Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Mini Book Reviews: Two Tudor Queens

Katheryn the Wanton Queen by Maureen Peters
3 out of 5 stars

I wasn't expecting much from this book given that I wasn't hugely impressed with the one other Maureen Peters book I read, and I was both spot on and pleasantly surprised. Spot on because this really isn't a book that will leave any kind of lasting impression on me.

It's a basic rundown of events from Katheryn's time growing up with Manox and Dereham going through to her time as queen and then ending with her death. It's all told from the perspective of a barely developed fictional lady, and Katheryn is a distant character who is hard to sympathize with.

But, Katheryn is depicted in a somewhat nuanced way that gives a glimpse into her character. It's not flattering, but it is an interesting piece to add to the historical patchwork. Her character her is very similar to how she was portrayed by Showtime's Tudors series.

There aren't many books about Katheryn, and while this one wasn't particularly memorable, I think it's still worth reading.

My Lady of Cleves by Margaret Campbell Barnes
2 out of 5 stars

What a disappointment! I've had this book on my shelves for years and I'd always just assumed I was going to like it. I've enjoyed the other MCB's books I've read and I have a favorable opinion of Anne of Cleves. Plus, this is pretty much the only Anne of Cleves book I could get my hands on, so I just wanted it to be good.

Recipe for success, right?

No, sadly not. Anne was a strange mix of really dislikable and Mary Sue perfect. Or, rather, it felt like the author tried to make her perfect and make everyone react to her as if she were perfect (which felt so weird, historically speaking), but I just couldn't help but hate her. Her thoughts and actions were not sympathetic and did not endear me to her, which is  difficult to achieve considering how her historical situation is pretty darn sympathetic.

I'm still not ready to admit how much I disliked this book. So much potential! I hope my next MCB book is better.

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