Friday, March 25, 2011

Recap 3/19 to 2/25 + Hop

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy-for-Books where book bloggers answer the weekly question and hop around to other blogs and see what other bloggers have to say. The goal is to discover new blogs, "connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!"

This week's question is:
 "If you could physically put yourself into a book or series…which one would it be and why?"

This one is easy: Harry Potter. The whole Voldemort/Death Eaters thing is kind of scary, but having magical powers totally makes up for it. I want a mentor like Dumbledore and how cool would it be to live at Hogwarts?


This is the last week to enter to win a copy of Waterfall by Lisa Bergren!
Click here to read my fangirly review
Click here to enter for a chance to win 

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, March 19th through Friday, March 25th. 

(Click on the links to go to my reviews)



What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


Aphrodite the Beauty by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine
Toads and Diamonds by Heather Tomlinson
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Currently Reading

Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)


Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. You always get so much done!
    And thanks for the tutorial on the jumps!! :) I think I'm going to need it soon! :D


  2. Yay for Toads and Diamonds!

    I totally forgot that I had added my review to the Unearthly review comparison heh. Looks like I was the minority.

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  3. Awesome recap!! Those Goddess girls books have the cutest covers!

    And I would be way too afraid to be in Harry Potter! I was saying this on my blog but, book one is probably the safest time for Hogwarts! Although, I could go for one of the Christmas feasts any time!

  4. That would be pretty awesome to be in a Harry Potter book! Monsters are scary, but magic is awesome! Happy Reading! Here's my Hop!

  5. Hi,

    Just found you through the Hop and now following! I said the Potter series, too :)

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms. C

  6. Alex, You're so welcome! I cheat with short books :)

    Sniffly Kitty, Oooh, you've read Toads and Diamonds? I must look for your review. I loved it! You were in the minority with the review comparison, but you weren't completely alone! I'm glad you let me include your review because I like having some balance. Thank you!

    Lazy Girl, I love the GG covers! It's really weird, but when I read the books I actually picture the world and characters looking like they do on the covers. It's like I'm watching a cartoon in my head. It would be scary in HP, but in my version I'd have crazy impressive powers. Heck yeah I want to attend the Christmas feasts! They eat good in HP, and my brain is always at least partially on food at all times.

    Christy, Magic is totally awesome! It would really help me out being so lazy and all. I'd be accio-ing things all the time.

  7. Ms C, Thanks for following! I hope you enjoy your time here :) I think HP is going to be a popular choice.

  8. I didn't even think of HP, but yes it would be totally cool to have all those powers! Thanks for stopping by my blog! New follower!

    Tara @ Taming the Bookshelf

  9. Hogwarts in the era after Voldemort has been defeated, agreed. Otherwise, it's a pretty dangerous and scary world!

  10. Hi
    Just hopping by and following through. Harry Potter is popular :)

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  11. Oh, do'h! I forgot about Harry Potter. Totally! I would love to go to school at Hogwarts. How could I forget about Harry! *slaps head*

    Have a great weekend :)

  12. Great recap! I would pick Die For Me by Amy Plum. I just finished the other day and it is set in Paris and was beautiful but still have plenty of adventure. :)

  13. Great choice. Coming through on the blog hop.

  14. Your blog is absolutely gorgeous. I love the header/theme.
    And... And... And... Are those greek mythology-centered books I'm seeing in this recap? :D

  15. Happy Friday! Have a great weekend :)

  16. Hopping through. Harry Potter was one of mine too. I'd want to be Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
    My Hop

  17. Coming through via the hop! Harry Potter is a great choice of books to enter physically. :) There's so much adventure going on! Happy hopping and reading!


  18. Hiya! New follower dropping by from the Crazy for Books blog hop; great pick with Harry Potter, although those Death Eaters do seem to be a nasty bunch ;-) Hope you'll stop by my blog to find out my pick :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  19. I'm a new follower from the hop! Hope you'll come visit me at --Jen

  20. I wouldn't mind going into Harry Potter's world either, it would be unbelievably amazing. And living at Hogwarts with moving staircases and paintings that are alive? Awesome.

  21. My choice is the Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coben. But I am a huge Potter fan as well.
    I am following thru the hop.
    A Mother's Touch Book Shelf

  22. Yes, Harry Potter would be fun. I think magic would be cool, but I'm not sure it makes up for being in a series with Voldemort. Maybe after all that drama is over?

    Old follower.

  23. hurray for another Harry Potter lover.... Who wouldnt want to get thrown into the magical world of harry?! :) I know i would!


  24. A lot of people seem to love Harry Potter as a potential residence. Good! Great choice.

    I'm a new follower!

    Here's my blog post for this hop. Hope you will stop by and follow back!

  25. I see there is another Harry Potter fan....I haven't read any. :)

    Hope everyone has a fun hope.

    My answer has three choices - stop by if you like.

  26. Haha! I had to choose Harry Potter as well. I would love to get dropped in the middle of that world!

  27. There are so many different book worlds I'd love to be put into. it was hard to choose. harry Potter was one of them though. :)

  28. I'm totally with you on HP, powers and Hogwarts and the trio. It'd be awesome!!

    Have a great weekend!
    My FF

  29. Harry Potter is such a great choice and I was secretly disappointed when my letter didn't come on my 11th birthday!

    Here's mine

  30. If I was stuck in Sherrilyn Kenyon's dark hunter series you will never see me again! *licks lips*

    Mad Scientsit

  31. Thanks everyone for hopping by :) Thank you for the new follows and happy weekend wishes! Harry Potter is very popular, with good reason!

    Aylee, Very dangerous and scary! Especially book 7 when they’re completely on their own.

    Nic, I’m so happy to hear you say that! I’m really looking forward to reading Die for Me. “Plenty of adventure” is music to my ears :)

    Lamia, Thank you! Hehe, yup! I’m loving all of these Greek myth books.

    Alison, Could we still be friends? Because I’d definitely be Slytherin. Minus the elitist buttheadedness, of course. :)

    Jenny, Yes! J. K. Rowling created such an amazing world and Hogwarts sounds absolutely amazing. My boarding school so pales in comparison to boarding schools in books. We didn’t have a single paranormal occurrence, magical object, or hot guy. I think I was gypped.

    Alexis, Haha, yeah, probably post-Voldemort would be better. But then that means post-Dumbledore…that’s a tough one.

    Diana and Natalie, Me too! Forget an amusement park, I think they should make a hotel designed to replicate Hogwarts. I’d stay in the hotel my whole vacation.

    AngelicNytmare, I know, it’s hard picking just one, but HP is the one that always comes to mind right away and the one I can visualize myself in with the most detail.

    Laura, The trio makes it! It wouldn’t be half as much fun if I couldn’t be friends with Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

  32. I love the Harry Potter pick! Harry Potter is the reason I have a book obsession!

    I hopped on over and now I am a follower! Hop on over to my blog at

  33. I think I have to agree about the Hogwarts thing! I would love to be at the castle and join in on learning and battling. :)

  34. Thanks for hopping by! All of this HP love is making me want to read them all over again :)


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