Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Challenge: Read My Own Damn Books

13/12 books

Challenge Basics: 
Name: Read My Own Damn Books Challenge
Previous Hosts: Estella's Revenge
Starts: January 1, 2016
Ends: December 31, 2016
Eligible Books: Books you own prior to 2016.
Levels: I'm going to try to read and/or DNF and get rid of 12 books I own.

Why I'm Interested:  

I seriously have too many books and they keep sitting on my shelves unread. I did this challenge in 2015 and ended up getting rid of almost all the books I read for the challenge, which means I've carted around and found room for all those books that I didn't even end up liking. Before I move again, I need to reevaluate the books I'm bringing with me and make sure they're books I actually want.

Some books I'm considering: 

Anything on my Own-Unread shelf that I acquired prior to 2016. Also, with an extra focus on culling through those books I owned prior to 2015.

Books Completed:

10. The Rules of Gentility by Janet Mullany (2013)
9. Rapunzel Cuts Loose by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams (2015)
8. Nightspell by Leah Cypess
7. The Afterlife Academy by Frank L. Cole (2015)
6. Shadow Magic by Joshua Khan (2015)
5. Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher
4. Hidden Truth by Dawn Cook (2015)
3. The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell
2. The Cat Who Came in Off the Roof by Annie M.G. Schmidt (2015)
1. The Lacemaker and the Princess by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (2014)

Books DNF'ed:

3. Resenting the Hero by Moira J. Moore
2. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
1. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken (2015)


  1. I have the same challenge for myself. Haha! I seriously need to cull down my tbr. Good luck to us! Happy reading! :)

  2. Good luck with this challenge. It sounds like fun. Honestly, it's probably something I need to participate in. I have a number of owned books that haven't been read. Someday.

    Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks! This is always a hard challenge for me, but I've actually managed to finished a similar challenge two years running now, so little by little I'm getting there! (If only I didn't buy books faster than I can read them)

  3. This is something I need to do too! I'm doing the #RockMyTBR challenge but I think it's the same general idea: getting around to reading the books actually sitting on your shelves collecting dust. I have many of these, some of which I started and never finished and others I haven't even cracked open. I feel really bad about the books I was *gifted* that I haven't read, because the vast majority of these are ones I *asked* for! So I need to just read them already.

  4. hah, great challenge name. And I'm sure you're far from alone when it comes to collecting so many unread books on your shelf. I would also like to cull some of my book collection as I agree it's pretty cumbersome to have to cart all those books around when you move.

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