Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Book Review: The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden

#2 in the Winternight Trilogy
Pages: 363
Publisher: Del Rey
Released: December 5, 2017
Received: ARC from the publisher
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

I love it when a sequel lives up to the level of the first book in the series. I adored The Bear and the Nightingale, and while there were a few loose ends, it could have easily ended as a standalone. So, when I heard there was going to be a sequel, I sighed and kind of wished the publisher would leave well enough alone. I was expecting the sequel to be a pale imitation and leave me wishing I too had just left well enough alone and stopped reading after the first book.

Thankfully, my worries were for nothing. The Girl in the Tower has the same magic and storytelling charm and I am so, so glad I picked it up. The same blend of fantasy, folklore, and history that worked so well in the first book continues to work well here. The chapters continue to be on the longish side, but that is also still not a problem for me. I flew through this book and had to force myself to read slower and savor the story. The characters continue to be likable, and while they still aren't hugely deep (fairy tale!), Vasya's storyline allows for more depth of character as we watch her try to come to terms with who she is and what she wants, and does not want, from life. 

Bottom line

Readers who enjoyed the first book should enjoy the sequel just as much. Katherine Arden has a gift for storytelling and her words and tales are enchanting. I cannot wait for the third book.


  1. I'm so glad that the sequel lived up to the first book. I had some murmurings that it wasn't. While I do want to read it very quickly, it's slow pace makes me want to find time to actually savor it.

    1. Totally understand. I made myself wait until December to read it because I wanted to read it in a cold, wintery month. It was so hard waiting!

  2. I loved Girl in the Tower! Even better than the first book, I think. Can't wait for the third to come out. Yes, you really do need to read these books curled up by the fire with a fuzzy blanket and a hot chocolate!


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