Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 Challenge: Historical Fiction

17/15 books

Challenge Basics:  

Name: 2016 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
Hosts: Passages to the Past
Starts: January 1, 2016
Ends: December 31, 2016
Eligible Books: YA and adult historical fiction books. Non-fiction included.
Levels: I am going to try for 15-25 books

Why I'm Interested:  

Historical Bio: These are the weightier, meatier books that I want to make top priority. They go into detail about actual people and events and I'll learn the most from them. I've thrown in the non-fiction books onto this shelf, too. I've been toe-dipping into non-fiction, and I'd like to continue that toe-dip.

Historical Fantasy: These vary as far as actual historical learning goes. Some have a ton of historical detail, but most just use a historical setting. Some of my favorite books come from this shelf and I don't want to neglect them just because they're not heavy historical fiction.

Historical Lite: These are a lot like the books on my Historical Fantasy shelf, just without the fantasy elements. Usually they're mysteries or romances set with a historical backdrop of varying degrees of detail. They're often easy breezy, fun books and I want to make sure I read them as well.

I also went on a buying spree and brought home a whole bunch of historical fiction books that I don't want to leave unread for years. So, extra points if I read those.

Books Completed:

Historical Non-Fiction

4. Great Tales from English History, vol. 2 by Robert Lacey
3. Great Tales from English History, vol. 1 by Robert Lacey
2. Doomed Queens by Kris Waldherr
1. The Conquering Family by Thomas B. Costain

Historical Bio (fiction):

7. The King's General by Daphne du Maurier
6. Henry VIII and His Six Wives by Maureen Peters
5. The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell
4. With All My Heart by Margaret Campbell Barnes
3. In the Shadow of the Crown by Jean Plaidy
2. The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell
1. The Lacemaker and the Princess by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

Historical Fantasy:

2.Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield
1. A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux

Historical Lite:

5. The Talisman Ring by Georgette Heyer
4. The Rules of Gentility by Janet Mullany
3. My Fair Gentleman by Nancy Campbell Allen
2. The Case of the Girl in Grey by Jordan Stratford
1. The Case of the Missing Moonstone by Jordan Stratford


1. The Vatican Princess by C. W. Gortner


  1. That's a very ambitious challenge! Is it pathetic for me to say I don't really care about history? But I can think of one historical novel I want to read: Hild. Lots of people saying good things about it.

    1. haha I have a friend who feels the same way you do about history. :) I've heard good things about Hild also. It's on my TBR. Last year I was able to do 20, so hopefully the same will hold true for this year.


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