Sunday, February 6, 2011

Guest Posting!

Today I will be guest posting at two spectacular blogs!

Want to get to know me a little better through some of my favorite books? Or maybe you want to increase your TBR just a little more? Either way, come check out my interview with The Crazy Bookworm

The Crazy Bookworm 

Small Review Interview

While you're there, you can browse through her lengthy review list or learn how you can be interviewed!

You may have noticed that on Mondays I usually post a cover review and so you may be disappointed that today there is no cover review here on Small Review. But never fear! I'll be guest posting a cover review of one of my favorite series that is cursed with some of the worst, most embarrassing covers imaginable as part of Ruby's hilarious feature Books That Made Me Glad I Bought My Kindle. Go to

to find out what covers make me really wish I bought a Kindle! Please browse around Ruby's blog. She writes wonderful reviews and cover posts that always make me laugh.



  1. Wow! Way to get out there! That's awesome! Happy Monday!

  2. LOL I've just been over to Ruby's place and read your post there ... great! Now heading over to The Crazy Bookworm =)

  3. Loved what you said about favorite hero! XDDD

    And I have a book that I plan on making an alternate cover for when I read it in public. Seriously The book is non-fiction and it has some weird cover that makes it look like fantasy.

  4. Thanks for guesting, Small--and thanks to everyone who stopped by my blog. It was a whirlwind day!

  5. Thanks everyone for checking them out!

    Bookish Hobbit, I knew you would like that answer! I thought of you when I picked it :) What non-fiction book are you reading? I really would have thought non-fic would have been safe, but I guess not!

    Rubita, You're welcome! And thank YOU for having me :)

  6. Will definitely check these out! Congrats on the guest posts!

  7. You are officially a celebrity blogger! Can I ask for an autograph? :D

    And I finally read Wuthering Heights, and you're right, they're all crazy! Thanks for reading the review :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  8. Lazy Girl, Thanks!

    Nina, LOL, yup! I'll totally give my autograph :P I know, I saw your review! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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