Sunday, September 4, 2011

In My Mailbox (26)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past three weeks. 

For Review

Ditched by Robin Mellom
This sounds sweet and funny with a little romance, which is exactly how I like my contemporary books. After reading a review for it from Alex @A Girl, Books and Other Things I'm even more sure that I'll like it.
  The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
Disease! I know, weird thing to get excited about, but there's just something about disease books that fascinates me. This one's a post-apoc/dystopian. They seem to be pretty hit or miss for me, so I'm hoping I like this one.

Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2) by Jennifer Estep
I really liked the first book Touch of Frost, which introduced snarky but sweet Gwen and her world of Amazons, Valkyries, Spartan warriors, gods and goddesses. I cannot wait to get more action and adventure with Kiss of Frost. I hope there's a lot more Vic (the most awesome talking sword ever)!

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
I loved The Body Finder and I really like the cover for The Pledge so what more do I need? I hope there's a Jay-like character!

Castle of Shadows by Ellen Renner
A missing queen, a mad king, a revolution brewing, an unfinished letter riddled with clues, political intrigue, and a plucky princess determined to solve the mystery of her missing mother and set the kingdom to rights. This one is MG and sounds right up my alley.

Just Your Average Princess by Kristina Springer
 I WoW-ed this one a few weeks ago, so I was super happy to find it in my mailbox yesterday! I like my contemporary books light, funny, and with a dash of sweet romance, which is exactly what Just Your Average Princess sounds like it will be!

Thank you Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Jennifer Estep; Disney-Hyperion; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Simon and Schuster; and NetGalley!


Divergent by Veronica Roth
Thank you Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life

I've heard soooo many good things about this book! It seems like the kind of dystopian I like. That is, fast-paced and not dreary. I'm so happy to have won a copy!

Clarity by Kim Harrington
Thank you Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life

I've already read, reviewed, and written up a Review Comparison for Clarity. I'm happy to own a copy of my own now, especially with the sequel coming out in March.

Zakiya also threw in a bunch of cool swag!

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
Thank you Shannon from Stalking the Bookshelves

I was swept away by Victoria Schwab's debut and so I was overjoyed when I won a copy from Shannon. But Shannon didn't stop there! She attended a book signing with Victoria Schwab and had my book personally signed! She also stuck in a signed bookmark from Beth Revis of Across the Universe fame and a few more bookmarks. SO made of awesome!

The Julian Game by Adele Griffin
Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin
Where I Want to Be by Adele Griffin
Tighter by Adele Griffin 

All of these came from Adele in multiple packages of awesome! Big hugs and kisses to Adele! It was one big squee after another. And then more squees after I peeked inside and saw that each and every one is signed with different messages! Now I have them happily sitting on my actual Special Shelf.

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

This was a library donation that I grabbed since we already have a library copy. I'm not really sure if I'm going to like this book since I've heard pretty mixed reviews. But, I'm intrigued by the premise and, I have to admit, that red dress on the cover (for shame! I know! I had zero interest until that paperback cover was released). Sorry, I forgot to take a picture!

Love's Magic by Traci E. Hall
This has been on my TBR for a while so I grabbed it when I saw it was free for Kindle. It's still free if you're interested!


Viking Warrior (The Strongbow Saga #1) by Judson Roberts
 I got a hankering for some historical fiction. Or, ok, more honestly, I wanted to follow around a hot viking warrior for a little while. Look, he has a sword! This is a YA series.

Hammered (The Iron Druid Chronicles #3) by Kevin Hearne
I love, love, love this series! This is the last published book in the series (next comes out in April 2012) and I've been holding off reading it because I don't want it to be over! I fly through these books, laughing my butt off the whole way through. This is an adult series.

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 
Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books!


  1. Awesome IMM this week! I loveloveLOVED Divergent and I've been super curious about Ditched and The Near Witch. I hope you enjoy them all!

  2. I LOVE Divergent and can't wait to see what you'll think of it! Hope you'll enjoy Divergent as much as I did. :D

  3. Great stack of books! I really want to read the Mythos Academy series. Happy reading Small :)

  4. What a fabulous IMM! Divergent is indeed fast-paced, one of those intense reads that will keep you flipping the pages to find out what happens (or at least, that's what I did!) The Way We Fall looks really interesting, I'd like to know what you make of that one (the author is Canadian! :D)

  5. OMG you've had a fabulous few weeks for books! Congratulations on your wins and those books from Adele are awesome!

    You reminded me that I forgot to add The Way We Fall to my IMM. I got it off netgalley early this week. Fancy forgetting it! Doh.

  6. You're going to LOVE Divergent, I'm sure of it! It's a great dystopian, and there's no rubbish love triangle either. Win!

    I can't wait to see what you think of The Pledge. I love Kimberly Derting's writing, and I'm sure this is going to be fantastic!

    Books of Amber

  7. Still thinking about reading the Pledge so I'll be looking forward to your review. :)

  8. Kind of dystopian is right for Divergent. I am so anxious to see what you think of it!!

  9. You haven't read Divergent?? I hope you like it, it was so good!! I can't wait to read Touch of Frost and The Pledge.
    Enjoy all your books!

    Laura @ Laura @ All of Everything

  10. Ditched does sound really cute! So does Just Your Average Princess. I've been spending too much time reading paranormal - I need something fun and sweet and lighthearted.
    Happy Reading!
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  11. Ditched looks really cute! I hadn't heard about Just Your Average Princess, but I really liked the author's other book. I'm really looking forward to reading The Pledge, also! You got a great set of books this week, Happy Reading!
    New follower :0)

    Sarah @ The Book Life

  12. I really want to read The Pledge the concept of society stratified through language is well documented in history and I am excited to see what the Derting has done with it ^.^

  13. *grins*

    Thanks for the shout out, :) I hope you enjoy Ditched.
    I need to read some Adele Griffin soon, since you like it so much and I think I'll like the Julian Game, crazy cover and all.

