Wednesday, June 8, 2011

No More Waiting! (2)

No More Waiting is a feature I periodically do here to highlight books that have recently been released. I also highlight book-related sales that are currently available.

Click here to see previous No More Waiting posts

Books I've Read and Recommend

 An historical fiction mystery set in England following a girl as she attempts to foil Napoleon and find out the secrets behind a mummy.
My review coming soon!

An epic revamping of the Trojan War and Greek mythology with likable characters, an engrossing history, edge of your seat fights, star-crossed love, and super high stakes. I thought it was pretty awesome. 
The River of Time series continues with this fantastic sequel. Follow Gabi and Lia as the battle their way through 14th century Italy and lose their hearts to Marcello and Luca.

Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade
The sequel to The Ghost and the Goth, and every bit as fun and touching as the first.
My Review

 Cleopatra Confesses by Carolyn Meyer
Historical fiction following the famous Cleopatra
My review coming soon!

Books I Want to Read

Lord of the Flies + Beauty Queens? Sounds good to me! Review seem to be pretty positive so far. 

I know we've been getting a lot of Greek myth-related books lately, but I'm still fully on that bandwagon.

Falling into the contemporary genre, I'm not really sure what to expect with this one (funny? serious?), but the title has grabbed my interest!

A post-apocalyptic book that I've heard some really great things about. It seems the MC goes through part of the book all by herself, so I'm curious to see how much of an "I Am Legend" vibe I get from it.

Another post-apocalyptic book that sounds fantastic. I keep hearing that the pacing is fast and the story sucks you in completely. My only reservation is the phonetic dialect.

Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Every morning the MC wakes up and forgets everything that happened to her before that point. Sounds like a YA Memento. The premise alone seems so frightening.

Ultraviolet by R. J. Anderson
Alison is accused of killing another girl and is locked in a mental institution as a result. The only thing is, Alison is convinced the girl disintegrated... but that can't be possible, right?

The Vampire Stalker by Allison van Diepen 
Amy is in love with a fictional vampire, but what happens when said vampire leaves the confines of his book and enters the real world? I love books that play on my desire to make the things in books come to life.

I loved Mistwood and Nightspell's premise may even sound better! Ghosts, romance, secrets, and plots between kingdoms. YES PLEASE!

I've heard this described as extremely fast-paced and exciting, which is pretty much music to my ears.

I've been waiting for this book ever since I saw its fantastic cover. Doesn't it just drip fun with attitude? And you know how I feel about fairies!

Mysterious guy, girl who loves him and wants to find out his secret. Seems pretty standard for YA paranormal romance, but I still want to give it a shot. I'm not sure if it's available outside of Australia.

Angels are evil and are trying to kill humans, assassins, romance, and lots of action. Do I need anything more? No, no I don't think I do.

This is a ghostly romance, and really that's all I need to know to know I want to read it. I'm a sucker for that kind of story, plus there's a mystery here as well.

Free e-books!

A middle grade story about a girl who becomes a fashion designer. Looks cute!

Regency romance. I've heard nothing but positives about this author but I have yet to try her myself.

On Sale Now!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Amazon. I am not an Amazon Affiliate, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through Amazon. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.

Eon by Alison Goodman (hardcover)
Eon by Alison Goodman (paperback)
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

Repossessed by A. M. Jenkins
(I loved this book!)

What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!


  1. Wow, what a fabulous post! I especially love the sale section. I want to read the Alison Goodman books. I'm so excited that there's a free Georgette Heyer book. I love her.

  2. I have all the books you want on my wishlist too. From that list, I'm dying to get my hands on a copy of Forgotten.

  3. Oh... slight book over load.

    It's nice.


    I'm mid the Ghost and the Goth and I'm already glad I have Queen of the Dead already :D I'm really digging it.

  4. I've been thinking about recommending Shannon Hale to you for a while--have you read Goose Girl? I think you'd like it. Winter's Shadow looks like a good one. I'm gonna check if I can get a copy of it through the Book Depository because--as much as I want to visit Australia--I think doing so just so I can buy one book is outside of my price range.

  5. I look forward to your reviews for Cleopatra Confesses and Wrapped. I like mummies. >.>

    Since I learned that A Game of Thrones is based more upon history than the typical fantasy motif, I've been inspired to truly study the conflict known as the Wars of the Roses. A terrible lapse for a history student, but my interest have always been... elsewhere in the world. So I checked out Alison Weir's book on the subject since it seems to come highly recommended.

