Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Small News

Luckily I have had posts scheduled for most of this week, but if you are a regular commenter or a blogger whose blog I regularly comment on, you may have noticed my absence. I apologize for not returning your comments, both here and on your own blogs. Please know I will reply just as soon as I am able. The same goes for those of you waiting on email replies.

Late Monday night my beloved dog Snowball fell ill. We stayed by her side until she passed Tuesday afternoon. Snowball was twelve years old and has been with our family for the past ten years. Our loss is immeasurable.

I'm not really sure what else to say. Though I had a Spotlight List post written for Thursday, I had not gotten around to formatting or scheduling it. Instead, on Thursday please visit a site I enjoy very much, Splash of Our Worlds, for their take on a Spotlight List post. 

I'm sorry, I meant to schedule this post for Thursday, but instead I accidentally published it today. Please remember on Thursday then to visit Splash of Our Worlds.



  1. Aww many condolences and such. Losing a pet is hard. Hope you are doing alright, and come back when you're ready~~

  2. Oh no! This is awful. Poor Snowball. She was a beauty, and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing OK. I am a huge animal lover, and I know how hard it is to lose a pet. :( I'll be thinking of you. xo

  3. Oh, no. I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you. Take all the time to need to mourn.

  4. *hugs*
    I am so so sorry!
    There are no words, I know, but know I feel truly bad for what you're going through. *hugs*

  5. I'm so sorry :( She was beautiful. Pets are family, it's always hard to lose them. All the best to you and your family <33

  6. Feel better, Smalls. My sincerest and most heartfelt condolences. Very beautiful dog. Hope you're okay.

  7. I'm so sorry hon. Losing a pet is always hard to deal with. **Hugs!**

  8. Man, I'm crying like a baby :( I love my dog, and I can just imagine what your going through! I'm so sorry for your loss <3 Lots of love from my end!

  9. Awe, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Our family is a BIG DOG family! When we lost our beloved Fred in Oct. 2006 the pain cut deep and hurt more than I could put into words. He was 12 years old too (almost 13yrs). A tried and true member of our family for the entire time. We still miss him today!

    So, I guess what I'm saying is... I know what your going through, the ache deep in your heart, I also know words cannot possibly take the hurt away so instead all I have to offer is my understanding.

    Take Care and take time to grieve! :(

  10. On no..I'm sorry to hear this. I can honestly say I know the feeling of losing a pet having lost my Doxie back in Decemeber. It doesn't feel the same with him gone. Snowballs a beautiful dog. If there's anyhting I can do, or you wanna talk just email me.

  11. Hey girl I'm sorry to hear of your loss!

  12. I am sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you are okay.

  13. Gosh, that's the worst. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thinking of you.

  14. I'm sorry about your loss. My thoughts are with you.

  15. Aw, Snowball looks so cute! I'm really sorry about your loss.

  16. The death of a pet is so very hard. I got choked up just reading this. May your happy memories of Snowball live on in your hearts forever. I hope you feel better soon.

  17. I am so very sorry. The pain of losing a pet is just so horrible. They have such short lives. You just wish they could live for as long as you do, you know?

  18. I am so sorry your pet died. Made me recall my own dog who passed away years ago. I know that must be really hard on you, since pets are already a part of our family and when they die, it's as if a real member of our family died. Hope you feel a little better soon.

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  19. I am so sorry for your loss. *hugs*

  20. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear it! Totally understand how much a dog can be a part of a family. *sends good wishes your way*

  21. I'm really sorry to hear that! I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

  22. Oh my god...i have a dog too and only the thought of something happen to him, makes me crazy. I'm sorry for your loss :( He/She seems really cute.

  23. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I so know how that feels. Sending you big hugs ((((((SR))))))))

  24. I read a quote and thought of you today...

    "Remember, life is short, but it is wide. This, too, shall pass."

    -Genevieve, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

  25. Very sorry to hear of your loss. Blessings to you and your family in your time of need.

  26. Reading this made me cry so I can only imagine how you feel. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts! <3

  27. I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. I can only imagine how hard it must be. Best wishes to you guys.

  28. *hugs you* Losing a pet can be so devastating. There are no words to comfort you, but I WILL say that he looked beautiful in that picture! I'm glad you had ten good years with her. *huggles*

  29. l have only just seen this post.
    I am so so sorry. My dog died over 2 years ago and he had been in my life since l was 4! l will never forget him.
    Our beloved pets leave a big hole in our hearts!


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