Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Historical Fantasy Jubilee comes to an end

Like all good things, the Historical Fantasy Jubilee has come to an end. Below you'll find a recap of all of the posts and giveaways. If you haven't entered the giveaways yet, don't worry! You have until December 7th to enter all of the giveaways linked below. Feel free to comment on any of the posts as well. We're all about friendly conversation and there's no such thing as a post too old to comment on!

I hope you have enjoyed the event as much as we have, and on that note we wanted to thank everyone who has made this event possible.

First and foremost, we would like to say a gigantic THANK YOU to all of the authors and publishers who have participated in this event! The Historical Fantasy Jubilee would never have happened without their contributions, enthusiasm, and support. Thank you to:

Random House Children's Books
Sourcebooks Fire
Tor Teen
St. Martin's Griffin
Simon & Schuster
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Please see the sections Author Interviews and Author Guest Posts below for a full listing of all the amazing participating authors (who we are showing with profuse thanks and lots of fangirly squees!)

We would also like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of YOU! 

Whether you commented or quietly read, we totally appreciate your involvement. Extra hugs and thanks to those of you who really threw yourselves into this event by spreading the word through blog posts, tweets, and adding our buttons to your sidebars (feel free to keep them for as long as you'd like!) The Historical Fantasy Jubilee wouldn't have been anywhere near as magical without all of you!

We have one more tiny favor to ask of you. We would truly appreciate some feedback on our event and would be grateful if you filled out our SURVEY so we can make our next event even better (Next event? Yes. Next event!)

We'll even bribe you with an extra entry in one of our Historical Fantasy Jubilee giveaways (you can pick which giveaway)!

I would also like to thank Ruby for asking me to be her co-host. The Historical Fantasy Jubilee has been a number of firsts for me and I am honored to have shared them with Ruby. I can't laud her enough. If you are still unfamiliar with Ruby and her amazing blog (really? Where have you been??) I urge you to check out Ruby's Reads. You really can't go wrong with a princess who loves chocolate and sparkles, has a killer sense of humor, and recognizes the value of shirtless werewolves.

Miss a post in our Historical Fantasy Jubilee? No worries! Here's a complete listing of every fantastic post and giveaway--and it's never too late to join the fun! 

Author Interviews

Lauren Baratz-Logsted (Small Review)
Leigh Bardugo (Ruby's Reads)
Elizabeth C. Bunce (Small Review)
Stephanie Burgis (Small Review)
Gail Carriger (Ruby's Reads)
Susan Dennard (Small Review)
Jaclyn Dolamore (Small Review)
Marissa Doyle (Ruby's Reads) (second interview) 

Sonia Gensler (Small Review)
Adele Griffin (Ruby's Reads)
Kiki Hamilton (Ruby's Reads)
Merrie Haskell (Small Review)
Leanna Renee Hieber (Ruby's Reads) 
Robin LaFevers (Ruby's Reads)
Eve Marie Mont (Small Review) 
Sharon Shinn (Ruby's Reads)
Laura Whitcomb (Ruby's Reads)
Emily Whitman (Ruby's Reads)

Author Guest Posts

Inspiration from the Road and Research by Lisa T. Bergren (Small Review) 
Photo Inspiration by Lisa Brown (Small Review)
Why Do You Hate Ancient Romans So Much? by Stephanie Dray (Small Review)
What You Should Wear on a Date with Your Zombie Beau by Lia Habel (Ruby's Reads)
All the Voices in My Head by Robin LaFevers (Small Review)
Happily Ever After by Juliet Marillier (Ruby's Reads)
Top 7 Reasons I Love Writing Historical Fantasy by Saundra Mitchell (Ruby's Reads)
My Book Boyfriends (+ Born Wicked excerpt) by Jessica Spotswood (Ruby's Reads)
Handy Tips for Looking Like You Belong in 1240 by Emily Whitman (Small Review)

Book Reviews

Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore (Small Review)
Dark Passage (Dark Mirror No. 2) by M. J. Putney (Ruby's Reads)
Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber (Ruby's Reads)
The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton (Small Review)
The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton (Ruby's Reads)
Fateful by Claudia Gray (Small Review)
Fateful by Claudia Gray (Ruby's Reads)
Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray (Small Review) 
Song of the Nile by Stephanie Dray (Small Review)
Song of the Nile by Stephanie Dray (Ruby's Reads)
The Revenant by Sonia Gensler (Small Review)
Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos by R. L. LaFevers (Small Review)

Joint Review: Princess of the Wild Swans by Diane Zahler (Small Review)
Joint Review CONTINUED: Princess of the Wild Swans by Diane Zahler (Ruby's Reads)

