My ratings are based on my own personal level of enjoyment when reading a book. I don't do objective ratings on a book's quality.

= I loved this book and want to own a copy!

= I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't a perfect "Special Shelf" match for me, but I really liked it.
= Probably the most commonly used rating, 3.5 stars is for a book that was "above average," though not perfect for me. This is a good, solid rating.
= I liked this book overall, but there were enough things that bothered me to affect my enjoyment.

= Significant number of things I didn't like that negatively impacted my overall enjoyment, though I may still have liked some parts of this book.

= I really didn’t like this book at all.

= For those books that were extra special for me. Sometimes they moved me emotionally or made me think deeply about a topic. Sometimes they were beautiful stories. Most of the time they were the books that I
need to own and will reread over and over again because I love the characters and story.
Half star ratings are also used.
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