Monday, August 1, 2011

Review Comparison: Die For Me by Amy Plum

Review Comparison: Die For Me

Review Comparison is a feature I do where I pull out the pros and cons of the featured book mentioned in my review and other bloggers' reviews.

Click for my original review: 

Die For Me by Amy Plum
DNF at page 120 of 341
Because this was a DNF for me, I am NOT including my review in the comparison. I primarily DNF-ed because the romance took center stage in the plot very early on and I was bored. I also didn't connect with any of the characters and I wasn't feeling the mythology.

The following bloggers kindly allowed me to include their reviews in this feature: 

The Reader Room
Everything To Do With Books
Alison Can Read: 5 out of 5
Musings of a YA Reader: 5 out of 5
Irresistible Reads: 5 out of 5
Melissa: 4 out of 5
Poetry to Prose: 4 out of 5
From the Bookshelf of T.B.: 4 out of 5
My Precious: 3.5 out of 5
Mindful Musings: 3 out of 5
Need Tea: Grade C (2 out of 5)
Ruby's Reads 1 out of 6

Please click on the links to read their full reviews!


Reviewers were almost unanimous (though not quite) in liking the revenant mythology, remarking on how unique and refreshing it was. The romance appears to be the most divisive factor, with some reviewers loving it and others thinking it commanded too much pagetime.


~Writing, Pacing and Setting~


  • "I got a strong impression of Kate and Vincent's world" (Alison Can Read)
  • "The writing is lush and rich and incredibly detailed, so much so that I can imagine myself in Paris" (Melissa)
  • "...not overly descriptive...just the right mix of imagery and simple prose" (My Precious)
  • "...smooth and easy to read. I could lose myself in the plot..." (Alison Can Read)
  • "The book captured me and I just had to finish reading it as soon as I could" (Everything To Do With Books) 
  • "Enthralling" (Musings of a YA Reader)
  • "Very exciting" (Melissa)
  • "I couldn't get enough of it. Her prose is beautiful and magnetic" (Irresistible Reads)
  • "...crisp and lovely" (Everything To Do With Books) 
  • "...great pacing...I never felt like I was trudging through the novel" (Alison Can Read)
  • "...the flow of the book was nice and smooth" (Everything To Do With Books)
  • "The pace was perfect" (Irresistible Reads)
  • "The plot was a good pace" (The Reader Room)
  • "The pace of the book is moderate to fast, but may prove to be a little confusing at the start for some readers" (My Precious)
  • "...tedious to read [because of the romance]...the main plot only emerges for like the last fifty pages or so" (Need Tea)
  • "It would be impossible to not see the familiar tropes in the story, but I felt that Amy Plum managed to give the book its own charm" (Poetry to Prose)


  • "...mysterious and romantic" (Alison Can Read)
  • "Plum makes it really easy to picture in your mind's eye the atmosphere of Paris and all the places Kate visits" (Musings of a YA Reader)
  • "...refreshing change from the usual high school setting" (Irresistible Reads)
  • "...exotic setting...I felt that this setting gave the whole book a new and intriguing feel" (Mindful Musings)
  • "[the Paris setting] was a hugely refreshing thing...added to the romantic flavor" (Everything To Do With Books) 
  • "I was disappointed not to get a taste of Paris from the writing" (Ruby's Reads)


  • "Unique" (Alison Can Read)
  • "...truly unique and intriguing" (Irresistible Reads)
  • "It felt very original...I loved the concept of the revenants" (The Reader Room)
  • "...creative and unique, especially when it came to the Revenant beings" (My Precious)
  • "...creative concept...loved the idea of revenants" (Mindful Musings)
  • "I thoroughly enjoyed the idea of revenants" (From the Bookshelf of T.B.)
  • "Woven carefully throughout the book, allowing readers to learn more about the revenants while still being engaged by the overall storyline" (Musings of a YA Reader)
  • "There were new ideas and concepts thrown in that made Die For Me stand out" (From the Bookshelf of T.B.)
  • "...put her own spin on something different...fascinating...I enjoyed getting more details on [the revenants] as the story progressed" (Poetry to Prose)
  • "...the fact that Vincent was an immortal made me roll my eyes a little, however, the way his immortality works is completely different to any other book I have ever read and I actually really enjoyed that part..." (Everything To Do With Books) 
  • "I enjoyed the mythology built up for the most's really just a fancy way of saying zombies without the whole icky stuff" (Need Tea)
  • "I really, really expected people to have lived so long to have greater wisdom" (Ruby's Reads)
  • "It was a bit hard to keep up with all the different "rules" of being a revenant" (From the Bookshelf of T.B.)
  • "Amy Plum played fast and loose with the sooner does she introduce a rule, then there's an exception" (Ruby's Reads)

