Thursday, December 1, 2011

Small Hiatus

I'll be back again on Sunday with the no-self-control mailbox I've accumulated throughout the month of November. 
See you then!

In case you're going through Small-withrawal (perfectly understandable), you can check out all of the posts from the month-long
(lots of giveaways still going on!)

or you could help make the next event even better by
sharing your feedback!



  1. No! No hiatus. Bad Small! I'll miss you until Sunday.

  2. Lately the word "hiatus" has been making me sad. Who knows why, but I digress...

    Have a good break!

  3. Just please come back!! We'll miss you Small!


  4. Huh. A hiatus sounds soooo good right about now. I will take one at Christmas. Remind me to take one at Christmas because the last time I said I'd go on hiatus I, well, didn't.

    And you think you miss Small? Not as much as me!

  5. Have a good break!!
    And I can't wait for your no-sefl control IMM!

  6. Aw, thank you all for your sweet words! It always feels good to know you'll be missed. :)

    Heather, I will of course come back! I'm already working on January's posts!

    Ruby, I will remind you :) We'll need a break to plan our next event!

    Asher, I wish it were somewhere fun! At first it was just to recharge my batteries and catch up on commenting after the Historical Fantasy Jubilee, but now it's turned into recover from this cold/flu bug I caught. :( NO fun! (I'm also coincidentally reading a book now about an outbreak of a mysterious disease!)


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

Spam WILL be deleted. Attacks on myself or other comments WILL be deleted.