Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Swap and Other Small News (Of YAY!)

On the first Saturday of every month, Ruby from Ruby's Reads hosts an event called Saturday Swap where readers can trade books they don't want anymore for books they do want. Sounds pretty perfect, right?

I've intended to participate in the swap for months, but I'm scattered and have never managed to get my stuff together and put up my post in time (it's not that hard to remember FIRST SATURDAY, but for some reason that concept has been, until now, beyond me).

But no more! I have months and months and months of books to swap that I've dutifully piled in a corner with every intention of swapping. And now, at long last, I've managed to post them. Click on all the pictures to make them larger.

So, if you're interested in swapping for any of these books (and you have a US mailing address), drop me an email at

SmallReview at yahoo dot com 

because I would LOVE to swap with someone!

Most of these are ARCs, and while I do have some ARCs on my ARC wishlist, I also have even more books on my general wishlist and I'm totally open for trades for books I haven't mentioned (you all know my tastes by now!).

And if you want a book from me but don't have anything to swap, then check out the giveaway I have running now!

Also, can I just say EEEEEEEPPPPP! And THANK YOU SO MUCH! To whoever nominated me for

and if you're at all inclined to want to go over to The Bookish Brunette's blog and VOTE, that would be even more awesome. Or just go over and check out her blog and all the other nominees, because they're all well worth checking out.

(but no pressure to vote! There are a lot of awesome blogs on that list and, let's be real, I'm not going to win up against the likes of them. But that's totally ok, because, really, it is an honor just to be nominated. And by honor, I mean, I'm OVER THE MOON FILLED WITH HAPPINESS so, thank you!)


  1. Congrats on your nomination-I voted for you!

  2. Aww, thank you both so much!! *Massive hugs all around* :D

  3. I hope you don't mind--I inserted your link in my post since I was so late in putting it up.

    Congrats on that nomination. *innocently whistles*

  4. *hugs* Congrats on the nom!!
    You are awesome too, Small ;)

  5. Congratulations on the nomination! That is so exciting!!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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