Monday, September 5, 2011

The River of Time series giveaway!

I know, I know, you probably think I'm a broken record by now with all the River of Time talk I've been doing around here. Does it make it a tiny bit better that I'm giving things away?

The thing is, I read a lot of books, but very few of them move me to become a hardcore cheerleader for them. The River of Time series is one of those rare few that makes me practically desperate to get the word out.

Plus, I want more books in this series to be published and the only way I can get more is with your help!

How can you help?
Easy peasy. Enter this giveaway! Here's what you have to do:

Show me one way you have promoted The River of Time series.

Did you buy a copy? Hooray!
Snap a picture of your receipt or book and send it to me! (You can cross out the personally identifying info)

Did you write a review for one of the books in the series? Awesome!
Send me the link(s)!

Are you hosting a giveaway for one of the books?
Send me the link!  

Take part in Waterfall Wednesdays?
Send me the link to you post! (Each post counts as a new entry, so send me a link for each Wednesday you participate!)  

Do you have skills with photoshop?
Make a button for this giveaway! 

Did you push a copy onto your mother/sister/best friend? Wonderful!
Tell me about it! Did they like it? Snap me a photo of the book you gave them (if you can) and send it to me!

Did you call your local bookstore and beg them to stock the series?
You're amazing!
Take a picture of the books on the store's shelves and send it to me! 

Did you convince your local library to order the series for their collection? 
You rock!
Snap a photo of the books all tagged up with your library's labels (you can hide the actual library's name if you don't want to reveal your location) and send it to me!

Did you make a Waiting on Wednesday or other kind of post about the series?
Send me the link(s)! 

Do you use Twitter or Facebook?
Spread the word about this giveaway or a River of Time review and send me the link!  

Did you get your book club to read one of the River of Time books? Yay!
Take a photo of your group with the book and send it to me!

Did you slip a River of Time bookmark or "Read The River of Time!" note into a random library book? Leave a River of Time bookmark on a table in a coffee shop? Slip one in a random locker at school? Get creative!
Snap a photo and send it to me!

The sky is the limit! You can do as many of these things (or any other method you can think of) as many times as you want. Be creative!

Looking for more ways to spread the word? CLICK HERE for buttons, video trailers, and chapter excerpts you can grab!

Each time you do something to promote The River of Time and send me some sort of proof, you'll be entered for another chance to win! So the more you promote, the better your odds of winning!

But wait, what can you win?

These prizes just got epic thanks to the total awesomeness and generosity of Lisa T. Bergren!

--1 person will win a complete set of the trilogy 
(signed if in USA; unsigned if international)

--1 person will win a River of Time Tribe t-shirt 
(USA & Canada only) 

--3 people will win one book of their choice from the River of Time (Waterfall, Cascade or Torrent, International)

--30 people will win a signed bookmark 
(USA only)

Need a little more encouragement?
Click here to read an excerpt from the potential fourth book!

Fill out this form to enter!

Info for the giveaway:
  • You MUST do something to promote The River of Time series to enter!
  • You can fill out the form each time you do something to promote The River of Time OR you can fill out the form once with all of the things you did. Either way is fine.
  • You do NOT have to be a follower
  • See individual prizes for international or US/CA only requirements
  • You must be 13 years of age or older
  • Your address is not required, but including it will help with sending the prizes out to you sooner
  • You will have 24 hours to reply to my email before a new winner is chosen
  • The giveaway will close September 28th. The winners will be announced Friday September 30th in the Recap post


  1. I haven't read this series yet but I definitely have to with such glowing endorsement!

  2. Belle, Oh you should! I think you would definitely love it (those guys! *swoon*)

  3. Okay Small, I made a blog post about your contest, I even made a video to show you I bought all three books! And I'm sick! I posted links to reviews and a link to Lisa's Website.
    And promised to have a fun giveaway if I win the signed copies. But you know me, I don't know how to do the links so here's what I got for you.

    Blog post about contest w/video-

    And my IMM even had two of the books in it-

    Then my Friday Loves post was about the series so here's that post-

    And my Waterfall Wednesdays Answers-

    I will also tell the school librarian about these so she can suggest it to the girls. I have not visited our library yet (local) but will make sure they carry it. It should be a hit with them. I also know just the girl to suggest the series to, to get the story to spread through the school. But I haven't done that yet, and I don't want to give up my books. So they have to get their own.

