Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison

 My Fair Godmother (Book 1), by Janette Rallison
Release Date: January 2009
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 320
Received: Library book
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Author's Page
Amazon Page


Wouldn't it be nice to have a fairy godmother? Of course it would. But how about a fair godmother? You know, one that's only so-so at her job, fair. One that needs a little more practice before she graduates to full on fairy godmother status. One that's been assigned to you as an extra credit project to help improve her shaky grades. Still want her? Well, Savannah is stuck with her for the duration of three horribly mis-construed wishes.

After her boyfriend dumps her for her studious older sister, Savannah is visited by her fair godmother Chrissy. Savannah wishes for a handsome prince to fall in love with her at a ball and before she can clarify what she means, Chrissy, perpetually distracted wish shopping trips, whisks Savannah off to the middle ages to meet her Prince Charming. What follows are fractured fairy tales, a mysterious black knight, battles with ogres and dragons, stingy leprechauns, attempted poisonings, and a quest to make a modern boy a prince, all told with liberal doses of hilarity.


I wasn't expecting much with this book, but boy was I surprised! I was laughing out loud throughout the whole book. The scenes with Snow White and the goat scene at the ball were gasping-for-breath hilarious. The author's idea was well-realized and seamlessly combined time travel, fractured fairy tales, romance, and characters who were easy to relate to and sympathize with. Savannah grows throughout the book as she realizes how she was silly and gains confidence in her abilities. There is a second book coming out that I can't wait to read, but the story in My Fair Godmother wraps up nicely and doesn't leave any cliffhangers. Definitely recommended.

Explanation of rating system: Star Rating Key


  1. Sounds fun! If a book can genuinely make a person laugh, that's always a good thing.

  2. It's very fun! The first chapter is a little slow because it's told from Savannah's sister's perspective, but after that it really picks up. Definitely a book I'll reread.

  3. I'm adding this one at my TBR! Thanks for the review!


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