Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (7)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one but that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Shattered Souls, by Mary Lindsey
Release Date: December 8, 2011
Pages: n/a
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page 

Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:
A dark and dangerous forbidden love story about a Speaker who helps lingering ghosts pass to the spirit world and the Protector who has pledged to server her.
Click here to watch the video trailer. 

That's a pretty short description, so I'm not really sure what to expect from this one. Still, how wrong can you go with a "dark and dangerous forbidden love story"? Except, actually, now that I think about it this sounds a lot like Amber Kizer's Meridian, which I actually didn't love. Oh well, I'm still interested. Plus, ahem, look at that cover.

I'm pretty sure this book would qualify for the 2011 Debut Author Challenge and the Morbid Romantica Challenge.

Voices of Dragons, by Carrie Vaughn
Release Date: March 1, 2010
Publisher: HarperTeen

(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page 

Amazon Page
Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:

On one side of the border lies the modern world: the internet, homecoming dances, cell phones. On the other side dwell the ancient monsters who spark humanity's deepest fears: dragons.
Seventeen-year-old Kay Wyatt knows she's breaking the law by rock climbing near the border, but she'd rather have an adventure than follow the rules.When the dragon Artegal unexpectedly saves her life, the rules are abruptly shattered, and a secret friendship grows between them.
But suspicion and terror are the legacy of human and dragon inter actions, and the fragile truce that has maintained peace between the species is unraveling. As tensions mount and battles begin, Kay and Artegal are caught in the middle. Can their friendship change the course of a war?

Honestly, I'm drawn to this one by the cover and the fact that there are dragons in it. I'm a little disappointed that there doesn't seem to be even a little bit of romance, and I'm a little wary at the idea of a more modern setting. Still, there's dragons. And that cover. I've also heard some pretty good things, so I would like to give it a try. As a bonus, this one will fit in well with the Wish I'd Read That Challenge (read books you wish you've read but haven't yet).

While you are waiting for your books, you can learn 


  1. Very interesting cover on Shattered Souls! I'll have to look into these more!

    I just wanted to stop by and say that I have given you and your blog The Stylish award! This is the link for the post:

    -Lulu the Bookaddict

  2. The cover of Shattered Souls looks awesome and the premise sounds very intriguing so I'm adding it to my wishlist now.

  3. What a gorgeous cover on Shattered Souls-very intriguing!

  4. Both covers look intriguing and I'm glad you picked those books since I've never heard of them before!

  5. Both books sound interesting, especially Shattered Souls, but you've got a long wait for that picks!

  6. The cover is incredibly beautiful and sounds really good. Can't wait to see what you think when you do get it then I will decide whether to add to my list.

    My WOW

  7. Oh, I haven't heard of Shattered Souls! I'm adding it to my list, wow... thanks! I just discovered a new book! Awesome WoW picks!

  8. Wow! What a beautiful book (Shattered Souls). I must admit that half of the books I read intrigue me simply because of the cover, which is half the battle won! Great pick!

  9. I like Voices of Dragons and am anxious for Vaughn new release Steel in March. Shatters Souls also looks intriguing and the cover is lovely.

  10. The first book looks good. I am curious what the story about. Nice pick.

    The voice of dragon, I have seen one review about it. And they enjoyed it.

  11. Shattered Souls has a gorgeous cover and it sounds interesting. I notice there is not much of a blurb but there is a trailer on goodreads. Great pick :)

  12. These are both BEAUTIFUL covers! I can't wait to see them on the shelf! :)

    Happy Wednesday

    Miss Remmers Review

  13. I have yet to hear about Shattered Souls but I will put it on my tbe list. Great books!

  14. The dragon book sounds interesting. I blame Eragon for any interest I have in dragons. Never should have seen that movie and a cute baby dragon!

  15. I love the cover of Shattered Souls, it really is beautiful isn't it? I'm curious if they'll release a lengthier blurb closer to the pub date? It's kind of a generic description that would apply to a lot of books that are out there right now, some great and some not so great, but still good start...and the cover...

  16. Lulu, Thank you!

    Jan von Harz, I’m looking forward to Steel too! I love the cover on that one.

    Nic, you’re right there is a trailer! Thanks for the heads up! I’ve added it to my post.

    BookishHobbit, You mean Smaug didn’t do it for you? :) Baby Saphira was adorable!

    Megan, I hope they do release a bigger blurb, but you’re right, they probably will closer to the release date. This one really could be for any number of books, good or bad.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by! I’m glad Shattered Souls was a new book for so many!

  17. Ohhhh both are such fabulous picks! I'm not familiar with either of them so thanks for featuring both! They are going on the list for sure, and the cover for Shattered Souls is beautiful I think:)

  18. The cover for Shattered Souls is putting an ache in my heart. Beautiful.

  19. I love the Shattered Souls cover! And sign me up for dark twisty romance! :)

  20. Shattered Souls' cover is awesome. I can't stop looking at it. And it sounds good too.


  21. Hi. Just dropping by to tell you that I have an award for you in my blog. :) Check it out at Clandestine Sanctuary

  22. Great selection! I can't wait to read this one either!! Thank you for sharing!!!

    Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf

  23. The cover of Shattered Souls is ah-mazing!! And you are totally right - you can't go wrong with a forbidden love story :)

  24. That first one has such a gorgeous cover (and an intriguing small summary). Love the summary for your second choice too, =)

  25. Two I've not heard of, yet; both sound quite enticing. I'm with ya - loving both cover, too!

  26. Shattered souls is one morbid amazing cover! I'm sure it would fit the challenge. Looking like a fanfreakintastic read too!

    Black Disaster Fairy
    A World of Personality 

  27. Yeah, the Shattered Souls description is short, but I like the cover! Not too big on the forbidden love thing though. Unless it's not too dramatic. But yeah, I can't wait!

  28. I hope Shattered Souls lives up to all this hype!

  29. I'm waiting for Shattered Souls, too! I love the cover. Like you, I hope it lives up to the hype!


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Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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