Friday, October 4, 2013

Mini Review: Elizabeth (Royal Diaries) by Kathryn Lasky

Part of the Royal Diaries series
Release Date: June 1999
Publisher: Scholastic
Pages: 240
Received: Library
Stars: 3
Goodreads Page

I would have liked this book a whole lot more if I knew nothing about Elizabeth I (Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII's daughter). Unfortunately, I have read a bunch of books about her and that made me knock off stars (YA readers, try Cate of the Lost Colony, adult readers try The Queen's Handmaiden).

Kathryn Lasky's Elizabeth is downright bubbly at times. She's chipper and cheerful and that's so NOT Elizabeth.

I know this is supposed to be a book about the young Elizabeth, but Elizabeth is noteworthy for being shrewd, calculating, and cautious even when she was young. Some tiny hints of these personality traits are sort of somewhat shown, but I think I was reading more into them because of what I know about Elizabeth.

But, this book isn't entirely without merit. Elizabeth might be off, but there were lots of little details thrown in that kept my interest and even taught me some new things. The basic plot progression also gives a nice overview of Elizabeth's early life. It's for these facts alone that I'm very glad I picked up Elizabeth's Royal Diaries installment.

Except, yeah, this is a diary book, and I don't love that format. I was frustrated by how many times Elizabeth talked about her diary—where she's going to hide it, how she's sorry she neglected it, oh my, someone almost discovered it, and so on. I really don't care about that stuff, especially since none of it is based on historical truth.

Bottom line

This is a good book for a younger reader newly interested in Elizabeth. Think, younger to middle grade readers. Her characterization may be historically off base, but she is approachable for younger readers and that might be a good thing.

Older readers already familiar with Elizabeth and looking for even more might still find something in this book. Given how short the book is (240 pages of diary-style, large font, short chapters writing), I'd say give it a shot.

On a side note, isn't that 2010 reprint cover (green dress) so much nicer than the original? (blue dress)

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  1. I understand your concerns with the portrayal of Elizabeth and I'm curious about why the author chose to go that route. Great review!

    1. I'd guess it's because the book is aimed at a younger audience and this version makes Elizabeth more approachable? That would make sense to me, even though I don't like it.

  2. I definitely disagree about the cover-I think the original is so much prettier. I loved this series when I was a kid and I think it was one of my first introductions to Elizabeth. I don't remember much but I think I liked later more complex portrayals more. However I do adore diary stories so all of those elements always work for me.

    1. Which books were the later more complex portrayals? I've seen mixed reviews about the series overall, but I love the concept and I'd like to continue reading more of them. I'm going to have to check out your Goodreads account, as I see you recently rated a bunch of them :)

  3. I'll admit that I know next to nothing about Elizabeth, so I'd probably enjoy this book a whole lot more than someone more knowledgeable like you, plus I do enjoy diary-like books, but only if they're done right. I guess I'd have to try it for myself to find out if the book is really for me, but I definitely appreciate your honest thoughts! Thank you for your lovely review!

    1. Yeah, I'd give it a try yourself to see, especially if you like diary books. The series seems to have a lot of promise, especially if you're looking for an easy introduction to a lot of historical figures.

  4. It sounds like the author was more interested in appealing to the audience than remaining faithful to the real Elizabeth...but I suppose that it the latitude with fiction!

    1. Yes, very true. Haha I agree, fiction does allow for author license, but I can never get over whining about "changes" (even to fictional stories, like the King Arthur myth!) :P

  5. It sounds only so so, I'm sorry! I hope your next read is more awesome :D

    1. thanks! It was ok. Have you read this series before? I can see you liking it.

  6. I would have the same issues with this book, if I ever were to pick it up. I've read about Elizabeth in school a lot, and you're right, she wasn't the bubbly, cheerful type. I think it would be too weird to read a book about her acting like that. I LOVE the cover though.

    1. Yes, exactly! She's not that type at all. I do love the new cover designs. I wish my library carried them, but they only have the old style.

  7. Guess I'll pass on this one. I used to enjoy diary formats when I was young, but don't really enjoy them anymore. Historical fiction is one genre where I don't mind them though but if Elizabeth is repeatedly going to talk about her diary while writing in it, I know I'd get annoyed too.

    1. There are some genres/stories where the diary format can work well for me, but it's the constant talk about the diary that really gets me.

  8. I'm thinking I'll pass on this one, not because I've read books about Elizabeth before, more on account that I don't like diary style narratives much.

    1. no, I don't think you'd enjoy this one much. Not really your style.


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