Thursday, November 18, 2010

Spotlight List: Little Red Riding Hood Retold

I'm always a sucker for a good fairy tale retelling. I like seeing how different authors take the same basic story and make it their own. I'm also a fan of werewolves, so I'm delighted to see all of the recent Little Red Riding Hood retellings incorporating werewolves into the mix. Here's a taste of some authors' takes on the tale:

Cloaked in Red, by Vivian Vande Velde
Release Date: October 2010
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish Children's Books
Pages: 127
Author's Page
Amazon Page

I love, love, LOVE Vivian Vande Velde. Did I mention I love her? She's awesome. She somehow manages to pack a huge story, awesomely real characters, and a powerhouse of emotional depth into these teeny tiny books. Her stories also have twists and turns that are unique and unpredictable, and she does it all with her signature sense of sly humor.

Cloaked in Red is her latest book, a collection of short stories where VVV turns the classic tale on its head. I haven't read this one yet, but it just arrived for me yesterday through inter-library loan. I can't wait to read it! 

Scarlet Moon, by Debbie Viguie
Release Date: April 6, 2004
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pages: 176
Author's Page
Amazon Page

The Once Upon a Time series can be hit or miss, but when the books have been "hits" they've been really great. Scarlet Moon was the first book I read in the series and it definitely falls into the "hit" column. Viguie takes the classic tale, sets it in a medieval village with a kick-butt blacksmithing Ruth (Little Red), and a sexy "Is he good or is he bad?" love interest with a dark secret. Can Ruth protect her family from the wolf terrorizing her village? The romance is hot, the tension high, and the story fun. Plus, as with all good fairy tale retellings, Viguie wove in all the classic elements of the original tale while also making the story wholly her own. Don't be fooled by the kind of bleh cover, this one is definitely worth reading. 

Sisters Red, by Jackson Pearce
Release Date: June 7, 2010
Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 336
Author's Page
Amazon Page

After a werewolf attack when they were young that left their grandmother dead and Scarlett scarred, sisters Rosie and Scarlett take up the calling of werewolf hunters (or, in this book, Fenris hunters). Their goal is to kill as many Fenris as they can, but this goal gets a whole lot more complicated with the creation of a new Fenris and the mysterious effects this has on the local packs. Add in a cute love interest for sweeter sister Rosie, and this book elevates itself to "I MUST read this!" status.

I loved Jackson Pearce's first book, As You Wish and have read about half of Sisters Red. It was due back at the library before I could finish, but I definitely plan on picking it up again in the future. Plus, look at that awesome cover!

Red Riding Hood, by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright and David Leslie Johnson
Release Date: January 25, 2011
Publisher: Poppy
Pages: 352
Author's Page
Amazon Page

I just found out about this book today and I'm already dying to read it. I couldn't even wait until next Wednesday to feature it in a Waiting on Wednesday post. Forbidden love, dangerous men, love triangles, werewolves, a mystery, and look at that cover! How amazing does this look?

But wait, it gets better. Warner Brothers is releasing a movie version and it looks fantastic! Check out the trailer: Red Riding Hood trailer.

Have you read any Little Red Riding Hood retellings? What did you think of them?


  1. I love the idea of Little Red Riding Hood retellings including werewolves! And I just saw the trailer for that movie myself; it definitely looks good.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog... I am glad you are joining Forget Me Not! I plan to have it on Tuesday.. Where I will put up a linky so others can see your post for that week. You however do not have to have it on that day, if another day is better for you, by all means do it whenever! Thanks again for joining!

  3. Awesome! Thanks for all the info, for stopping by, and for following! :)

  4. Oh, I would like to read these retellings! Thanks for posting them!

  5. Hi Moony! You're welcome. I really can't wait for that last book/movie.


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