    Anyway, I will be entering your contest. I just realized I probably have to put all this on a form. Shoot! Okay, I will!! Thanks for letting me know!!


  4. You're the bomb. But the giveaway compels me to say that, of course. :-)

  5. Oh my gosh Heather! You are SO embracing the spirit of this giveaway. Thank you so very much, from the bottom of my heart :)

    Lisa, Naturally :P Thank you so much! This giveaway wouldn't have been half as epic without you (or, well, it wouldn't have BEEN without you to write the books, but you know what I mean!)

  6. I also just tweeted it and someone has already retweeted it for me!

    Signed copies of River of Times Series, bkmarks, t-shirt @ Now until Sept 28th Waterfall, Cascade,Torrent Lisa Bergren

    That's what it said for you Small!

    I'll retweet it as I remember. I can just copy my tweet daily. I can maybe fit retweet in there somewhere. But hopefully others will retweet so it will go to their followers. I also say the Story Siren is giving away a copy of the Series. Just missed it! The more copies I have the more I can hand out to locals!

    I really must go to bed!

    Night ladies!!


  7. All right four more links and I swear I'll stop. To my facebook page, I linked the giveaway and all three of your reviews, Small! That's it for tonight. I swear!

    Love to you both,

  8. Thanks for this awesome give away. Never actually heard of these books but I would love to win them and share it to my community :)

    Here is my fb fan page :)

    and my blog :)

  9. Aaaah I love it! Thank you so much everyone! Just make sure you fill out the form with your entries, otherwise they won't count!

  10. Hey Small-
    Every day that I do something more, do I fill out the form again with just the new stuff? Like I tweeted twice today and tomorrow I'll be in Waterfall Wednesdays and tweet again.
    Should I just fill out the form with the links again?


  11. I LOVE these books and have been promoting them as much as I can. I got pretty much my entire family hooked (even my brothers!) and they convinced THEIR library (in SD) to get them and I told the teen librarian at my library to get them (WA).
    I'm always telling people to get these books and doing what I can to spread the word.
    This contest is AWESOME! My internet is extremely slow though so I'm not sure if I'll have enough patience to grab all the links I have. I'll continue with all my promoting either way though because I think these should get into the hands of EVERYONE!

  12. This is such an amazing giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win :) I really can't wait to wait to read this series!

  13. Cool giveaway!

    I was wondering about this: "Leave a River of Time bookmark on a table in a coffee shop? Slip one in a random locker at school? Get creative!
    Snap a photo and send it to me!"

    How do you get bookmarks to pass out? Or did you make your own?

    Thanks in advance!

    I got "Waterfall" for my computer's Kindle app when it was free on and I enjoyed it, so I'd love to try and win the actual books. =D

  14. I've spoken to Buried in Books already, but if anyone else has the same question, here is the answer: Yes! Please fill out the form each time you do something. So if you tweet on Monday, fill out the form on Monday. If you tweet again on Tuesday, fill out the form again on Tuesday.

    Thanks for your enthusiasm guys! I love it!!

    Lady DragonKeeper, If you happen to have a bookmark (from the author, a giveaway, etc), then you could leave it somewhere for entry. Unfortunately I only have enough signed bookmarks for the winners of the giveaway. If you made your own bookmark for the series and left it somewhere that would totally count as an entry though! Just send me a picture :)

  15. Oi, I hate not having internet - I almost missed reading this post. I will promote on my next two Waterfall Wednesday Posts!

  16. I have just begun the series and absolutely adore it. I definitely want more!

    I have promoted it the following ways:

    Waterfall Wednesdays: Posted several times to (this is where I posted from my Kindle that I finished Waterfall. I have major privacy settings, but if you can't see it, it also has a link to it on Amazon)

    twitter is homemaker101 and I have tweeted about the book numerous times, but again I am private. I have tagged @LisaTBergren each time .

    Plus each time I use getglue it posts directly to FB and Twitter.

    I have 360 friends, so you can only imagine how many times I have shared the book with each of them.

    Staci :)

  17. So glad you are having this giveaway! I just read Waterfall and I have to get my hands on Cascade and Torrent!

  18. You're both making my day with all of your River of Time enthusiasm! I love it, thank you!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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