Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Challenge: Goodreads

25/50 books

Challenge Basics:  

Name: 2015 Goodreads Reading Challenge
Previous Hosts: Goodreads
Starts: January 1, 2015
Ends: December 31, 2015
Eligible Books: Any!

Why I'm Interested:  

I like keeping track of the books I read each year. Last year I set a goal for 60, bumped it down early on to 50 because I wanted to read more heavy historical books, but ended up reading 65 anyway. This year I'm going to try for 50 again because I liked the low pressure of an achievable challenge (it's so nice seeing "you're X books ahead of schedule!" instead of the dreaded "behind schedule" message).

Small Review's read-2015 book montage

Isabel: Jewel of Castilla, Spain, 1466
Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution

Small Review's favorite books »

Books DNF'ed:

9. Revel by Maurissa Guibord (pg 195)
8. There Will Be Wolves by Karleen Bradford (pg 10)
7. Fairest of All by Sarah Mlynowksi (pg 49)
6. Housewitch by Katie Schickel (pg 191)
5. A Darkness Strange and Lovely by Susan Dennard (pg 150)
4. Nameless by Lili St. Crow (pg 178)
3. Still Star-Crossed by Melinda Taub (pg 25)
2. Farewell, My Queen by Chantal Thomas (pg 95)
1.Victoria: May Blossom of Britannia by Anna Kirwan (pg 25)


  1. Oh, gosh!I get you on the pressure! I set to read 200 in 2014 like I did in 2013, but had to bump it down to 150 and then to 120 because work was nuts.

    I think I like the low pressure though, so I'm going to aim for 120 again ;) ... and maybe read lots of novellas...

    Anyway, good luck Small, and happy new year

    1. Wow I'm still super impressed with 120! It's all relative :) Novellas are a great way of bumping up the list. Good luck to you!


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