Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (9)

Button from Bewitched Bookworms.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one but that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Nightspell (Mistwood #2) by Leah Cypess
Release Date: May 31, 2011
(Above publication information from Goodreads)

Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:
Here be ghosts, the maps said, and that was all. 
In this haunted kingdom, ghosts linger—not just in the deepest forests or the darkest caverns, but alongside the living, as part of a twisted palace court that revels all night and sleeps through the daylight hours. 
Darri's sister was trapped in this place of fear and shadows as a child. And now Darri has a chance to save her sister . . . if she agrees to a betrothal with the prince of the dead. But nothing is simple in this eerie kingdom—not her sister, who has changed beyond recognition; not her plan, which will be thrown off track almost at once; and not the undead prince, who seems more alive than anyone else.
In a court seething with the desire for vengeance, Darri holds the key to the balance between life and death. Can her warrior heart withstand the most wrenching choice of all?

I really enjoyed Leah Cypess's Mistwood (review) and I was hoping she would write a sequel. This one seems to be more of a companion novel than a sequel. At first I was disappointed, but after reading that description, I think Nightspell might be even better than its predecessor! A ghost prince, a female main character with a "warrior heart," and a creepy court "seething with the desire for vengeance"? Woah, sign me up!

This book sounds totally unique, and combined with Cypess's awesome ability for world-building and twisty plots, I have high hopes for Nightspell. Being that this is a companion novel with a completely new set of characters (though I heard Clarisse does show up. Yay!), I think it may be safe to read Nightspell even if you haven't yet read Mistwood (but you should read Mistwood anyway because it's a good book).

I'm going to read this for a few of my challenges:

Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell
Release Date: May 1, 2006
Publisher: Scholastic

Pages: 416
(Above publication information from Goodreads)
Goodreads Page

From Goodreads:

The year is 490 AD. Fiery 16-year-old Elaine of Ascolat, the daughter of one of King Arthur's supporters, lives with her father on Arthur's base camp, the sole girl in a militaristic world of men. Elaine's only girl companion is the mysterious Morgan, Arthur's older sister, but Elaine cannot tell Morgan her deepest secret: She is in love with Lancelot, Arthur's second-in-command. However, when yet another girl -- the lovely Gwynivere-- joins their world, Elaine is confronted with startling emotions of jealousy and rivalry. But can her love for Lancelot survive the birth of an empire?

I don't tend to like books written in verse, but I do like Arthurian novels and this one has such a pretty cover that I think I want to at least give it a try. Plus, I picked it up at a library sale a few months ago. I also like that Elaine is the main character. I haven't read many books that focus on her. Usually it's Arthur, Gwynivere, Mordred, Merlin, or Morgana. Elaine's story always made me so sad and I'm curious to see what her fate will be in this version.

As a bonus, Song of the Sparrow will qualify for a whole bunch of challenges:


  1. I really enjoyed Mistwood too and am hoping Cypess writes a sequel for it since the end kind of left it up to your imagination. Nightspell though looks like a good read and I love the cover for it.

  2. I just read an amazing review for Songs of the Sparrow. I am desperate need of it too :)

  3. Yow know the first book, Mistwood confused me a bit but I still like it. And the other book seems good too. Nice picks!!

  4. I'm super excited for Nightspell too. I loved Mistwood.

  5. Wow, this one sounds really different from Mistwood but I loved that one so I'm sure I'll be picking up Nightspell! I was a bit disappointed too that it's not a sequel and doesn't feature Isabel, but on the other hand I'm kind of glad because there are so many series these days and sequel-itis is always a danger. Companion novels where characters from previous books can get cameo appearances (like Clarisse!) can sometimes be awesome too :)

  6. Great picks! I've not heard of these yet, but will definitely have to check them out!

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. Nightspell sounds like something I would really enjoy, but darn it, I may have to read Mistwood first. Shoot!

    As for the second book, umm, I'm always hesitant to read anything historical fiction-esche. Then you say its written in verse, eeek! no thanks. Ya I know I'm too close minded and need to broaden my reading spectrum - sigh - maybe someday?

  8. You are bad influence for my TBR! Tsk Tsk!

  9. Haven't heard of these, but they sure do look good! Also, I really like there covers-- Pretty!
    Nice picks this week :)

  10. I liked this book. The first verse book I've ever read. Haha.

  11. Interesting picks! Still need to read Mistwood though I definitely plan on getting around to it eventually. I have never heard of Song of the Sparrow but I like the synopsis. Interested to hear what you think of it!

  12. Nightspell is SUCH better cover than the one before!

  13. I never heard of Song of the Sparrow. Thanks for pointing it out! It's absolutely on my list now :)

    Nightspell is highly anticpated for me as well. LOVED Mistwood! And I adore the cover! So much more, even!

  14. I read Song of the Sparrow a few years ago but from what I remember I loved it! And I have never heard of the Mistwood series before, but with covers like those? Well, I gotta get my hands on them!


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