Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (8)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I have altered this feature a little to include one book that has not been released yet and one book that is already published, but I still haven't read. 

The cute WoW button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Wrapped by Jennifer Bradbury
Release Date: May 24, 2011
Pages: 256
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page 

Amazon Page
Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:
Agnes Wilkins is standing in front of an Egyptian mummy, about to make the first cut into the wrappings, about to unlock ancient (and not-so-ancient) history.
Maybe you think this girl is wearing a pith helmet with antique dust swirling around her.
Maybe you think she is a young Egyptologist who has arrived in Cairo on camelback.
Maybe she would like to think that too. Agnes Wilkins dreams of adventures that reach beyond the garden walls, but reality for a seventeen-year-old debutante in 1815 London does not allow for camels—or dust, even. No, Agnes can only see a mummy when she is wearing a new silk gown and standing on the verdant lawns of Lord Showalter’s estate, with chaperones fussing about and strolling sitar players straining to create an exotic “atmosphere” for the first party of the season. An unwrapping.
This is the start of it all, Agnes’s debut season, the pretty girl parade that offers only ever-shrinking options: home, husband, and high society. It’s also the start of something else, because the mummy Agnes unwraps isn’t just a mummy. It’s a host for a secret that could unravel a new destiny—unleashing mystery, an international intrigue, and possibly a curse in the bargain.

This sounds like a really fun historical fiction book. International intrigue? A curse? I can't wait to unwrap this book. And, who am I kidding, I'm totally in love with that cover. I was so captured by the girl, her pretty dress, and the flowers that I didn't even notice that creepy mummy!

Luckily reading this one will help me knock out a few of my challenges: 

Dead Friends Forever by J. R. Turner
Release Date: October 31, 2008
Pages: 272
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Author's Page 

Amazon Page
Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:

Skater Kaylee Hensler might not be Miss Popular, but there are some friends a girl can do without. When the decaying ghost of a murdered girl decides they need to be total BFF s, Kaylee will sacrifice the trust of her family, her swim coach s respect, and any hope of a date for the Harvest Dance. And oh yeah... discover that super-evil entities are nothing at all like they are on TV or in the movies. Aside from seriously bad attitudes, they not only like to kill...but replay the killing again and again for all eternity.
To avoid that fate, she'll have to rely on her wheelchair-bound friend Davey, the mysterious Madame Maggie, and the surprising depth of her own power. Will Kaylee survive, or will she become someone else's DFF: Dead Friend Forever?

This sounds like a great mix of fun and scary. As much as I'm a wimp when it comes to ghosts, I still have a hard time passing up a good ghost story. The third book in the Extreme Hauntings series Detour 2 Death comes out next month.

While you're waiting for your books, you can learn 


  1. LOL...I had the same reaction to Wrapped! I was so busy looking at the girl, I didn't even see the cover and so unique. Nice choice!

  2. I haven't heard of either book but they both sound interesting so I'll be adding them to my wishlist too. Thanks!

  3. Same here! I didn't even know there's a mummy in the picture, I had to look at it twice! Haha, nice cover! I've been curious about this book since I saw it last year, sounds like a nice historical book! Awesome WoW pick ;)

    If you're interested, here's my WoW picks for this week

  4. I hadn't heard of Wrapped but the blurb and fact it has a curse grabbed my attention, might have to check this out more closely. Great Pick!

    My WOW

  5. I'm so waiting for Wrapped. I love, love the cover. It's awesome. I hope the book is as great as the cover. Here's my WoW.

  6. Dang it - there's been quite a few fun WOWs that look really interesting and this is one of them.

    Here's my WOW pick.

    Wit and Sin

  7. I am excited about Wrapped too and Turner's book sounds intriguing. Great picks!

  8. Wrapped sounds amazing and I love the artwork on the cover :)

  9. Oh, Wrapped is so on my reading list now. I'm also getting into anything Egyptian.

    My WoW

  10. I cannot wait to get my hands on Wrapped. The story sounds amazing. Great WoW choice! =D

  11. I have not heard of Wrapped but now that I have I will put it on my tbr pile. Great pick!

  12. I'm so excited to read Wrapped! I've had my eye on that one for a while and I can't wait for it to come out:) Love the cover on it too, gorgeous!

  13. Wow! I'm so honored to be sharing space with Wrapped. I hear it's an awesome read and I'm looking forward to getting a chance to read it myself. (My TBR pile is towering over me! Lol:))

    Thank you so much for including DFF. I hope readers will enjoy the book. I had a great time writing Kaylee's story.


  14. OOoh! I love society debuts and egypt! I'm going to add wrapped to my to look more into list!

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
    Loving the Reviews Challenge

  15. Wrapped looks very interesting ~ I really love the cover too! Happy Reading

    <3 Patricia

  16. Wrapped is actually in my Book Journal for titles I want to read. I'm wondering how long ago I wrote that on there...

  17. I'm glad you all like these!

    I'm also happy to hear I wasn't the only one who missed that mummy. I was ogling the cover for months before I noticed that guy down there! Doh!

  18. One of my top most wanted reads this year. I really like historicals and Wrapped sounds so great. Plus it has an awesome cover too.


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