Friday, May 3, 2013

Small News

So, I've been a little MIA lately, huh? Well, I have kind of a happy reason for that. As you're reading this, I'll be getting married!

I'll be back to more regularly schedule posting and commenting in about a week. See you soon!


  1. Congratulations! Have a fabulous wedding.

  2. YAY!!!! Congratulations! :) That instantly brought a big smile on my face <3 Hope everything turns out how you want it to and have a FANTASTIC wedding :D

    xoxo, Mariam @Book-A-Holic

  3. Congratulations, Small! Hope you're having a wonderful day! :)

  4. SO THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT. I was actually going to reply to your email but I thought it'd be better to wait for the post. CONGRATULATIONS, SMALL!!!!!

  5. Yeah! I love that reason for not blogging. Congrats and enjoy yourself!

  6. Congratulations, Small!!! *throws huge handfuls of virtual confetti* I agree with Melissa, that is an awesome reason for being MIA :D

  7. Congrats Small!!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!!

  8. Congratulations! I hope you have a lovely day!

  9. Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  10. Congratulations!! Hope you have a wonderful wedding and marriage! :)

  11. Congratulations-enjoy your special day and time with your new hubby!

  12. Congratulations! EEP, this is amazing. Have a great day! <3

  13. Congratulations, here is yo a wonderful Honeymoon and a long and happy life together!

  14. Ooohhh! Congrats! Would it be too nosy to ask what your dress looks like or what cake you two chose?

    1. nope, not nosy at all (that, or I'm a fan of nosy :P )

      I wore a silver and black dress and we made vanilla funfetti cupcakes. If you can't tell, it was a totally laid back wedding!

  15. Congrats! That's incredibly happy news. I hope he likes books too!

  16. Aha, I knew it!! Okay well, I didn't know it exactly, but I had a feeling because for as long as I've known you, you have been engaged, so I kind of thought the big day might be soon. So anyways, CONGRATS, SMALL!!

  17. Oh my goodness! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  18. gah! Congratulations, felicitations, and way to go girl!!!

  19. What an incredibly, ridiculously lucky man it is that gets to marry you!

  20. Congratulations! :D That's one awesome reason to be busy! Haha! :D

  21. Congratulations you little honeymooner you!!! I'm so happy for you and hope all went well. *hugs you* *throws confetti*

  22. Thank you all for the well wishes!! It was a great day and I am loving being married. I keep writing my old name though. I have to adjust! :P


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