    • "...highly relatable" (Musings of a YA Reader)
    • "I think readers will feel a sense of kindred or a sense of sympathy [with Kate]" (Melissa)
    • "...very easy to relate to...very easy to connect her emotions" (From the Bookshelf of T.B.)
    • "Smart, strong and genuine" (Irresistible Reads)
    • Fantastic, interesting, believable, relatable "...she has her head screwed on and she can definitely think for herself" (Everything To Do With Books) 
    • "What I loved most about Kate is she thought about the consequences before making a decision" (Irresistible Reads)
    • "[Kate is] slow and cautious...this, I think, is extremely positive" (Need Tea)
    • "I liked Kate a lot. I thought she was interesting..." (The Reader Room)
    • "The characters felt mediocre at best" (Mindful Musings)
    • "...I don't feel that I know that much about her outside of her relationship with Vincent...not particularly vibrant" (Ruby's Reads)
    Supporting Characters:
    • "...well-described, distinct personalities and play important roles in the story." (Alison Can Read)
    • "...well-developed" (Musings of a YA Reader)
    • " impressive cast of side characters" (Melissa)
    • "They were all really interesting and brought something interesting to the novel" (The Reader Room)
    • Fantastic, "...I just loved all of them as they all had their different characteristic's and their own unique place in the book" (Everything To Do With Books)
    • "...endearing and likeable" (My Precious)
    • "...realistic and sincere...creatively written and integrated into the plot line" (Mindful Musings)
    • "A mixture of reserve, bravery, kindness, intelligence, and passion..." (Alison Can Read)
    • "Gorgeous, mysterious, sweet yet sexy and has a French accent. What else could a girl want!" (Irresistible Reads)
    • "...mysterious, sexy and yes, French! I was really intrigued by him..." (The Reader Room)

      • "You could argue the romance is nothing new (although I liked it)" (Alison Can Read)
      • "The whole romance aspect...felt like the same old paranormal romance to me...[which] made it hard at times for me to keep reading because I felt like I had heard it all before" (Mindful Musings)
      • "They don't fall instantly in love, but there is an immediate connection" (Alison Can Read)
      • "...their romance takes a comfortable pace" (Melissa)
      • "They actually have time to go on a few dates before being ready to die for each other" (Alison Can Read)
      • "I would have loved to see more of their friendship, but their growing feelings for each other didn't feel all felt very genuine" (Poetry to Prose)
      • "I wasn't even a big fan of their romance, though this was due in large part to the push-pull "I love you, but I can't bear to be with you because I don't want to lose you like I did my parents" stuff" (Ruby's Reads)
      • "My only gripe is that I too felt that their "love at first sight" connection was a bit unrealistic" (Melissa)
      • "...believable and completely swoonworthy" (Musings of a YA Reader)
      • "...quite sweet...[it] had me smiling and enjoying it rather than cringing and being angry with how lame it was" (Everything To Do With Books)
      • "...delicious yet tender...lots of playful banter and yummy kissing scenes" (Irresistible Reads)
      • "[The romance] is the crux of Die For Me and it was well-written too" (Melissa)
      • "My biggest issue...stemmed from the romance piece being the backbone of the story...falling slightly short on the action" (My Precious)
      • "Die For Me revolves around the romance...and, in my opinion, the rest of the book suffered" (Ruby's Reads)
      • What really went wrong was the romance. It wasn't really insta-love per se, but the way Kate develops a crush on him is instant and all consuming. The majority of the book focused on the trials of their relationship which actually shoved the real plot to the background" (Need Tea)
      • "At times I was a little bored with all the Vincent is so gorgeous, I think I love him aspect of the story" (My Precious)

        • "If you hate those damn cliffhangers then you are going to love this beautiful ending that gave us a little something extra" (Irresistible Reads)
        • "...a very sweet and satisfying conclusion" (Poetry to Prose)
        • "The ending wasn't too cliffhanger-y" (The Reader Room)
        • "The ending was sweet and bumped this book up from being a poor read" (Need Tea)

           Did you enjoy this post? 


