Saturday, December 7, 2013

Books I Got

This post is for some of the books I've gotten in the past LONG TIME or so.

For Review

A Breath of Frost
by Alyxandra Harvey

I haven't read Alyxandra Harvey's oft praise Drake Chronicles books yet, but I have read her historical fantasy standalone Haunting Violet. I wasn't totally blown away by it, but it was that type of book that's serves as a great light escape. A Breath of Frost is another historical fantasy with witches and romance and it sounds like it will hit the same mark. I just wish it weren't so long! (Almost 500 pages)

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Becoming Josephine
by Heather Webb

So, now that I've read all about becoming Marie Antoinette, I'd like to continue on with that timeline and read about Napoleon's first empress Josephine. 

Requested and received via NetGalley.


So, I went on a little buying spree...

The Decoy Princess
by Dawn Cook

I ADORED this book! Special Shelf kind of love. Crown Duel kind of love! Scarlett recommended this duology when I asked for court fantasy recommendations, so HUGE THANK YOUs to Scarlett for introducing me to these books! I bought book 2 immediately after, but I haven't read it yet (I'm "saving" it).

The Bad Queen
by Carolyn Meyer

I've been kind of unimpressed with Carolyn Meyer's Young Royals series (okay, pretty good, meh), but there are a few gems in it and The Bad Queen is the brightest of them (also, best cover by far). I thoroughly enjoyed The Bad Queen (complete with crying at the end) and so I couldn't pass it up when I saw a bargain copy.

The Queen's Daughter
by Susan Coventry

I've wanted to read this book for a while, mostly because it's historical fiction about figures I haven't read much about yet (Joan is Eleanor of Aquitaine's daughter) and because, well, isn't the cover pretty? Finding out that Sierra of Yearning to Read recommends it, after also recommending my already-loved The Bad Queen was enough to convince me to buy the bargain copy I found.

Bewitching Season
by Marissa Doyle

Spunky twins, historical fantasy, magic, witches, adorably swoony romances, and a Queen Victoria I actually liked! I saw a used hardcover in great condition and couldn't resist adding it to my personal library.

World After
by Susan Ee

After gobbling up Angelfall (I'm still swooning, chuckling, and horrified), I couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel. Except, now that I have it, I'm absolutely terrified to read it. Has anyone read it yet? Is it as good as Angelfall? I haven't had much luck with sequels/author's second books lately, so I'm pretty gun shy.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. Great haul! I read World After and loved it so definitely read it soon with no worries!! ~Pam

    1. I am so happy to hear that! Now I just need to find the time :P

  2. This looks like a royal haul! I love the cover for A Breath of Frost. Happy reading!

  3. You got tons of stuff!!! I hope you like 'em all!

  4. I think I have The Decoy Princess but have never read it (oops!) It looks really good though and I'd love to give it a read whenever I have time.

    1. I'd love to read what you think about it. I think you'd enjoy the world and the sister relationship. I'm very curious to see where you'd fall on the romance. I'm conflicted, in a good way!

  5. Books, books, books! I love looking at all their covers...I love covers. I will now have to raid the library while I'm on holiday and see if I can find any of them.

    1. Hope you find a few! I love so many of those covers, especially The Bad Queen.


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