Sunday, December 26, 2010

Morbid Romantica Challenge

Steampunkery & Book Reviews

3/12 books

Challenge Basics: 
Name: Morbid Romantica Challenge
Starts: January 1, 2011
Ends: December 31, 2011
Eligible Books: Books that fall into each of the paranormal romance categories selected.
Levels: Five; I will be trying for Level 4: Trying 6 books
Prizes? None that I can see.  
Sign up page 

Why I'm Interested:  

As the tagline for the challenge says: Who doesn't like a bit of Paranormal Romance in their reading? Well, I certainly like it! 

Some books I'm considering: 

Not sure yet! I'll have to start browsing around my Goodreads shelves.  

Books Completed: 
  1.  Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
  2. The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
  3. Tighter, by Adele Griffin


  1. Good luck with the challenge, I don't love paranormals so I'm siting this one out.

    :D Have fun!

  2. I love the name of this challenge~~

    Btw, does you have a twitter?

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  3. Also, holy crap you have a lot of challenges

  4. Haha, yep, I have no impulse control :) I do not have a twitter account though. I'd be totally overwhelmed if I did!

  5. I'm excited for Morbid Romantica to start! I can hardly decided which book to starte off with!

    Mad Scientist

  6. Wow, good luck with all your challenges!

  7. Mad Scientist, Me too!

    Brooke, Thank you!


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