Sunday, August 14, 2011

In My Mailbox (25)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past two weeks. 

For Review

Liesel and Po by Lauren Oliver

I didn't love Lauren Oliver's YA dystopian Delirium all that much, but this is a middle grade book so I doubt I will find romance taking up as much page time as it did in Delirium (which was one of the things I didn't like). Plus it's fantasy, and the mention of fantasy makes my heart go all a-flutter. And that cover? Talk about love at first sight.
  Peaceweaver by Rebecca Barnhouse

The blurb for this MG book starts out by saying "This is historical fantasy at its best" and then goes on to allude to Beowulf references, banished princesses, and a perilous journey to a not so peaceful kingdom. It closes with, "...sure to appeal to younger fans of Tamora Pierce, Esther Friesner, and Shannon Hale." The cover has a girl with a sword and a giant monster. Yep, I'm hooked.

The Queen's Lady (The Lacey Chronices #2) by Eve Edwards

I've been meaning to read this series for a long time, so maybe now I'll do it! This is a reprint of an historical fiction series that seems to have pretty strong romantic elements. I also recently discovered that Eve Edwards is the same author as Julia Golding, and I liked Julia Golding's book Dragonfly.

 Ladies in Waiting by Laura L. Sullivan

Historical fiction! This sounds like it will be filled with court drama, romance, scandal, and intrigue. Sign me up!

Sorry for the tiny pictures. I couldn't find larger ones!

His Fair Assassin: Grave Mercy by R. L. LaFevers

A female assassin assigned to kill a man she falls in love with. Historical fantasy with assassins and forbidden romance? Yes please!

Pilgrim's Don't Wear Pink by Stephanie Kate Strohm

A girl who loves history interns at a museum where she finds herself battling her co-workers, two cute guys, and a ghost! I like the sound of this one, but I have to say, I think the pink in the title might be catching my eye, too. I'm a sucker for pink (as if you couldn't already tell!)

The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen

I'm a little wary that this is going to be "same old, same old" paranormal romance, but Logan has me curious about this shocking stoning scene, so maybe I'll give it a shot.

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Torrent (The River of Time #3) by Lisa T. Bergren 

That screech of joy you might have heard this past week? Yeah, that was me. I'm warning you right now, as soon as I start this book I will be 1) Dead to the world, 2) Overcome with joy, and 3) Sobbing because the glorious and beyond compare reading experience that has been The River of Time series will have come to an end and I'll be in some serious book mourning.

Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu

This is a MG retelling of the fairy tale The Snow Queen. I've been lusting after it for months now and when I featured it on a Waiting on Wednesday post my amazingly generous book blogging friend Heather from Buried in Books offered to send me her ARC. Not only did she send me the book, but she packed a box full of goodies to go along with it! Big hugs and kisses to Heather!

Thank you HarperCollins, Random House, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Egmont USA, Lisa T. Bergren, Heather at Buried in Books, and NetGalley!


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Dust and Decay (Rot and Ruin #2) by Jonathan Maberry

This is the zombie-fighting sequel to Rot and Ruin--a book I haven't read yet but intend to because I've heard really awesome things about it. I won a copy from Jana's blog Milk and Cookies: Comfort Reading. Thank you Jana and Simon & Schuster!


Click to make larger. Trust me, you're gonna want to do that!

Hounded (Iron Druid Chronicles #1) by Kevin Hearne
Hexed (Iron Druid Chronicles #2) by Kevin Hearne

After all the cheer-leading Missie from The Unreader has done for this series, I knew I had to read it, but it was her My Book Boyfriend post featuring the sexy 2,100 year old druid Atticus that sent me straight to the inter-library loan catalog. I've since read the first book and, well, let's just say I'm tempted to make a My Undying Love and Gratitude post for Missie. FYI, this is an adult title.

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Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman

I've been wanting to read this book ever since I saw that cover. Doesn't it scream sass? This is a Greek myth retelling featuring Hades, some girls who don't look like perfect little angels, and, if the cover is any indication, fashion? I'm not sure, but it looks like fun to me. Hopefully I'll have enough time to read it before it's due back.

Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

I read Wisdom's Kiss and I didn't really like it much...but, I did like Catherine Gilbert Murdock's writing. I kept getting the feeling that if I read one of her books that was written in a more traditional narrative style (Wisdom's Kiss has EIGHT narrators ranging from diary entries to play excerpts to memoirs to encyclopedia entries) that I would like it a lot more. So I ordered Princess Ben.

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What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. I absolutely loved Liesl & Po. I think Lauren should focus on Middle Grade books instead of YA. It was magical. Breadcrumbs looks so good too! I'll be getting that soon in an ARC tour, I'm so excited. :)

  2. I thought I heard a screech! YAY for Torrent. I can't believe it is the final book.

    So many good books this week Small. I hope you enjoy them all :)

  3. My sister loved Liesl & Po, hope you do too. I really want the Mephisto Covenant. Enjoy your awesome haul!
    Stop by my IMM

  4. Great books this week! I'm reading The Mephisto Convenant now and I really like it so far. I also got Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink. It sounds really cute. I hope that you enjoy your new books!


  5. Ok I'm so jealous I could scream, how did you get Liesel and Po for review??? Please tell me it was from NetGalley or Galley Grab!? I want to read it so badly!!! I hope you like it, as much as I think I will.

    Then, you got Breadcrumbs on top of that! Geez you are so lucky! I've been on a Middle grade kick lately and I would love to read both those books asap!

    I can't remember what the other fantasy book was but it was at the top of your IMM that one sounds really great too, I will add it to my wish list. Thanks and enjoy!

  6. oooh, some good books! I won Liesl and Po and can't wait for it to come in the mail!

