Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Book Review: Rapunzel, the One With All the Hair by Wendy Mass

Rapunzel, the One With All the Hair by Wendy Mass
Release Date: June 1, 2005
Publisher: Scholastic
Pages: 208
Received: Library
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Short and sweet, this is a fractured fairy tale that's perfect for middle grade readers, but funny enough to entertain YA and adult readers. While it does hit on all the major points of the original tale, Wendy Mass weaves in so much original material and characterizations that I think fans of fractured fairy tales who don't usually like the Rapunzel story should still give it a try. I can't even count how many times I laughed out loud from the hilarious one-liners and tongue-in-cheek narration.

The story switches back and forth between Rapunzel and Prince Benjamin's first person perspectives. They each have a distinct voice and I found them both likable characters. Rapunzel is extremely put out at the idea of being locked in a tower (though she observes, "Kicking and screaming in frustration is not doing me much good."), but I found her petulance and pluck endearing instead of annoying.

Prince Benjamin's part of the story seemed the most original to me in that I don't remember ever hearing his side of the story before he meets Rapunzel. I liked getting to know him as a person in his own right separate from his more traditional role.

The romance is pretty light, even for a middle grade book. Rapunzel and the Prince are more just friends, so romantics might be a touch disappointed at the lack of swooning (though, you know, they are supposed to be only about 12 years old).

It's light, quick, and I totally recommend it to fans of fractured fairy tales looking for a laugh. A good pick for readers who enjoy The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.

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  1. LOL...Lack of swooning is definitely ok at age 12!

  2. Sounds like fun and I've enjoyed other books by this author so I'll definitely pick it up. What is up with that cover though?!

    1. yeah I can't decide if I love the covers in an ugly christmas sweater kind of way or if it's just too awful. They redid the covers, but there's something about these old ugly ones that appeals to me more!

  3. I love fairy tale related ideas so I'll check this out, Small. It's always nice to have an amusing book on hand!


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