    Can't wait to hear what you think of Divergent since I've been thinking it might be the one dystopian I read this year.


    Have a great, reading week!

  14. So, I won't even try to comment on what I can't wait to read/get myself, since it's pretty much your whole IMM! And awesome IMM it seems like to me. :D Enjoy! My IMM can be found here!

  15. Very nice mailbox! I totally love the Druid series!! He's so funny and cute, but definitely adult. Adele sent you a great package of books!!
    I want to know about The Viking Warrior-I love Vikings!


  16. GREAT books! Ooooh and HAMMERED is *not* the last book!! 4 and 5 are coming out in 2012, and 6 is in 2013! Yeah, at least 6 books now!!

    I still have to read the 1st one. I've had it a while now!

    You received some fab gifts. Congrats!

    I didn't realize that Touch of Frost was so heavy on the mythology. I thought it was paranormal. I want to read this now!!

  17. I love the look of Just Your Average Princess, I really hope you enjoy it and I look forward to seeing what you think of it! Good book picks this week!

    Check out my IMM here -

    Emma @

  18. Smalls, you are REQUIRED to love Divergent. I just don't see any possibility to the contrary. You're reaction to it, I hope, will NOT disappoint.

    I really, really want to read The Pledge. Derting's The Body Finder series is supposed to be amazing (sadly, I haven't read those yet), but this one looks and sounds fantastic.

    I'm so mad, I lost out on a chance to read The Near Witch, and everyone seems to be loving it, including you. I'll have to hunt it down in the library!

    Enjoy your loot!

  19. The Way We Fall sounds great to me too! Lots of great books for you over the past weeks.

    Check out our Mailbox at Book Sake.

  20. At least three of this books are on my wishlist, but I have a huge TBR right now and they'll have to wait.

    Happy Reading!

    Psique @ Book Travels.

  21. Really want to read Jennifer Estep's YA series! That world seems amazing.

    Awesome books this week!

  22. The cover for Just Your Average Princess is too funny! Lol! You got some great books this week -- I'm really excited to read The Way We Fall, and I thought Divergent, Clarity and The Near Witch were great!

  23. Wow!

    What a week! I really enjoyed A Reliable Wife, even though it's not my normal fare.

  24. Stephanie, I can't wait to read Divergent! I usually agree with you, so now I'm even more excited!

    Vy, I hope I do too!

    Nic, Oooh, I can totally see a book boyfriend post after you read Mythos Academy! I can't wait to see what shirtless man you choose :P

    Danya, That's what I keep hearing about Divergent, and I love it! I'll be sure to let you know about The Way We Fall.

    The Slowest Bookworm, Thank you! Oooh I can't wait to compare notes on The Way We Fall!

    Amber, Oh excellent! I am so relieved you said there's no love triangle :P I have high hopes for The Pledge!

    Cialina, I hope to have it up soon, but I'm thinking later is more likely (I'm drowning in books!)

    Lah, Me too!

    Laura, Nope! I somehow missed it even though almost every review I've seen is glowing. You should definitely read Touch of Frost! I was surprised with how much I loved the characters.

    Megan, Thank you for following! I hope you enjoy your time here at Small Review :) Ditched and Just Your Average Princess sound like just the thing for you then. They're both on the shorter side too, which I love.

    Sarah, Thank you for following! I hope you enjoy it here :) I didn't realize the author of Just Your Average Princess had also written the Espressologist (sp??), but when I found out I got really excited.

    Sniffly Kitty, I know, doesn't it sound fascinating? I wish I knew real-world examples so I could compare. I know only surface level stuff.

    Ashley, Thanks!

    Alex, You're so welcome :) Yes you do need to read some Adele Griffin! :P She writes all these characters who I don't like but she makes me like them anyway. Oh don't wait on me for Divergent. I'm so totally swamped with books now and all with due dates (I feel like I'm back in school with all these deadlines!)

    Rebecca, haha thanks!

    Heather, Thanks! Oh my gosh, you've read the Iron Druid books?? We SO need to chat about them! Haha I will keep you updated on that viking :)

    A Backwards Story, I know!! But I don't want to wait all the way until April 2012 for more Atticus :) I'm soooo happy this is going to be a long series though. I hope there's even more than six. I hope you love it! Oh yes, Touch of Frost is all about gods and goddesses. I think you'll like it!

    Emma, Thank you! It looks really cute.

    Asher, hahaha yes ma'am! I'd better like Divergent now :P I loved the first book in The Body Finder series (I have the second book but haven't gotten a chance to read it yet). Jay is sa-wooon! Aw, I think you'll like The Near Witch, but at least now you can buy/library it!

    Book Sake, Thank you!

    Psique, Haha, I hear you on the huge TBR! I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to read these books.

    Dazzling Mage, It's such a cool world! The characters are what really make it for me. They're all so great.

    Casey, Isn't it adorable? I hope you read The Way We Fall first so I can read your review :)

  25. I bought TOUCH OF FROST today! And how did I overlook that you got THE PLEDGE? I am so freaking jealous right now!!!! *dies*

  26. Great IMM :)

    I'm a new follower :D Love the blog so far!

    Stop b my blog if you have a chance ;)

  27. Oh wow!
    So many here I want to read.
    The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe sounds awesome =)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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