    Here's our IMM :

    - Amanda

  7. I'm going to get your thoughts on Liesl and Po before I get that one. I love the Druid Chronicles. Atticus is amazingly funny for such an old guy. And yet he looks so young! I have Hexed and Hounded. I won't get Hammered, even though it's Thor, until I read the other two. I like the sound of Peaceweaver. I'll be looking for your review on that.

    You know how I feel about Breadcrumbs. You're going to get gushy!

    I'm sorry the River of Time series is ending but I'm sure she will write something equally amazing!

    Have fun reading Small!


  8. I love the covers for The Iron Druid Chronicles. So HAWT!

    Lots of exciting books in this stash, Smalls. Enjoy!

  9. There are a lot of these I haven't read... but I've added them to my TBR now.
    I have a copy of Liesl & Po, but I haven't started reading it yet.

  10. Awesome mailbox! Liesl and Po was so good! I hope you enjoy all of these!

  11. You got so many awesome books! I am really looking forward to Princess Ben and Sirenz. Those 2 look awesome, and I've had Princess Ben since about when it came out yet I haven't read it yet.

    The cover for Queen's Lady is gorgeous - I can't wait to read book 1 in that series.Enjoy your books :)

  12. You had a fabulous book week this week! I just finished The Mephisto Covenant and am still not quite sure what I thought, I'll be interested to read your review! Liesl & Po is another one I really want to read and I've heard nothing but good things about the Iron Druid books!

  13. Wow, lots of great books this week! Enjoy! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My IMM

  14. Great set! I can't wait to read Liesl & Po. And Torrent! Yay. I'm hoping the pub will send it to me next week. Are you doing that contest?
    My IMM

  15. New follower! Awesome mailbox. I love Jonathan Maberry books :)

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  16. Great reads this week. We have similar tastes in reading. I read The Other Countess by Eve Edwards and was excited to get my hands on the sequel. I hope it's as good.


    Happy Reading

    Wannabe Librarian's IMM

  17. will start reading Rot & Ruin this week :) great haul, happy reading!

    my IMM:

  18. WOW! Torrent ARC, i want!

    my IMM:

  19. Great books
    I can't wait to read what Liesl and Po is like!

  20. I saw your entire In My Mailbox, I swear. But everything was obliterated once I saw your ARC of TORRENT. *hyperventilates* OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD. Smalls you have to post a review up soon, I need a taste of what it's going to be like! *continues hyperventilating*

  21. WOW! You had a great week. I just loved Liesl and Po. Enjoy.

  22. Wow, you got so many books this week! I'm looking forward to Leisl and Po, too. The Mephisto Covenant...I thought it was good, but not amazing. Looking forward to hearing what you think! :)
    My IMM

  23. Really, really amazing past two weeks! Out of all your reads, I'm most excited for the MG titles you received (I love their covers too!). I'm also excited for you that you got Torrent! I plan on reading Waterfall during the September read-along.

  24. You got a nice list of books this week in your mailbox. Congrats on that ARC!
    I hope you enjoy your new books,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  25. i want to get my hands on breadcrumbs and liesl & po. awesome you got both! great collection of books this week. enjoy :)

    Visit my IMM this week.


  26. Awesome IMM! Some of the books sound great and the covers are really pretty! Feel free to check out my IMM here.

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  27. Leisl and Po looks like a good book. I haven't read the river of times series yet, but I do have the first on my kindle.

    Have a good rest of the weekend.

  28. Wow! You've had an awesome week for books!

    I really liked the Rot and Ruin books - they're what got me in to zombie books in the first place.

    Also, Sirenz keeps popping up all over the place. I'm intrigued but I've yet to bite the bullet and order a copy!

  29. got quite the stash this week. I have Dust & Decay but I haven't read it yet. Didn't know there was a stoning scene in Mephisto...hmmm now I'm really intrigued. Hope you enjoy all your books!!

  30. I hope you like The Mephisto Covenant! And yay Torrent!!! I'm almost afraid to start reading it!

  31. Oh, this is absolutely awesome!!!!
    You got Breadcrums!!!! and Princess Ben (I hope you like it, I honestly like the Dairy Queen books better, but Princess Ben was pretty good).

    Oh, I got the Pilgrims one too! I hope it's good, it sounded cute.

  32. Totally awesome IMM! I haven't heard of many of these books, except Sirenz and The Mephisto Covenant. I've heard mixed things about the latter, and that it has quite an intense SCENE in it, haha.

    I'm reading Sirenz right now, and I'm actually disappointed with it. But I hope you like it!

  33. Oooh Grave Mercy sounds good! Not overly fond of it's cover, but the story? I'm intrigued!! AH! Manuscript of Torrent?! LUCKY GIRL!! I have an ecopy but I am terrible reading off the computer. So excited to see how this fantastic series comes to an end <3 You got a lot of awesome books this week, enjoy!

  34. I'm usually not into MG, but Liesel and Po and Breadcrumbs sounds great. Happy reading!

    Win an ARC of The Predicteds by Christine Seifert

  35. Oh wow! You have a huge pile of books. Sirenz looks interesting.
    Here is my IMM:
    Don't forget the check out my two giveaways at the top of my page!
    Happy Reading :D

  36. I think I'm starting Rot & Ruin next week, so looking forward to what you think of Dust & Decay!

    My IMM is over here, if you want to check it out. :)


  37. Nice haul! I've heard great things about Breadcrumbs!

  38. Is it me, or does the Ladies in Waiting cover look similar to the Gossip Girl cover? Don't know why I even noticed that.

    Oooh, the Druid Chronicles! Can I just say, I'm crushing on the cover guy. XD


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