Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Books I got (11)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past week or so.

For Review

The Glitter Trap
by Barbara Brauner

Fairy godmothers, magic, and humor? Can't go too wrong with that! This was a cute beginning to a series that should appeal to Goddess Girl fans.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

by Vivian Vande Velde

Vivian Vande Velde!!! I am a HUGE VVV fan! Lately she's been playing with fairy tale retellings, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she twists The Frog Prince with her wry sense of humor and less-than-perfect heroines. I'm reading this one now and loving it.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Rebel Spirits
by Lois Ruby

I requested this one a while back after reading this in the blurb:

"Infused with history and mystery, this tale of ghosts, love, and murder takes place in present-day Gettysburg, where the Civil War still looms large."

Civil War? Ghosts? Mystery? Romance? YES PLEASE! 

Requested and received from publisher.

by John David Anderson

 The publicist at Walden Pond Press has impeccable taste (she highly recommended The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, so, yeah, case closed) so when she pitched Sidekicked I immediately said YES PLEASE!

In a world of superheroes, this book focuses on a side kick. I had already had my eye on it, but her endorsement sealed the deal for me. Then I got it and read the first (funny!) chapter. Yup, I think I'm going to LOVE this!
Pitched by publisher.

by Brigid Kemmerer

I haven't read the first two books in the series, but I've definitely been curious. My vague impression of this series is that it's paranormal and the focus is on a group of hot guys? I know that's kind of a thin plot, but, really, it's enough to pique my interest.

Has anyone read this series? Can I read it safely out of order?

Unsolicited review copy sent by publisher.

by Cindy Miles

A gothic ghostly romance set in a castle! Like Rebel Spirits, I'm not expecting incredible depth or anything like that. I'm hoping for something light, fun, and swoony like To Catch a Pirate (love!).

Requested and received from publisher.


Resenting the Hero
by Moira J. Moore

I actually bought this one unread because so many people were saying how good it was with the hate-turned-love romance and since I couldn't get it from any library, I finally caved and bought it new.

And...I'm kind of regretting that. I'm reading it now and while it's ok, I'm not in love with it yet. Maybe that will change? I'm only about 50 pages in so far, but the tone is a lot more adult urban fantasy (which I don't really like) than YA fantasy (which I love and was expecting).

The Riyria Revelations
by Michael J. Sullivan

I can't even express how much I adore this series! I read the series first through the library and then immediately went out and bought the whole series before I had even finished reading it. I'm trying to write my review now and it's hard to capture all my gushy love in mere words. Special Shelf series for sure.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?

Also, I still have some Books To Trade available if anyone is interested!



  1. *makes Grabby Hands at MG books*
    Looks like an awesome bunch of books, Small!!
    :) Can't wait for your reviews :D

  2. Oh goodness, I know what you mean about lack of self countrol, although I was good today and when the desperate craving to buy a book hit at c. 1:35 I was able to control it and stay at work (it helps that we can't shop on line from the office!)

    I'm looking forward to the V.V.V. book myself! I am slowly working my way through her back list, with much pleasure.

    And Resenting the Hero does get better, although I don't think it ever becomes exactly fantasy...

  3. I am getting Frogged too-I really VVV's writing and am a sucker for fairy tale retellings. I liked, not loved, Resenting the Hero and planned to continue the series but haven't been super motivated to do so. Maybe it gets better when it turns more to love? Have not heard of Theft of Swords so am looking forward to learning more through your review.

  4. Oooo Sidekicked looks so cute! I can't wait for that review.

  5. Frogged looks adorable, can't wait for the review.

    Stephanie @ Cover2CoverBlog

  6. Looks like you have some great reading ahead! Rebel Spirits looks most interesting.

  7. I've been wanting to start the Elemental series! I know that doesn't help you at all, but I'm with you on a group of hot paranormal guys being enough to capture one's interest. If it helps any, I think they're brothers. I love brothers series!

  8. Lots of books I'd never heard of before reading your post. Thanks for the introduction. Some of them I wouldn't even have given a second look, but now you've given me a reason to check them out. Frogged and Sidekick look quite cute. Theft of Swords you say "Special Shelf" material, so I'm going to look a little deeper into that series too. Enjoy!

  9. Both Rebel Spirits & Forevermore are pretty high on my To Read list, but it looks like I'll have to wait until they're released.

    Frogged sounds like a ton of fun & Sidekicked looks ADORABLE.

    I flailed something fierce when I received Spirit. That series isn't my typical read, but there's something about it I can't shake and I love it. I'm not sure how it'd work if you read them out of order. They're not exactly "deep" or anything, but there are some details - Guides, the War, what exactly elementals are - that might get a bit confusing if you aren't already familiar with them.

    Resenting the Hero looks so light and fluffy! It's a shame it's not what you expected so far. Hopefully it gets better!

    Oh wow..a Special Shelf addition? I'll definitely keep an eye out for both your review and the books!

  10. The Glitter Trap and Frogged both look adorable...oh how I wish I had more time to read! And Rebel Spirits and Forevermore are ones I'm off to look into! Have a great week and Thanks for stopping by my Added to the Bookshelf post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf


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