Sunday, February 6, 2011

In My Mailbox (12)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Free E-books

I got this one through Amazon, but it may be available through other sites as well. The second book in the series (Haunted) just came out February 1st. If you haven't gotten around to reading the first book (like me!) this would be a great time to move it up your TBR. I really like the cover. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up sooner than later. 

From the Library

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Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown
Where I Want to Be by Adele Griffin
All Just Glass by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Persephone the Phony (Goddess Girls #2) by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
(Click on the titles to go to Goodreads)

Adele Griffin is my new favorite author to cheer for. After reading and adoring her upcoming book Tighter (review) I knew I had to find more from this author. Picture the Dead is filled with glossy illustrations and old looking letters. The book is actually pretty heavy even though it has fewer than 300 pages. Probably because of the glossy, high quality paper. I flipped through it a little when it first arrived and the experience is like looking through an old photo album. Very cool. Adele does spooky very well, so I'm really looking forward to this ghost story. The other Adele book is one that made her a National Book Award Finalist. I have high hopes for that one as well.

All Just Glass is Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' sequel to her much earlier novel Shattered Mirror. Shattered Mirror is my favorite of all her books and I've been hoping for a sequel for years now. I haven't enjoyed her most recent books, though, so I'm a little nervous. I hope she gets back to her roots with this follow up.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first Goddess Girls book (Athena the Brain review). The authors pack a ton of Greek mythology and real-life issues almost every kid can relate to into these tiny books. I highly recommend this series, especially to MG girls (though I thoroughly enjoy them myself!)

From My Actual Mailbox!

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Big, huge, sloppy wonderful THANK YOU!! to Lauren Baratz-Logsted, Lisa T. Bergren, Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams, and Alex from A Girl, Books and Other Things!

Lauren Baratz-Logsted's books reduce me to fangirly worshiping (The Twin's Daughter review, The Education of Bet review), but I'm even more in love since she offered to send me a copy of one of her books. Vertigo is an adult title (warning: sex!), and after flipping through the first chapter or so I'm already in love all over again with Lauren's beautiful historical writing.

Lisa offered to send me a copy of her latest book and first YA title (I think!) called Waterfall. I am so incredibly happy she did because I am loving this book so far! This is the book with the Italian knight hotties and a time traveling heroine. When the jacket description says hotties, it means hotties, emphasis on the plural!

It's a good thing I'm a procrastinator with taking my IMM pictures because Artemis the Brave just arrived in my mailbox Saturday. I'm so excited! It's even signed by the authors! I'm going to read this first and then share it with my library girls. They're going to love it. I won this copy from Alex's awesome blog A Girl, Books and Other Things. Don't know Alex? Well, you should! She's awesome, and I'm not just saying that because I won something.

All together now! Click to make larger.

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? 

Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.


  1. Ooh, GREAT books this week! I'm looking forward to your review of Waterfall!

  2. Lots of fabulous books! Dreaming Anastasia looks interesting, I'll have to follow the link to goodreaads. I'm really glad you're enjoying Waterfall, I'm really tempted to buy it :)

  3. I have Dreaming ANastasia too! :) I hope you like Waterfall! Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM -

  4. Wow, lots of books to read this week. Can't wait to hear what your think of Where I Want To Be :)

  5. I haven't heard of most of those before. Adele Griffin - I will have to give her books a go. I don't think i've come across any on the blogs before and it's always good to find different authors that aren't being totally raved about on every blog.

    Vertigo has intrigued me. I think that cover alone could give you vertigo - it kinda makes your eyes go weird looking at it lol.

  6. Great books! l am always jealous of what great books you get in your library!

  7. I won my first book giveaway on a blog. I received the book I won in the mail this past week. It's Finding the Way and other Tales of Valdemar edited by Mercedes Lackey. I don't know when I'll get around to it, but it sits on the shelf patiently.

  8. Dazzling Mage, I should have a review up sooner than later :)

    Stephanie, I am really enjoying Waterfall, but FYI, it is from a Christian fic publisher. I haven’t encountered all that much yet, but I’m only halfway through.

    Precious, Happy reading back at you! I hope Dreaming Anastasia is as good as its pretty cover.

    Nic, I’m really looking forward to it. It’s short to (150 pages), so I hope to have it read soon.

    The Slowest Bookworm, Oh do check her out! I really like her writing style and the stories she constructs. I’m such a character person, but her characters are often hard to admire. They’re very real, and realistically flawed. The whole package is so good that even me with all my character hang-ups love her books.

    Books for Company, I do have a pretty awesome library system. If I ever move that library system is going to be the biggest thing I miss!

    Bookish Hobbit, Awesome! Congrats on your win. Haha, I think I’m trying the patience of some of my books. :P

  9. My mailbox is not of this genre but I do hope you will visit. Enjoy the reading.

  10. The Goddess Girls series looks really cute. I think my middle schoolers would like them. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  11. Whoa! Nice haul! Those Goddess Girls books look so fun!