            1. Oh we are split over the romance. Even though I love it I can see why it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I am a complete romantic sap and just loved every minute of it.

              Great comparison. Thanks for including me :)

            2. Like Nic, I am a complete romantic sap and I adored the romance in this one. Vincent - Oooh la la! ;)

            3. I loved that break down of the book....I really loved this story and I was a complete sucker for the romance....I loved the little intense action at the end too.. ;)

            4. Awesome post, very clever idea to do this. And now I know I need to get this book! ;)

            5. Meh, I still don't know about this one.
              I don't think I like Zombies :P and I hear there are zombie-like characters in this one.


              Though Paris does tempt me.

            6. I love love LOVE these posts! They frequently help me get an overall look at a book in one place. Thanks for including me on this round!

            7. Thanks for including me. I loved the romance and so had no problems having it be such a huge part of the book. If you don't love Kate and Vincent's relationship though, then you might not like this one as much.

            8. Haha, cool. It's interesting reading other reviewers' thoughts about this book. This was kinda fun. Maybe I should participate in more of these things.

            9. I'm still on the fence with this one. Which means it'll get read probably never.

            10. Thanks so much for including me! I love your review comparisons. How long does it take you to put them together? I imagine they're lots of work. You really showcase the debate of Die For Me. Are you tempted to try it again?

            11. I was thinking of reading this one next. I kept reading glowing reviews. Now I'm wondering if I should wait around for a bit. I do have to confess that I did enjoy the Twilight saga and this one sounds very close to it. Decisions, decisions!

            12. Hmm, I think for me I tend to not like when the romance is the main driving force of a novel. I can understand why people who disagree would love this one but I'm not convinced it's for me so I think I'll skip this one. Thanks for putting this together; it was very helpful!

            13. T.B., You’re welcome. Thank you for letting me include your review! I think this was the most diverse Review Comparison yet.

              Nic, The romance does seem to be the biggest dividing factor. You’re welcome, and thanks for letting me include your review :)

              Leanna, Haha, yes, at least you only have to battle half the people for Vincent :)

              Tina, I am curious about this intense action at the end that I keep hearing about.

              Nina, Thanks! I’m so happy you found it helpful.

              Alex, They were too zombie-like for me, even though they are different from zombies. I think people who don’t like zombies may still like Die For Me.

              Natalie, Thank you! I’m so happy they help you :) You’re very welcome, and thank you for letting me include you!

              A Canadian Girl, You’re welcome! Thank you for letting me include your review. Yes, I agree, I think enjoyment really depends on whether or not someone likes their romance.

              Need-Tea, I would love it if you participated again!

              Logan, Even though I didn’t like it, it did read very easy. So if you do decide to try it you’ll probably be able to finish it real quick.

              Alison, You’re welcome! Thank you for letting me include your review. Hm, it takes maybe an hour or two depending on how many reviews there are and the length of each review. They’re actually easier than writing a review though because there’s less creation on my part. I don’t think I’m tempted to try Die For Me again :) It seems like the people who liked it liked the romance and the people who didn’t like it didn’t like the romance, and I fall into the latter group.

              Rummanah Aasi, Die For Me did remind me of Twilight in a number of ways. I’d say give it a shot. It reads very, very quickly. Before you know it you’ve read 100 pages.

              BooksforCompany, :D Glad you liked it!

              Aylee, Glad you found it helpful! I think if you don’t like the romance taking the forefront, then you might not like this one. That was the biggest problem for me.


            It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

            Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

            Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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