Thursday, January 2, 2014

Books Read in 2014

I set my goal at 60 books for the year, which is about 5 books per month 50 books per month, which is about 4 books per month. This is a very low goal for me, as I usually manage much more.

But, this year I'm hoping to read a bunch of adult historical fiction books, and those tend to take me a little longer to read so I'm giving myself a cushion. I can always adjust my goal if I meet it too early.

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Small Review has
read 0 books toward her goal of 60 books.

Small Review's read-2014 book montage

Small Review's favorite books »


  1. Good luck, Smalls!! I'm doing this one too :D

  2. Have fun! It's 25 this year for me since I haven't been reading a lot in the past year and a half. 20112 was the last year I read over 100 books and I declined after that. Got back into reading last year but only got to 21. Baby steps.

  3. Thanks for the support!

    I hear you, Sandy. I used to be able to read so much more. I'm trying to embrace the baby steps approach, too. Good luck with yours!


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