Book Lists

Historical Fantasy on My TBR (Small Review)
More Historical Fantasies on My TBR (Small Review)
5 Historical Fantasies I Can't Believe I Haven't Read (Ruby's Reads)
Honorary Historical Fantasies (Ruby's Reads)

Discussion Posts

Are you a genre slob or stickler? (Small Review)
If you tell me you don't like historical fantasy, I'll refuse to believe you (Ruby's Reads)
5 Reasons I Love Historical Fantasy (Small Review)
So What About Steampunk? (Ruby's Reads)
Write these historical fantasies, please? (Small Review)
Historical Fantasy Needs More of These (Ruby's Reads)

Cover Posts

Kinuko Craft: Historical Fantasy Cover Artist Extraordinaire (Ruby's Reads)
Cover Review: Grave Mercy (Small Review)
First Impressions (1) (Small Review)
First Impressions (2) (Small Review)
Historical Fantasy Books that Make Me Glad I Bought My Kindle (Ruby's Reads)

Other Awesome Posts

Why I Dare Small Review to Read Juliet Marillier (Ruby's Reads)
(Challenge accepted and MET!)

(all giveaways close on December 7th) 
(International giveaways are bolded)

Angels of Darkness by Sharon Shinn + Various authors (Ruby's Reads) 
Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore (Small Review)
Bewitching Season and Betraying Season by Marissa Doyle (Ruby's Reads)
Dearly, Departed (Ruby's Reads) 
The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton (Ruby's Reads)
The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb (Ruby's Reads) 
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers (Ruby's Reads) 
Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis (Small Review)
Liar's Moon by Elizabeth C. Bunce + swag (Small Review) 
Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown + t-shirt (Ruby's Reads)
Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown + t-shirt (Small Review)
The Princess Curse by Merrie Haskell (Small Review) 
Princess of the Wild Swans by Diane Zahler (Ruby's Reads)
The Revenant by Sonia Gensler (Small Review)
A River of Time book of your choice by Lisa T. Bergren (Small Review) 
Song of the Nile by Stephanie Dray (Small Review)
A Theodosia Throckmorton or Nathaniel Fludd book of your choice by Robin LaFevers (Small Review)
The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted (Small Review)
The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell (Ruby's Reads)
Wildwing by Emily Whitman (Small Review)

Prize Pack #1
Prize Pack #2
Prize Pack #3
2012 Debut Prize Pack 

Extra entry in a giveaway of your choice for filling out our feedback survey! 

You haven't seen the last of us! 
Yup, the wondrous duo of the Princesses Small and Ruby will continue to connive, collude, conspire, collaborate, and cahoot. 
About what, I can't say. 
Just know, we'll be back.

(And you can help make the next event even better by clicking here and sharing your feedback with us!)


  1. Congrats on finishing such a huge endeavor! I need to go back and read the posts I missed. Aren't you glad it's done? I'm glad Totally Twilight is over.

  2. Oooh please do it again soon! I really enjoyed it. :)

  3. This event was a blast!! Thanks so much for putting such a lot of effort into highlighting an awesome genre :) I would definitely love to see it become an annual thing if you guys are so inclined :D

  4. Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this event! You ladies did an incredible job. I already got a huge list of books I can't wait to read. Thanks!

  5. Alison, Thank you! Whew, yes, I am glad it is done. But NOOOO I will miss all of it! I had so much fun. :) I loved your Totally Twilight event too!

    Primrose, Yay! We will be back, I promise :)

    Danya, I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Annual for historical fantasy, or annual "genre" event? I would love to do both.

    Rummanah, I'm so happy you did! Thank you so much :) I hope you enjoy the books we added to your TBR as much as you enjoyed the event!

  6. I can only imagine how much thought and effort went into this event. You ladies rocked it!

  7. *cries uncontrollably* Why do all good things have to end? I say this is severely unfair and request this not be the case!

    I really enjoyed this event, Small! I loved reading all the interviews and reviews. I found so many good historical books and my TBR has jumped ridiculously high. LOL!

  8. Congrats, you both did awesome jobs with this event! :D

  9. This seemed like quite the feat to put together! To have written so many posts, none of them filler, is truly impressive! So congrats! I only wish I had been able to comment more. I'm bookmarking the survey now to fill out soon.

  10. This was an awesome event, dear!!!
    You and Ruby should be very proud!
    I need to check out some of the posts I missed! =) But I'll get to that tomorrow once my brain decides to wake up again :) LOL

  11. Amazing! What a lot of work you've put into this! Congratulations, and enjoy your short break!

  12. Holy Moly, what a Huuuuuge project! I don't know how you did it! I'm looking forward to exploring all these links.

  13. Aaaaaaaawwwwww! You are all bringing sloppy tears to my eyes :D I am SO happy you've all enjoyed it so much. Thank you!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

Spam WILL be deleted. Attacks on myself or other comments WILL be deleted.