! Love having more books to check into! Enjoy and Happy New Year!!

    My Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    1. Hope you find some you enjoy! Happy new year!! :D

  9. I hope you like Clarity! I like Kim Harrington's books. Happy New Year, check out my stacking the shelves:

    1. I did enjoy Clarity, but I think I liked The Dead and Buried even more!

  10. The Dead and Buried and REVENGE look fabulous. Two completely different things but both look really appealing at the moment. AND DUDE. SO RIGHT. Harrington is just too awesome to pass up!

    1. And The Dead and Buried was pretty awesome! I hope you enjoy both books :)


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