Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Book Review: The League of the Beastly Dreadfuls by Holly Grant

Pages: 320
Released: April 28, 2017
Publisher: Random House
Received: Finished copy from publisher
Rating: DNF at page 160 (50%)

Well, I really wanted to like this book. I'd convinced myself that I would like this book because the cover art and the title were just so darn charming. Color me disappointed when the first half of the book was almost charming and almost engaging, but never quite got there. The main character was a sketch of someone I could care about, and the aunts were sketches of people I could find menacing and creepy, and the house was something I could almost find intriguing, but none of these things went past the potential for greatness into actually achieving greatness.

And then.

Then supernatural elements were randomly introduced about halfway through and the plot took a turn and I just wasn't prepared to get on board with this new direction. Maybe if I was already invested, or if there had been more to prepare me for those twists, but none of that was the case. The twists also weren't the type of twists that surprise, but rather just a totally different direction. I don't know, maybe it's just me (I don't like it when Plans Change), but it all seemed to come out of nowhere which made it feel tacked on and not like a cohesive story.

Sadly, this one isn't for me. I had such high hopes.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hate when a book you are looking forward to reading disappoints you.


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