Sunday, December 19, 2010

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

For the second week in a row now, I've been trying to practice some restraint by not ordering a whole bunch of books (especially considering I still have books not only from last week, but from the week before that....and the week before that!) I was doing pretty good actually, until I saw Net Galley had Outside In  by Maria V. Snyder up for grabs. I loved her book Poison Study and I'd been eying her dystopian series for a while now. I finally broke down and ordered Inside Out from the library:

(Click on the image to make it larger)

So, funny story about this picture? You all already know I'm not the tallest person in the world, but I wanted to try to get a more overhead shot of this book. Partially because it looks better and partially because you could see the stamp of the library the book came from on the bottom edges of the pages. I stood on a chair in order to take the picture. Only it was my computer chair. It started rotating around as I was trying to take the picture, so I snapped it real fast as I was drifting to the left. So, that's why it's a little off center!

For Review from Goodreads' First Reads program (I think this is the first book that has actually arrived in my mailbox):

(Click on the image to make it larger)

And look! The author signed it too!
(Click on the image to make it larger)

What a wonderful thing to come home to today. A big thank you to both Goodreads and Adele Griffin. The cover looks even spookier in person! 

Anyone read any of these books? What were your thoughts? 

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.

And don't forget to join in on my event, Busting the Newbie Blues! We're having a ton of fun!


  1. Good for you. A book which actually came via "mail". I've had 4 now, all of which I've been really excited for. My recent on being Shades of Gray.

    I'm not familiar with Inside Out. I'm going to look up the summary right after this.

  2. Wonderful books! I enjoyed reading Inside Out! I hope you will too!

    Here's mine:

  3. I want to read Tighter. It looks really creepy, and you got it signed too. Awesome! I haven't read Inside Out but I've heard great things about it.
    Happy reading :D

  4. I can't wait to read Tighter, that one sound fabulous:) Looking forward to your review!

  5. I hadn't heard of Tighter before, but I just checked it out on Goodreads, and it sounds amazing!! I'm totally adding it to my wishlist and will definitely be keeping an eye out for your review!

  6. Congrats on your win from Goodreads! It's signed! That's so cool! I hope you like Inside Out. I have a love/hate relationship with Maria V. Snyder. Her books are either really amazing or so terribly boring. Inside Out fell somewhere in between for me. Great concept, but took too long to get to the point. Happy reading! Come check out what's IMM

  7. Like Laura said, Maria V. Snyder is either really good or really bad. I honestly couldn't even finish Inside Out :/ But it's just sitting on my shelf, so I should start it again.

    And congrats on getting Tighter! It seems like a good mixture of creepy and mystery, :D

  8. Look forward to your review of Maria's book!

  9. Gina, It’s so much fun getting books in the mail. Much better than bills.

    Precious, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Inside Out!

    Cicely, Tighter does look really creepy. I get so scared reading ghost stories, but I love reading them!

    Jenny, I’ll try to get to it quickly!

    Leanna, Doesn’t it just? I think it’s supposed to be a loose retelling of The Turn of the Screw. I have high hopes.

    Laura, Thanks! I’ve only read Poison Study, which I loved. I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of the sequels, so I decided not to read them and possibly taint my experience with PS. Hopefully I’ll like Inside Out. I’ve been thus far turned off by the cover, but Net Galley has inspired me.

    Lauren, Ah, too bad! I’m pretty picky about dystopians, so my hopes aren’t too high for this one.

    Books for Company, I’ll let you know when I post it!

  10. Congrats on your win! It's even more exciting when the book is autographed.

    I'm not a huge dystopian fan and nothing about Inside Out really makes me want to read it so I'm going to wait for your review to see if I should change my mind.

  11. Poison Study is one of the books of the month in my Nothing But Reading Challenges group on Goodreads! I didn't even realize it was the same author as Inside Out. I = lame. Happy reading!

  12. I haven't read Inside Out yet but I have heard and read great things about it which makes me want to go to the bookstore and buy a copy. :D Enjoy reading!

  13. A Canadian Girl, Thanks! I know! I had no idea until I opened it up and saw writing :) It’s even written to my name! I’ll let you know on Inside Out. I’m pretty picky about dystopians lately.

    Logan, Ooh, I *highly* recommend Poison Study. I’ve seen some mixed reviews, but I loved it. There are sequels, but Poison Study ends well enough on its own that you can read it as a standalone.

    Reading Lassie (I love your name, btw), Thanks! I’m hoping I enjoy it.


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