Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wish I'd Read That Challenge

My Love Affair With Books

20/20 +5 books

Challenge Basics:  

Name: Wish I'd Read That 
Hosts : My Love Affair With Books 
Starts: January 1, 2011 
Ends: December 31, 2011 
Eligible Books: Books I wish I've read but haven't yet. 
Levels: Four; I will be trying for Level 4: 20 books 
Prizes? Two $10 Amazon gift cards 

Why I'm Interested:  

Because there are a ton of books I wish I've read but haven't yet! I'm hoping to tackle a bunch of YA "classics" people tend to read when they're younger but I somehow missed. 

Some books I'm considering: 

Not sure yet! I'll have to start browsing around my Goodreads shelves.  

Books Completed: 
  1. My Swordhand is Singing by Marcus Sedgwick
  2. The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope
  3. Fortune's Folly by Deva Fagan
  4. Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
  5. Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
  6. Post Captain by Patrick O'Brian
  7. Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
  8. Legacy by Cayla Kluver
  9. Rapunzel, the One with All the Hair by Wendy Mass
  10. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
  11. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  12. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
  13. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
  14. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
  15. Goose Chase by Patrice Kindl
  16. Plain Kate by Erin Bow
  17. The Dust of 100 Dogs by A. S. King
  18. Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin
  19. Toads and Diamonds by Heather Tomlinson
  20. Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell
  21. Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt
  22. Where I Want To Be by Adele Griffin
  23. The Julian Game by Adele Griffin
  24. Persephone the Phony by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
  25. StarCrossed, by Elizabeth C. Bunce


  1. Wow, you are participating in a ton of challenges, good for you! Looking forward to seeing what books you choose for this one:)

  2. Oooh! Like Anne of Green Gables? Also, I lol'd at your comment about your moisturizer being confused heh~~

  3. and by your moisturizer I meant mine >.<

  4. This is a great challenge, but I am already doing three. I think that is my limit. LOL!

  5. You are going to have a very busy year! =)

  6. Sounds like your are really going hog wild on the challenges. I've never done a challenge until the Christmas one I'm involved in right now. It ends 12/31/10. Then, I've joined a couple more. I'm just afraid of failing, I work full time and don't want to get in over my head. Its going to be fun to see/read about how all your challenges are going. I'm looking forward to following your progress. You are very inspiring and admirable.

  7. Jenny, Yes I am! I keep saying, “This is the last one” and then I find another one I want to join. I really have no self-control. It’s shameful!

    Sniffly Kitty, I love Anne! I’m obsessed with lotion, so I’m still kind of miffed at that lotion for doing the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do.

    Misha, thanks for hosting!

    Savannah, You have more impulse control than I :)

    Books For Company, I certainly am! At least, I will if I follow through! :P

    Gina, I really am. These are all my first challenges, so I’m really jumping in head first. I’ll be stopping over your blog to see which ones you’ve picked :) Luckily I can read at my job, so that helps immensely. I’m glad you find me inspiring and admirable, but I hope I can actually live up to that! So far all I’ve done is the easy part :P

  8. You pick such great challenges to participate in! I wish I had that sort of determination haha

  9. I tried to pick challenges that I thought would have a lot of crossover! Is that cheating? :P

  10. I don't think its cheating when you have crossover at all. For the three I did, I had the same thing in mind. I think its just being inovative! :-)

    PS: I'm jealous you can read @ your job! :-)

  11. LOL, Innovative! I love it! Thanks :)

    I love being able to read at work. I never want to leave this job. I'm so spoiled I don't know if I'll know how to adjust to working in a job I'm actually expected at...all day long.

  12. Hey hun! Just scanned your blog. WOW! Looks like you got a lot of challenges going on. Good for you!

    I have been so lazy about getting my challenge posts up. Will you do it for me? LOL

    Good luck and have fun!

  13. Cool challenge! I still need to sign up for a few challenges. Hopefully I'll get to it this week.

    I'm able to read at work too (at least on my iPod). It's so nice. And this week is really slow so I've read tons.

  14. LOVE this idea. I have so many books that I stare at longingly on my shelves or in the store.... =)

  15. Woah have you ever got a lot of challenges going on! O_O Hope you can keep up with all of them :)

  16. You've got a lot of challenges signed up on! I would love to join even just one but I still don't have any idea what challenge I can do.

    Hey, I gave you the Life is Good Award! You can check out my post on that here.

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  17. This is such a wonderul idea for a challenge! I have so many books that would be fit into the category. I'm thinking about signing up now.

    I'm glad my top ten list helped you :) Sorry for the jumbled up pictures and writing. I went on my blog this morning and everything was a bit haywire. I don't know what caused the problem but I've fixed the affected posts now.
    I can only read clean romances because of my age but I think it makes their relationshi more special in the book. I hope you enjoy The Healer's Apprentice if you get round to it!

  18. This sounds like a good challenge. I'm already doing five of them though :( so I'll have to sit this one out.

    Still, good luck!

  19. Missie, Haha, I was procrastinating for so long! I finally just did it because there were a few that required 12/2010 sign ups. I just copied and pasted like crazy. Good luck with your posts!

    Alison, Reading at work is the best thing ever. :)

    Casey, Me too! Hopefully I’ll finally get to some of them. I have a terrible habit of getting easily distracted by new books (new publications or new to me)

    Danya, oh yeah, I hope so too! I’m hoping to do a lot of crossing over with these challenges. Two birds with one stone kind of thing.

    Nina, I do! Which challenges appeal to you? I think most you can sign up at any time, so you at least have time to consider it longer. Thank you for the award!

    Stephanie, Your post looked fine for me. I didn’t see it jumbled!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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