  12. You got a lot of books this week! I haven't heard of a lot of them but I'm really looking forward to seeing what you think of Waterfall! It sounds really good! Happy Reading! Come see what's IMM!

  13. I got Waterfall too this week. Can't wait to read your review for it. Here's my IMM

  14. The Goddess Girls books are so cute!
    I didn't know Dreaming Anastasia was free. I'll go look for it. Where is it on Amazon?

  15. Looks like a great selection! I didn't know Dreaming Anastasia was free... I've been waiting for it for ages at my library. And it could still be a while before it comes around to being my turn. So, thanks for the tip, I'll definitely have to check that out!

  16. Dreaming Anastasia is meant to be great! Enjoy all of your books, great haul!

    Have a great week!

  17. *blushes* Aw, you're sweet. And I'm glad you got the book all right :D


    I really hope you like Persephone, it's my favorite of the series so far.

    I've heard about Shattered Mirror and All Just Glass, but I dunno, I didn't like AA-R's vampire books all that much, I liked Kiesha'ra series more.

    I do like the cover of Dreaming Anastasia, love the dark blues and black =)

    Happy reading!

  18. Smalls, do you mind if I call you my contest pimp? hehehe

    I got Dreaming Anastasia for free too! I love my Kindle!

    And dang, I got to get myself over the library more often. Maybe if you were my librarian I go. *grinz*

  19. I have been eyeing those goddess books, I am such a fan of Greek Mythology almost more than my vamps and highlanders. Great Haul hope you have a great week!

    In Our Mailbox

  20. A huge YAY for free e-books, I love it when that happens, especially when it's one I've been wanting to read! Waterfall looks really great as well, I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on that one:)

  21. Oo awesome mailbox! I've been thinking that All Just Glass sounds really interesting -- can't wait to see what you think of it!

  22. Great mailbox this week. I also was fortunate enough to nab the Dreaming Anastasia freebie. :0

  23. Also -- thanks for the heads up on Dreaming Anastasia!

  24. Dreaming Anastasia looks really good! Enjoy all your books. They look really great :)

  25. Mystica, Thanks for stopping by!

    Kathy Martin, They are cute! I definitely recommend them for middle schoolers.

    Lazy Girl, Thanks! They are!

    Laura, Waterfall is really good so far. I’ll let you know when I post a review :)

    Henrietta, I’m looking forward to reading your review of Waterfall too! I love comparing reviews :)

    Alison, They are very cute. I edited the post to include the link to Amazon, but here it is again:

    Madigan, You’re welcome! I think it’s been made free to spark interest in the sequel that was just published.

    Lu, Thanks!

    Amber, Thanks for the info about Dreaming Anastasia! I haven’t heard much about it at all.

    Alex, Thanks and you’re very welcome :) I know it’s your favorite. I have high hopes for it. I think if you didn’t like her vampire books much, then you may not like All Just Glass. At least, I hope so because then that would mean it is like her earlier vampire books, which I preferred :)

    Missie, Hehe I don’t mind at all :) I’d love to be your librarian. I would give you every book with a potential book boyfriend and expect a report. With pictures :P

    BLHmistress, I was surprised at how much mythology those Goddess Girls books have packed in them. It was fun identifying all of the different myths included.

    Jenny, Oh yes, big yay! I think they’re doing a great job with promoting e-books this way. I should have a review up for Waterfall soon :)

    Casey, Have you read Shattered Mirror? I’ve heard you really need to have read that book to enjoy All Just Glass. You’re welcome about Dreaming Anastasia!

    Gina, Oh good! I was hoping you saw that one. :)

    Alice, Thanks!

  26. Thanks for letting me know its from a christian fic. publisher! That makes it all the better for me as I'm a Christian :)

  27. I'll try not to die of jealousy right now.

    I'm dying to read Waterfall! Can't wait to see what you think!

    And aren't kindle freebies just downright amazing? Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and my mom is pretty awesome. How many people have a mom like mine to support their book addiction? Lol.

    Have a wonderful week, be safe, and happy reading!

    Asher K. (Paranormal Indulgence)

  28. I've been wanting to read Picture the Dead. I got a sample on my Kindle. But with all the pictures I thought it defeated the purpose. The Twin's Daughter in on my TBR shelf. I'm glad you like her as an author. I didn't know she had an adult title. The Goddess Girls books look so cute! I can't wait to read Waterfall. Hope you enjoy your books :)

  29. Stephanie, Great! Then I think you'll love Waterfall. I'm a little over half finished and I find I keep not reading it because I don't want it to ever end! I'm so happy it's going to be a trilogy.

    A Knight, There's no dying allowed on Small Review. Just fun :) I'm really enjoying Waterfall so far. You're totally right, Kindle freebies are awesome! I don't even have a Kindle, but I read them on my computer (or at least I plan on reading them!) Seriously, your mom is the coolest.

    Julie, Flipping through Picture the Dead in person I think you made a good call on not reading it on your Kindle. I highly recommend The Twin's Daughter. I really enjoyed it. I'm not sure if she has any other adult titles, but the cover on this one is mesmerizing.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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