Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tiny Reviews: Goose Girl & Keeping the Castle

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

I'll say this knowing I'm eliciting gasps of horror: I did not love this book. I wanted to, very much, but I just liked it. I blame part of that because I listened to it on audiobook and, though it was a GREAT performance, listening to only 20 minutes a day during my commute made it feel sloooooow (much slower than it actually was, I'm sure, but we all know how I get along with slow books).

I'd like to try to re-read it at some point (read, not listen), because thinking on the story I did like it a whole lot and was invested and emotional in ways a person driving a car should perhaps try to avoid (Falada! *sob* Selia! Agh HATE HER!).

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Keeping the Castle by Patrice Kindl

I LOVED this book! Maybe not *quite* Special Shelf love, but pretty darn close (a toe on the Special Shelf?). It's a semi-spoofy semi-serious comedy of manners with a Gothic ribbon running throughout. At times Northanger Abbey-ish (my personal favorite Austen) and at times very Pride and Prejudicey, but always wholly its own. I adore the characters, the fluffy romance, the hilarious scenes, and the decrepit house. I want to do a re-read just thinking about it!

Rating: 5 out of 5

Have you read any of these books? 
What did you think of them?


  1. I haven't read Goose Girl *cringes at the gasp* but I did read The Princess Academy which I enjoyed. I've been meaning to go back and read Hale's earlier stuff. I've also had my eye on Keeping the Castle too. I originally thought it was a "I Capture the Castle" (which I loved) redux which made me hesitate to pick it up but now I think I will.

    1. haha you won't hear me gasping! I think you'd like The Goose Girl though.

      I always associate Keeping the Castle with I Capture the Castle, too! :) I haven't read the latter, but the titles are so similar. I don't think the plots have much to do with one another though.

  2. I've read and liked both of these books, though The Goose Girl made me cry and get mad. It was just so sad. I really liked Keeping the Castle though, kind of Jane Austin like book, which I love!

    1. YES! The Goose Girl made me cry and get mad too! I really wasn't expecting the sad part to happen.

  3. I've heard so much good about The Goose Girl so I read the summary one day and wasn't even able to finish that. I am glad so many have been able to enjoy it, but I don't think it is for everyone. (Good thing not everyone HAS to like it.)

    1. haha nope, it's definitely not for everyone. I had a few failed starts with The Goose Girl before I was finally able to stick with it. I don't think I click with the author. But that's ok. :)

  4. I've never listened to audiobooks for exactly that reason: any book would be too slow. Also, driving in a car would be the only time it would make sense to me, and it would definitely be dangerous for me to drive while absorbed in a story.

    It's been a long time since I've read The Goose Girl; I liked it well enough to read the sequels, which I remember liking even more.

    1. Yeah, I'm really feeling the slowness of audiobooks. It is frustrating, especially with a shorter commute. It stretches the story on SO long. Luckily my commute now doesn't have too much traffic so I can pay attention to the book without it being a distraction from driving. My old commute definitely wouldn't allow audiobook listening!

  5. I have Keeping the Castle in my To be Bought list!! It sounds cute.
    I remember I read Goose Girl a while back but I don't think the story made much impact with me as I don't remember the particulars.

    1. aw, I think you will really enjoy Keeping the Castle! It's cute and sweet and just such a nice story.

  6. I've got both of these in my TBR pile. I read a bit of The Goose Girl before putting it on hold. I'm glad you loved Keeping the Castle and look forward to eventually reading it.

    1. I'm sorry you didn't get into The Goose Girl, but I'm a little relieved to hear you say that too. It feels like one of those books that so many people LOVE and I didn't. I hope you get to read Keeping the CAstle soon!

  7. Okay, I am definitely checking out Keeping the Castle! Love Austen's work, so if its a nod, I am so reading it!

  8. I was pretty meh about Goose Girl, but I've felt that way about all of Hale's books. I don't really know why she's that popular. I think she's actually kind of a mediocre writer, though I imagine I'm going to hell for saying so.

    I read Keeping the Castle once I saw it pop up on your list of favorites for 2013. I loved it, too! I adore when authors have fun with names and Kindl definitely did. The tone is just right for a quick, fun read. I really liked the MC's pragmatic approach to marriage...not everyone can be as high-minded as Elizabeth Bennet.

  9. Ooooooo I like the sound of Keeping the Castle.

    NA is your fav huh? I'm trying to decide on my next Austen. :)


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