Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (1)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating. 

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

This week, my Waiting on Wednesday books are both books written by Staceys: Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade and The Locket by Stacey Jay.

Queen of the Dead (Ghost and the Goth, book 2), by Stacey Kade
Release Date: June 7, 2011
Publisher: Hyperion
Pages: 288 
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

 Product Description: 

After being sent back from the light, Alona Dare - former homecoming queen, current Queen of the Dead - finds herself doing something she never expected: working. Instead of spending days perfecting her tan by the pool (her typical summer routine when she was, you know, alive), Alona must now cater to the needs of other lost spirits. By her side for all of this - ugh - “helping of others” is Will Killian: social outcast, seer of the dead, and someone Alona cares about more than she’d like.

Before Alona can make a final ruling on Will’s “friend” or “more” status, though, she discovers trouble at home. Her mom is tossing out Alona’s most valuable possessions, and her dad is expecting a new daughter with his wicked wife. Is it possible her family is already moving on? Hello! She’s only been dead for two months! Thankfully, Alona knows just the guy who can put a stop to this mess.

Unfortunately for Alona, Will has other stuff on his mind, and Mina, a young (and beautiful) seer, is at the top of the list. She’s the first ghost-talker Will’s ever met—aside from his father—and she may hold answers to Will’s troubled past. But can she be trusted? Alona immediately puts a check mark in the “clearly not” column. But Will is - ahem - willing to find out, even if it means leaving a hurt and angry Alona to her own devices, which is never a good idea.

Packed with romance, lovable characters, and a killer cliffhanger, Queen of the Dead is the out-of-this-world sequel to The Ghost and the Goth. 

I adored  the first book in this series (you can see my review for it here). It was really sweet and funny with two great characters. The first book ended without any cliffhangers, but I wasn't ready to let go of the characters yet. I wanted to know how Will would handle his abilities now that Alona could help him. I wanted to know how Alona would adjust to life after death, and I wanted to hear her snarky commentary about the whole situation. Most importantly, I wanted to see their relationship grow. Their chemistry was smoking while still being innocent and in the early stages of attraction. I want to see them take it to the next level. The product description for Queen of the Dead sounds like exactly what I was hoping for. I can't wait to read it!

I also really like that cover and I hope they end up using it.

The Locket, by Stacey Jay
Release Date: February 3, 2011
Publisher: Razorbill
Pages: 288 
(Above publication information from Amazon)
Author's Page
Amazon Page

Product Description:

On her seventeenth birthday, Katie discovers a locket and decides to wear it for good luck. But when her boyfriend Isaac finds out she cheated on him with their mutual best friend Mitch, no less, he dumps her, leaving her devastated.

And then a miracle happens. The locket burns on Katie's chest and she feels herself going back two weeks in time, to the night she cheated with Mitch. At first, Kate is delighted to be a better girlfriend to Isaac this time around. But as other aspects of her life become inexplicably altered, she realizes that changing the past may have had a dangerous effect on her present.

Can she make things right before the locket destroys everything and everyone she loves?

I haven't read anything by Stacey Jay before (but I've just added a bunch of her books to my TBR, they sound great), so I don't know what to expect from this one. I love time travel and reading about the characters trying to figure out how to set things right after they inadvertently mess up the entire timeline. Add in romance and I'm so there.  


  1. These books are definitely on my list to buy! Great picks!!

  2. The locket looks great. I love the cover of that one! :)

  3. Thanks Savannah. :)

    Leanna, I like the cover too. I don't know if that's going to be the final cover, but I hope they keep it.

  4. The Ghost and the Goth series sounds super cute!

  5. So excited for Queen of the Dead, the first books was so good!

  6. About to add the Locket to my wishlist, thanks!

  7. I haven't read the first book, The Ghost and the Goth but my fellow Bookworm loved it !!

    Locked sounds great too!

  8. Glad you guys liked these picks. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I haven't read the ghost and the goth but they look like so much fun and The Locket looks wonderful too, the cover is just lovely.

  10. The Ghost and the Goth was a lot of fun. The characters really made the book for me. Alona was great (the girl ghost on the cover).


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