  6. I am trying to stick to a book buying ban and this post doesn't help LOL. I definitely are going to read Ultraviolet and Beauty Queens. Hearing great things about both.

    I enjoyed Angel Burn. It has it's flaws but I think it is a strong start to a promising series.

  7. Aw man I want to read Wrapped and Starcrossed so bad! I'm glad you liked it and recommend it.

  8. I actually haven’t read any of these, but I see a few I hope to read. The Alison Goodman books have me especially curious. I’ve heard so many mixed things, so I’d love to check them out & see for myself.

  9. I'm very excited to read your reviews of Wrapped and Cleopatra Confesses to see how your impressions compare to mine. Thanks for the tip about Cotillion-I went and downloaded a copy for my nook.

  10. I am excited for Blood Red Road, but have to wait now that I let me S&S Galley expire. Stupid me!! And I already have Beauty Queens on hold. So excited!

  11. This is such an awesome post! Thanks for putting all of this together (cause waiting is so hard sometimes).

    --Thanks for the free book for Georgette Heyer! I've started one of her books but would like to finish one and this may be it!

    --I remember in a post you said that you hate it when the writing is all wonky. Blood Red Road does have that, and it was distracting the first few chapters but once the action started picking up it really helped add depth and didn't distract from the story. You should try it until Hopetown and if after that is still doesn't suite you, no worries!

    --I read Chalice and really liked it, but had hoped it could be longer. I wanted to know about the characters and what happens afterwards!

    --Nightspell looks so good!

    --Wrapped was amazing! I really can't wait for more in that series!

    You're awesome!

  12. Yes, yes, yes to all! lol I can't wait to read Sirenz and The Vampire Stalker. I'm definitely curious about Tombstone Tea! Intriguing title...

  13. I've been thinking about trying The Relicmaster series. I like this new trend where books release more frequently, and I loved Catherine Fisher's writing in the Incarceron books. Seems win-win, really. :)

  14. Georgette Heyer is a fantastic author, and you can't go wrong with any of her Regency novels. I've read and reviewed The Grand Sophy and The Masqueraders (caution, long review) and love them both. I've also read one of her mysteries, Behold, Here's Poison, but it was just kind of "meh" for me. I've heard from several people that her period stuff is way better than her mysteries.

  15. Harlequin Teen had Summer's Crossing, a book about Puck free for download last week. Don't know if it's still there.

    Wait for the library to get Vampire Stalker. Don't spend your hard earned dollars on it. I have some of the others. I highly recommend Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier.


  16. I'm so interested to read all your forthcoming reviews to compare notes! Wrapped, though not my favourite, was still good, and I just loved Ashes, Ashes and Blood Red Road :)

  17. Small this was a pleasure to read. So many good books. I love the layout, especially the short synopsis given after each book - nice!

    I'm most looking forward to Forgotten. I swear Angel Burn was a freebie on for a microsecond. I wasn't able to pick it up though, not quick enough!

  18. Wow that's a heck of a list with some fabulous books on it! I adored Starcrossed, I'm so glad you would recommend that one as well:) I'm looking forward to Wrapped and Blood Red Road too. So many good books to get!

  19. Thanks for stopping by everyone! I hope I haven’t overloaded your wallets too much and thank you all for the book info! :)

    Rubita, I haven’t read Goose Girl yet. I have read Shannon Hale before, but I didn’t really click with her writing. Still, Goose Girl is sooooo widely loved that I think I’ll give it a try sometime.

    Bookishhobbit, I really need to brush up on my Wars of the Roses history, too. I know…a little. I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about Alison Weir, so she’s probably a great place to start.

    Celesta, I’ve tried reading Blood Red Road twice, but I had to stop because of the writing. I only got a few pages in though, so I don’t think I really gave it a fair shake. I’m going to try again when I can get my hands on a physical copy.

  20. Omg! Love this feature. I was thinking of doing something like it on my page as well, like on Sundays or something. I'd like to do it for General Fiction though! I think it's more to keep myself informed since I'm always reading books that came out years ago haha!!

    I'm also interested in Forgotten and Ashes, Ashes!


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