Friday, August 12, 2011

Recap 8/6 to 8/12

In case you missed anything, here's a recap of what was posted Saturday, August 6th through Friday, August 12th. 




 Cover Artist Spotlight: Jason Chan
(pictured is his cover for The Princess Curse, which is *my* favorite of his covers. Though that may also have something to do with my massive amounts of love for that book)

Spotlight List: Fractured Fairy Tales

What's Your Status?

A meme created by Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life where we recap our reading week. Feel free to visit her site and link up your own What's Your Status Posts. Here's how my week went:


Hounded (The Iron Druid #1) by Kevin Hearne
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

Both were great! What wonderful characters. I already have the next books in each series ready to go (just as soon as I clear off some of my "obligation" books that are shooting me dirty looks!)

Currently Reading

Entwined by Heather Dixon
(Click on the link to go to Goodreads)

I'm liking it so far, but oh how I wish I hadn't read Princess of the Midnight Ball, The Princess Curse, and The Penderwicks first. This one just isn't stacking up to those.

Miss anything last week? Click here to read a Recap


  1. Entwined has a gorgeous cover. I hope you end up liking it more. And don't you hate it when you want to dive into the next book in a series but feel you must read the obligated books.

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

  2. I loved your cover spotlight this week! =) and the post about Fractured Fairy Tales :D

  3. Hounded looks so good! Lots of action? I hope so!

  4. Nic, I love the cover for Entwined. The story is picking up more. I like it and I'm glad I'm reading it, I just don't love it like the others. Ha, yes, I hate wanting to dive into my next series book and then I remember my obligation books :( Hope you have a good weekend too!

    Alex, I'm so glad you liked them!

    Nina, Lots of action! The MC fights a lot. It was a lot of fun :)


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