Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Court Fantasy Challenge

2/6 books

Challenge Basics: 

Name: Court Fantasy Challenge
Hosts: No one. This is a personal challenge
Starts: January 1, 2013
Ends: December 31, 2013
Eligible Books: Book recommended from YOU in the If I Like...Court Fantasy post. Feel free to add more suggestions here or on that post!
Levels: N/A. I'm going to set a personal goal of 6 books.
Prizes? No

Why I'm Interested:  

Because you all recommended such great books! I love the genre and there really is no reason I've pushed off those books for so long.

Bonus goal: I want to read books that have been on my TBR for a while.

Some books I'm considering: 

Books from the If I Like...Court Fantasy post.

I'd really like to tackle at least one of these, as they've been on my person TBR for a long time and I own most of them:

Something by Robin McKinley
The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook
Tamora Pierce's Alanna books
The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler
Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn

Books Completed:

2. The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook
1. The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler

Have you read any of these books? Do you have any suggestions that I absolutely MUST read? 
Anyone want to read along with me? Nothing formal or fancy!


  1. I forgot that you still hadn't read the Alanna series-you need to get on that! My memory of them is that they're pretty short so even though there are four, you should be able to get through them pretty quickly.

    1. Only four? Oh thank goodness! I thought you had to read all those various Tortall series at once. Whew, that's a lot less daunting.


    1. Oh, good, you added it. I think you'll love it, Small. Honestly...just sit down with it!

  3. I loved Goose Girl by Shannon Hale! Sooooo good! But I love everything by Shannon Hale :) The sequel to Goose Girl, Enna Burning, was REALLY good. I don't want to give anything away, but it was completely captivating.

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

    1. I really want to like Shannon Hale, but my experience has been only so so. I read Book of a Thousand Days and started Princess Academy. I own Goose Girl though and I've heard really great things about it and its sequels, so I want to give her another shot. I'm motivated by your enthusiasm!

  4. Oh, good list! I would suggest The Blue Sword as a great Robin McKinley pick (less court, more horses) (The Hero and the Crown has more court, and dragons (ugly nasty ones)) Oh! And Deerskin is really powerful--lots of court, great romance. Ok, just read any Robin McKinley!

    I would also highly recommend Rae Carson's Girl of Fire and Thorns and Crown of Embers (still waiting for the third book). Great heroine; unpredictable love story.

    And Seraphina by Rachel Hartman is a wonderful story about humans and dragons trying to keep a treaty when lots of factions on both sides want war; really interesting and different, great world-building. Main character is the court musician's assistant. There may or may not be a good-looking prince! (Wouldn't want to give it away!)

    Have fun with this challenge!

    I really need to read Summers at Castle Auburn, but my library doesn't have it. May just have to buy the darn thing.

    1. I hope to read both The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown, since I own both. Same with SEraphina, which everyone seems to love!

      Yes, I loved Girl of Fire and Thorns! I'm (no very) patiently waiting for my library to get a copy of the sequel.

      My library doesn't have Summers at Castle Auburn either :(

  5. Hang on: you've read Graceling, haven't you? Maybe it doesn't quite fall under Court Fantasy since she doesn't spend a lot of time at court, but Bitterblue would definitly qualify. And if you haven't read Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue, by Kristin Cashore, I envy you the experience you're about to have!

    (Ditto for The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, etc. by Megan Whalen Turner. Tell me you've read them!)

    1. I did read Graceling. I liked it ok, but I am curious to read the other two books in the series.

      I ADORE Megan Whalen Turner's books! Oh gosh, among my most favorites ever! :D

  6. I like that you made up your own challenge, very cool! I wish you great success.

  7. the decoy princess is one of my ALL time FAVORITE books, really, really awesome character and interesting story. The goose girl is another great one, but I would have to say that summers at the castle auburn is my number two favorite from your list there. Can't wait to see what you think!!!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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