Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mini Reviews: Two Middle Grade Series Starters

Addison Cooke and the Treasure of the Incas by Jonathan W. Stokes
Received: ARC from publisher
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Sign me up, count me in, whatever it takes I'm invested in this series (why isn't book 2 on Goodreads?!). Addison Cooke is two parts Theodosia and Kat, two parts Indiana Jones, two parts The Mummy and all parts fun. From page one it's a rip-roaring adventure as our intrepid group chase their kidnapped relatives into the heart of South American jungles, mingle undercover at mobster parties, explore ancient booby-trapped tombs, and follow clues on a hunt for buried treasure. This combines with amusing prim and proper quips and Addison always staying cool under fire. Highly recommended.

Half Upon a Time by James Riley
Received: Library
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

I read this so long ago (ok, it was January 2015, but that feels like forever ago), and I still don't have much to say about it. It's not a bad book. It's not an amazing book. It's kind of just a book. A very been there, done that kind of fractured fairy tale that doesn't do anything offensive or bad, but doesn't really make its mark in any defining way either. At least, it didn't for me. I had super high expectations for it, so my general feelings toward it are tinged with disappointment. If I hadn't set such high hopes, then I might have enjoyed it more for what it was, which is still just ok, but at least it would have been a happier ok, if that makes sense. I haven't picked up the rest of the series yet and while I wouldn't mind reading the next book, I'm also not dying to jump into it either. Other books are taking priority and I'd say there's 50/50 odds of my finishing this series.


  1. Addison Cooke definitely sounds like my kind of read!

    You know Goodreads' recommendations page? From the very beginning Half Upon a Time has been getting recced to me and I've been going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to read it. I'm thinking I'll hold off for now since it seems like it's a pretty average book, but maybe one day..!

  2. I'm going to look up the Stokes book at my public library. I'm thrilled that it takes place somewhere that's not North America and Europe. Count me in!


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